American exorcist god.

Chapter 106 Beauty is like a knife

Chapter 106 Beauty is like a knife
A crowded train station,

"Sir, please show your ID!"

Xu Yi had just stepped through the security gate, and a harsh beeping sound sounded. The security guards quickly gathered around, their hands on the guns at their waists, and they stared at Xu Yi warily.

Xu Yi was unmoved, took out a "red notebook" from his pocket and handed it to the security guard.

The security captain took the red book and checked it, then respectfully returned it to Xu Yi after a moment, "Mr. Exorcist, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Thank you very much, but now I just want to get on the train early!" Xu Yi waved his hand.

The "red book" was naturally the exorcist license issued to him by the church. When he was about to leave, Ed handed the license to him.

He could have easily evaded the search by throwing the alchemical revolver into the toy box.

But after thinking for a moment, he decided to choose "provocation" to test the power of the exorcist license. The effect was better than imagined.

The alchemy revolver must be carried with you. When items are put into the toy treasure box and then taken out for use, a "release" process is required.

If you encounter an emergency, every minute and second is extremely important and you can't afford to delay it.

The train rumbled into action, and Xu Yi looked out the window with blank eyes.

He seemed to be in a daze, but in fact he was looking at the situation in Annabelle's toy box through his symbiotic eyes.

In addition to the corpse and the exorcism tool he brought, there was one more thing in the treasure box.

It was a Japanese samurai armor.

The armor is completely red, with two sharp long horns protruding from the helmet, and blue patterns are engraved on the joints, which looks full of evil.

This is the ghost warrior's armor, a "gift" that Xu Yi picked out in the Warren couple's collection room.

No!To be precise, this armor should have been chosen by Annabelle.

There are a large number of resentful souls imprisoned in the armor. It can be imagined that the general wearing this armor at that time was holding a sharp blade and beheaded the enemies one by one.

Because of the strong resentment, the dead person could not dissipate, and finally possessed the ghost warrior armor.

In Xu Yi's opinion, there are better choices than this armor in the Warrens' collection.

After all, what is parasitic on the armor are just some ordinary ghosts, similar to the cat souls encountered on the train last time.

But for some unknown reason, Annabell had a soft spot for this armor and felt longing for it.

He hesitated for a moment and decided to believe Annabell, mainly because he didn't know what to choose.

"Annabel's intelligence is still not high enough. It would be great if she could directly tell him the reason for her choice!" Xu Yi sighed.

This ghost samurai armor was accidentally encountered by the Warrens during their "business trip" to Japan. Ed was not very clear about the origin of the ghost samurai armor.

Xu Yi also asked about the situation in Japan.

"Japan? It's amazing that so many weird evil spirits can be born in such a small place!"

These are the exact words of Ed's evaluation.

"Maybe I can go to Japan if I have a chance!" Xu Yi thought.

There are evil spirits everywhere, which is very unfriendly to ordinary people, but for Xu Yi, it may be a treasured place for leveling up.

He thought for a moment and put it all behind him.

Using the cover of his backpack, he took out the gems and carving tools from the toy box and began to write the sculptor entry.

He already had the combined entry "Spell Puppet Master", Puppetry and Necromancer, except for the last entry of Sculptor.

[Sculptor, current progress is 48/100]

"It's almost here! It's almost here!" Xu Yi felt hot in his heart.

With his sculpting talent, it won't take long to fill up the entries, and then he can synthesize new advanced entries.

"Spell Puppet Master? I wonder if Annabelle's strength can be improved to a higher level?" Xu Yi was looking forward to it.

As night fell, the train finally arrived in New York.

"Is the beauty alone?" Xu Yi just stepped out of the platform and instantly spotted a moving figure and walked over quickly.

The bald man next to him glanced at Xu Yi with disdain.

Don’t think that just because you look human-like, you can successfully strike up a conversation!

Ever since this girl appeared on the platform, she has attracted the attention of countless people, including elegant business elites and energetic handsome sportsmen.But without exception, they all collapsed in front of this girl and ran away in confusion.

