American exorcist god.

Chapter 107 The rain is coming

Chapter 107 The rain is coming
Xu Yi opened the hotel door and felt refreshed.

It was impossible not to feel refreshed, as he was followed by the rosy-faced Maria.

As daybreak approached, they once again had an in-depth philosophical exchange.

“This kind of activity is very beneficial to the body and mind, so we need to do it more in the future!”

As a qualified master, Xu Yi really worried about his apprentice and was always thinking about his apprentice's studies.

Maria's face, which had just cooled down, turned red again at some point, but she still nodded.

She had to admit that this special training method was very effective and her waist strength had improved a lot, making her look forward to the next special training session.

The sun was shining warmly as the two of them walked side by side on the street, preparing to take a taxi to the Holy Flame Exorcism Studio.

"When did Landu Street become so deserted?" Xu Yi looked around in surprise.

In his memory, this street was quite prosperous, with people coming and going.

Walking along Landu Street, Xu Yi frowned slightly.

After his observation, there were indeed fewer pedestrians, but more police patrols.

Regarding the police in the United States, Xu Yi usually comments, "It's past 3 p.m., let's drink tea first!"

The policemen in front of them were obviously not in the happy mood of "drinking tea first". They looked tired. This kind of high-intensity inspection work may have been going on for some time.

The police have become diligent collectively. Of course, it cannot be due to their sudden conscience. It can only be due to great pressure from above.

Xu Yi also saw many priests walking in a hurry and frowning.

"It seems that the government has realized something, but has not made it public yet. It probably wants to resolve the matter before reporting it, otherwise it will easily cause panic." Xu Yi guessed the thoughts of the senior officials.

There was a bus stop sign in front of them. Xu Yi and Maria stopped and prepared to wait for the bus here.

There are no Didi taxis now. If you want to take a taxi, apart from trying your luck, you can only take a taxi in a conspicuous place like a bus stop.

There were quite a few people standing in front of the stop sign. Xu Yi took a look and saw that they were all hard-working office workers waiting for the bus.

Standing next to Xu Yi was a middle-aged uncle with a tired look. He suddenly wanted to learn about the recent situation in New York from these ordinary people.

"Uncle, are you ready to go to work?" Xu Yi activated his conversation skills.

The other party glanced at Xu Yi indifferently and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm only 25 this year."

Xu Yi's eyes widened and he looked at the other person's bald head and weathered face. Then he saw the other person's plaid shirt and was immediately in awe, "Brother, are you a programmer?"

"That's right!" The other party straightened his back with difficulty, looking proud, attracting the envious eyes of a group of people.

Programmers today are social elites, not code workers in the future.

Xu Yi glanced at the heavy dark circles under the other person's eyes and sighed silently. He didn't expect that the job of a programmer would have been so complicated decades ago.

"Brother, listen to my advice and you should take care of yourself!" Xu Yi advised. After all, it is not easy to be a worker.

The programmer brother patted his chest and said, "My body is in great shape, there will never be any problems!"

The sun was obscured by thick clouds just now, but now the clouds have dispersed, and the sun is shining down, reflecting on a group of people waiting for the bus.

The programmer brother was the first to bear the brunt, and the golden sunshine illuminated him extremely brightly.

The other party's body trembled suddenly, and he suddenly fell to the ground, and soon passed out.

"What kind of top-notch poisonous milk is this?" Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. He said he was fine just now, but now he suddenly passed out.

"Everyone, give way! I'm a doctor!"

The programmer brother was in bad health, but luckily, there happened to be a doctor among the people waiting for the bus.

Xu Yi was watching the doctor examine the programmer. He suddenly frowned and backed away. He smelled a stench, like the rancid smell wafting from the sewers.

Are there any manhole covers for sewers near here?

He observed for a moment and discovered something that surprised him. The smell did not come from the nearby sewers, but from the programmers.

Why couldn't I smell it just now when I was standing nearby, but now I suddenly smell it?
"The high fever, coupled with physical fatigue, has caused coma. Send him to the hospital first!" the doctor said concisely.

Xu Yi is well-versed in psychology and has a good understanding of people's micro-expressions. The doctor obviously saw something, but didn't say anything.

"Another one! Many people have been in this situation recently, with high fever and then suddenly fainting!"

"Is it an infectious disease like the flu? I didn't know there were such preventive measures?"

Discussions broke out in the crowd, and they gathered together to whisper.

