American exorcist god.

Chapter 108 Resurrection from the Dead?

Chapter 108 Resurrection from the Dead?
Half an hour ago, Xu Changrong was "testing the stove" in the kitchen.

The restaurant has almost been decorated. Because it is located in Chinatown, it finally chose a Chinese design, which is antique and looks very charming.

In particular, Xu Changrong was very satisfied with the clean, bright and spacious kitchen.

The so-called test stove is to turn on the stove and stir-fry some food before putting it into use in the kitchen to see if it works smoothly and whether there is anything missing.

Xu Changrong cooks sweet and sour carp, one of his specialty dishes.

He was completely immersed in cooking when a dark shadow suddenly ran into the kitchen.

Xu Changrong glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and then looked away.

He was making the last soup, which was easily burnt, so he needed to control the heat carefully and not be distracted.

But with just a quick glance, he still recognized the black shadow's identity.

"Black Carp, long time no see! Where have you been recently? You came just in time. I made your favorite sweet and sour carp."

Of course Xu Changrong knew Black Carp. When they were young, Xu Yi and Lisa often stole food from the kitchen to feed Black Carp.

Sometimes Xu Yi and Lisa go to class, and Black Carp is hungry and can’t find anyone, so he will help feed him a little.

Over time, he and Black Carp became familiar with each other. Many times Black Carp swaggered into the kitchen and took the fish away in front of him, very arrogantly.

Thinking of these, Xu Changrong smiled.

But he quickly froze because Black Carp didn't respond to him.

In the past, he could hear at least two meows from the black carp, and sometimes the black carp would even eagerly jump onto the stove, but not this time, and there was no movement behind him.

He realized something was wrong, dropped the spatula in his hand, and turned his head sharply.

It's not that Black Carp didn't want to respond, but that he couldn't. Black Carp was lying beside the door, covered in blood and dying.

What's going on here?
Xu Changrong was stunned for a moment when a black rat as big as a dog suddenly jumped out of the door.

Xu Changrong had never seen such a big rat before, and he was shocked.

But what surprised him even more was the manic and violent look in the black rat's pupils, like those of rabid dogs.

Is there still mad rat disease?
Xu Changrong couldn't think anymore, because the black rat was rushing towards the black carp, and the wounds on the black carp were probably caused by the black rat.

"Go away," Xu Changrong yelled, trying to scare away the black rat.

Usually rats are very timid creatures and would run away at the slightest noise, but the black rat in front of him turned a deaf ear and even glanced at Xu Changrong indifferently.

This black rat is not afraid of people at all!Xu Changrong's pupils shrank.

He rushed over now and it was too late to stop the black rat, but he did not panic and calmly picked up the slender boning knife on the cutting board, his eyes becoming extremely sharp.

Xu Changrong suddenly threw out the boning knife in his hand. The heavy boning knife was actually used by Xu Changrong with the lightness of a willow leaf flying knife.

The boning knife accurately hit the running black rat, nailing it to the floor.

If Xu Yi saw this scene, he would be so surprised that he could not speak.

Isn't his father just an ordinary small restaurant owner in Chinatown?How come you have such sharp eyes?Such a superb throwing technique?
"Fortunately, the technology has not deteriorated!" Xu Changrong exhaled and walked towards the Black Rat.

The black rat did not die immediately. It struggled desperately, and finally the body left the boning knife. The price was that the abdomen was cut in half, and the blood and intestines flowed all over the floor.

The black rat who has become like this actually wants to attack the black carp. I don't know what the obsession is.

"Damn mouse! This is my newly renovated kitchen!" Xu Changrong cursed and walked over, crushing the black mouse's head with his foot, and the black mouse completely stopped moving.

Xu Changrong knelt down and picked up the black carp, his face turned gloomy.

The black carp stopped moving at all, and its body gradually cooled down.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally got up and called the Holy Flame Exorcism Studio.

He contacted Xu Yi yesterday and knew that the other party would be back today. Calculating the time, it was time to go to the studio now.


Love pet rescue hospital. "Sir, are you kidding me? Why are you bringing a dead cat?"

The pet doctor took the black carp and frowned subconsciously. The cat's body was already cold.

When Xu Yi and Lisa heard the pet doctor's words, their hearts suddenly went cold.

After receiving a call from Xu Changrong, they immediately rushed to Chinatown, took the black carp from the other party, and then went to the nearest pet hospital as soon as possible.

"You try your best to treat him. If he can be saved, I will give you 10 yuan!" Xu Yi could only activate his "money" ability.

The pet doctor's eyes suddenly lit up. Not to mention a just dead cat, even if they dug out the dead cat bones from the soil, they would have to give it a try.

That’s 10 yuan!Just ask him to take off his clothes and run around in the street!
He did not doubt Xu Yi's words, because the other party's dress and temperament exuded a sense of nobility, and there was a Mercedes-Benz luxury car parked at the door, which the other party had just driven over.

The pet doctor examined the black cat, and the more he examined it, the more confused he became.

At first he thought it was some kind of expensive cat breed, but later he found out that it was just an ordinary Norwegian forest cat. The price of this kind of cat is not high.

As he continued to check, he found that the cat still had many parasites, and it was clearly a wild cat.

Why does the other party care so much about the life and death of a wild cat?

In the end, he could only conclude that he couldn't understand the world of rich people.

Xu Yi looked solemn. If it were an ordinary cat, he would be sad at most and not be so cautious. However, Black Carp is the "King of Cats" and is related to the progress of Lisa's entry.

Tears welled up in the corners of Lisa's eyes. Her feelings were more pure, and she was simply sad for the death of Black Carp.

Because of the entries, she was able to communicate with animals, making it easier for her to empathize with animals.

And in her opinion, the black carp was raised by her and Xu Yi together and was their friend.

The examination lasted for a full hour, and the pet doctor finally sighed and said, "It seems that I have no chance to earn your 10 yuan!"

These words undoubtedly gave Black Carp a death sentence.

"Thank you very much. I will pay for the inspection."

Xu Yi picked up the black carp expressionlessly and prepared to try another pet rescue hospital.

Seeing Xu Yi's persistence, the pet doctor shook his head.

Xu Yi also knew that there was little hope. The black carp in his hand was as cold as an ice cube, but he still decided to try his best.

A few hours later, Xu Yi and Lisa came to the woods behind Chinatown.

A deep pit was dug under the leafy tree, and Lisa carefully put the black carp into the pit.

Xu Yi let out a long sigh. He had teased Lisa about burying flowers in the morning, but now she was burying cats.

In the end, no miracle happened. I changed to several pet hospitals in succession, but the results were the same.

Some even thought that Xu Yi was deliberately looking for trouble. If they hadn't seen him as someone who was not easy to mess with, they would have cursed him.

"Don't be too sad." Xu Yi could only comfort Lisa dryly.

Lisa nodded and pushed the soil back into the pit, preparing to bury the black carp.

The place they chose was a place where black carp often hung out. Lisa and Xu Yi liked to feed the black carp under this tree.

Xu Yi sighed and helped push the earth, but his hand suddenly trembled and stopped Lisa.

"Wait a minute! Did the black carp's legs move just now?"

Lisa looked at Xu Yi blankly. She was indeed sad that the black carp died, but she wouldn't have hallucinations because of it, right?

Xu Yi didn't respond, staring at the black carp in the pit.

Lisa followed Xu Yi's gaze and was stunned.

It’s not an illusion, the black carp’s legs are really moving!

(End of this chapter)

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