There was even a little gangster who coveted the girl's beauty and wanted to use force on her, so he directly started to pull her.

The bald man wanted to act bravely, but what happened next almost made his eyes pop out.

The girl's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. She grabbed the gangster's wrist and twisted it hard. Because of the close distance, he even heard the sound of fracture.

But it wasn't over yet. Facing the young gangster who was screaming for mercy, the girl's expression remained unchanged and she whipped the young gangster on the head with her whip.

The little gangster fainted and fell to the ground, and it took him a while to wake up.

The girl didn't even take a breath after finishing dealing with the gangster. She obviously had some remaining strength. He even suspected that if the girl had used all her strength, the gangster might have been dragged to the crematorium.

After the shocking scene, no one dared to strike up a conversation. Unexpectedly, someone who was not afraid of death came here.

The boy actually reached out his hand and wanted to hug the other person.

The bald man sneered again and again, as if he could already see the other party's miserable end.

But what happened next made him doubt his life a little, and his face looked like he had seen a ghost.

The girl was held in the arms of the boy, with a shy face and no resistance at all. She even turned her head sideways to make it easier for him to hug her.

"Can you really do whatever you want if you are handsome?" The bald man looked at Xu Yi's face with sadness and anger in his heart.

"Let's go! Beauty, I'll treat you to a midnight snack!" Under the stunned gaze of everyone, Xu Yi took the girl and left gracefully.

Xu Yi smiled and looked at Maria beside him.

The other party is wearing a chiffon white dress today, standing tall and graceful, and it feels like she is a beautiful scenery no matter where she appears.

Before coming back, Xu Yi had a phone call with Exorcism Studio.

The Holy Flame Exorcism Studio has just opened and is so busy that Ellent can't leave. Lisa also recently received an exorcism commission and can't leave.

So it was up to Maria to pick him up.

The two of them were walking by the river, the refreshing wind blowing on their faces, making people feel relaxed and happy.

They had just come out of the restaurant, and the Japanese-style izakaya, which was grilled and eaten, was very time-consuming.

Xu Yi suddenly stopped, glanced at the time, and said in surprise, "It's almost 1 o'clock in the morning. Why is it so late? It must be too late to go back, right?"

Maria didn't understand what Xu Yi meant at first, until she followed the other person's gaze and her face turned red instantly.

Not far from them, a splendid hotel still had its lights on.

"How about we stay in a hotel nearby and sleep for one night?" Xu Yi suggested.

Before Maria had time to react, she was already pulled to the front desk of the hotel by Xu Yi.

Hotels are often in a quantum entanglement state of "there are still many vacancies" and "we only have one vacancy left". But as the receptionist received the tip quietly handed over by Xu Yi, the quantum collapsed and fell backwards. By.

"Do you want to take a bath?" Xu Yi walked into the room and asked thoughtfully.

Maria's face was so red that she could breathe out hot air. She kept her head down, not daring to look directly at Xu Yi, and held the hem of her skirt tightly with both hands.

"Okay, okay..." Before she could finish her words, Xu Yi threw her onto the bed.

"You don't know how to respect teachers at all. I haven't had time to settle the debt with you last time?"

Xu Yi exhaled hot air from his mouth and landed on Maria's earlobe. Maria trembled all over, as if her body was electrified.

For the first time, he knew that the round and tight calves and the smooth and straight long legs were so lethal.

Maria huddled in Xu Yi's arms with a satisfied look on her face.

She suddenly raised her head and stared at Xu Yi nervously, "You won't want me anymore, will you?"

A certain string in Xu Yi's mind was stirred, and he seemed to smell the breath of a hatchet.

But Maria's next words made him instantly relieved, and his eyes shone with surprise.

"I don't care about sister Lisa, but you can't leave me alone!"

A very perfect science fiction plot, Xu Yi lowered his head and gave Maria a deep kiss.

"As long as you don't betray me, I will never abandon you!" Xu Yi made his promise.

(End of this chapter)

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