Xu Yi frowned slightly, I'm afraid this is not as simple as the flu virus.

He had realized that the rancid smell was not real, but his psychic ability was at work.


Holy Flame Exorcism Studio.

As soon as Xu Yi stepped through the door filled with fireworks, he met Lisa who was looking frowning. "Sister Lisa, are you going to bury the flower?" Xu Yi teased.

"Bury flowers? Why should I go to bury flowers?" Lisa was stunned when she saw Xu Yi's excitement before she could express it.

Xu Yi smiled but did not answer.

At this time, I am afraid that few people in America have read Dream of Red Mansions.

Lisa quickly put this matter behind her, with a look of surprise on her face again, and rushed towards Xu Yi, "You are finally back!"

Xu Yi hugged Lisa and felt the amazing flexibility in her body.

"Why do you feel lighter? Have you not eaten well recently?" Xu Yi weighed Lisa and put her down.

As soon as she mentioned this, Lisa sighed gloomily.

"I recently accepted a commission, but I haven't been able to successfully exorcise the demon."

"What kind of commission do you need my help with?" Xu Yi asked with a chuckle.

"Of course! The client is from our Chinatown, named Chen Lin." Lisa turned and looked out, "Look, the other party just arrived."

Outside the door, a haggard-looking man walked slowly.

Xu Yi felt that the name was a bit familiar. After recalling it for a moment, he finally remembered that the other person seemed to be the boss of a certain society in Chinatown.

It is said that the other party has an arrogant and domineering personality and is very difficult to deal with.

"Master! You are finally back. I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Chen Lin's eyes lit up when he saw Xu Yi.

He hurriedly walked towards Xu Yi and stood in front of Xu Yi with a respectful attitude. He even bent slightly to show respect.

God knows how he has been living these days. He is always on tenterhooks. His "arrogance and domineering" have long been worn away.

"Hello!" Xu Yi nodded lightly, thinking to himself, it seems that the rumors are not credible, isn't this quite polite?

Chen Lin was also observing Xu Yi. He looked at the other party's slightly cold expression and sighed secretly.

As expected, this exorcist was not very easy to deal with as rumored.

"In that case, come with me and I'll show you!" Xu Yi turned around first and walked towards the stairs on the second floor.

At this time, Arent happened to come down from upstairs, leading a few people behind him, with a tired look on his face.

"Boss, you are finally back!" When he saw Xu Yi, his eyes lit up, as if he had seen a savior.

"Let's talk tonight if you have any questions!" Xu Yi patted Arent on the shoulder.

Now is indeed not a good time to talk. After Arent noticed this, he nodded and continued to work.

In the reception room on the second floor, a round clock hangs on the wall, with golden hands spinning constantly.

The room was extremely quiet, and the sound of the pen and paper rubbing against each other was extremely clear.

Chen Lin was restless, looking at Xu Yi for a while, and then at Lisa in the corner. He was very anxious, but he didn't dare to disturb Xu Yi.

More than ten minutes ago, Xu Yi used a lighter to burn his little finger.

This kind of scene usually only appeared in the society's torture to extract confessions, but he actually felt extremely comfortable, which made him have self-doubt, was he a pervert?
After the flames burned him, he felt indescribably relaxed.

But soon, his body became heavy again, as if it was filled with heavy viscous liquid.

When Xu Yi saw this scene, he frowned, went to the workbench without saying a word, and started drawing.

Time passed and Xu Yi suddenly stopped writing.

There was another painting in front of him.

There is a large area of ​​black smear on the paper, as if the entire paper was thrown into the ink pool and the paper was soaked with ink.

Among the messy lines, he could vaguely see a half-open door, and something was peering behind the door.

That thing was obviously a human body, but it had the head of a mouse.

"Could this be the legendary sewer rat man?" Xu Yi frowned and looked at the painting.

He originally thought it was just a simple exorcism, because the cold feeling on Chen Lin's body was not strong.

It went really well at first, as the ectoplasmic flames drove away the evil spirits from the opponent's body.

But what surprised him was that after just more than ten seconds, the evil spirit came back and invaded Chen Lin's body again.

Xu Yi knew very well that this kind of method was definitely not something that ordinary evil spirits could possess.

And he also smelled a familiar smell, that smell like a stinking ditch.

"Boss, there's your phone number. It's your father!" Arent knocked on the door and walked in, interrupting Xu Yi's contemplation.

What's the matter with dad calling here at this time?He was a little curious.

(End of this chapter)

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