American exorcist god.

Chapter 109 The Holy Object for Help

Chapter 109 The Holy Object for Help

Xu Yi and Lisa both stared at the black carp.

At the beginning, the black carp only twitched its hind legs from time to time, but as time passed, its hind legs, front legs, head...and finally its entire body began to twitch.

Xu Yi pushed his psychic ability to the "max" value and carefully felt the condition of the black carp.

In this unusual world, it is not impossible to revive a dead body.

But he couldn't feel anything, no wandering soul, no evil spirit, ready to invade the black carp's body.

The twitching of the black carp suddenly stopped, and Xu Yi and Lisa subconsciously held their breath.

The next second, Black Carp suddenly opened his eyes.

"Black Carp, do you still remember me?"

Lisa stared at the black carp nervously, stretched out her hand, and wanted to touch the black carp.

But she was also afraid that the black carp would be taken over by something dirty, so her hand stopped in front of the black carp and she didn't dare to take action.

But Black Carp took the initiative to move his head towards Lisa and touched Lisa's palm with his head three times in a row.

"It's really a black carp!" Lisa was surprised.

This is a game she often plays with Black Carp, which is equivalent to their secret code. If Black Carp was taken away, he would definitely not know this.

The black carp is actually alive!
Xu Yi was so surprised that he didn't understand what happened until now.

Since Black Carp woke up, he has been watching Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was a little confused. Black carp usually sticks to Lisa. Why did it change its temper today?
Black Carp lay in the pit for a while. After regaining some strength, he struggled to stand up and walked straight towards Xu Yi.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Xu Yi asked softly.

He knew that the black carp was very smart. It was the black carp that led him to find the evil spirit's lodging in Irene's house before.

Black Carp touched Xu Yi's palm with his head.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment and then realized that the other party meant to ask him to open his palms, which he did.

The black carp opened its mouth and spit out something, which fell into Xu Yi's palm. The black carp let out a cheerful meow.

Only then did Xu Yi realize that since Black Carp woke up, it had never made a cry or opened its mouth.

Xu Yi lowered his head and looked at the thing in his palm.

It is actually a leaf, which looks a bit like a mint leaf at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find the difference between the two.

The edges of the leaves are covered with a light golden color, as if they were wrapped with gold thread.

The leaf veins are also different. They are not the shape of ordinary leaves. The lines twist and overlap to form a unique symbol.

Xu Yi suddenly felt a little familiar. After thinking for a moment, he finally knew where the familiarity came from.

"This seems to be some kind of spell?"

He often engraves necromantic incantations, and of course he will feel familiar when he comes into contact with similar things.

But the incantation in front of me and the undead incantation are definitely not the same kind.

Half of the leaves have rotted and turned black, and the other half are vivid green.

Could it be that the black carp can be resurrected because of this leaf?

The leaf in his palm was obviously not an ordinary leaf, Xu Yi used his psychic ability to sense it.

His body suddenly shook and his eyes became dull.

Lisa did not disturb Xu Yi and stood guard quietly. He knew that Xu Yi had entered a deep psychic state.

The scene in front of Xu Yi changed, it was hazy, like looking out through a fogged window.

With the powerful vision of the Dark Eye, he could still see clearly what was in the fog.

It was a tree, a tree hanging upside down from the top.

Some kind of vine-like plant, its branches twisted into a ball, like a huge light green pupil.

The vines have lush branches, and the leaves are the kind spit out by black carp.There was a group of people lying under the vine tree, all twisted and twisted. These people were probably just asleep. Xu Yi could see their steady breathing.

What kind of tree is this?Where is this?
Xu Yi looked in all directions, wanting to see more things to determine his location.

But unfortunately, the surroundings of the tree were as dark as thick ink, with no light coming through, and he couldn't see anything.

Xu Yi stared into the darkness and suddenly felt creepy.

Something was peeping at him in the darkness, not just one, but thousands of peeping eyes.

He quickly shifted his gaze and looked towards the vine tree.

The branches of the vine tree suddenly moved, not caused by the wind. They danced in all directions like snakes.

Xu Yi heard the call, a very soft call, like a breeze blowing by his ears.

He listened attentively and finally heard clearly what the call was saying?
"Save me! Save me!"

Xu Yi was stunned. A tree was asking him for help?

As night fell over the earth, Xu Yi sat in front of the workbench, staring at the unknown leaves on the table, feeling as if a cat was scratching his head.

It has been a long time since this leaf was discovered.

The rotten half has turned into black water, while the remaining half is still fresh and shows no signs of withering.

After the black carp was miraculously resurrected, Xu Yi and the two took the black carp for inspection.

Of course, they chose a pet hospital they had never been to before, otherwise the pet doctors would be so shocked when they saw the black carp resurrected that they would jump up from their stools.

The result was that everything was normal, even the wounds on the black carp that were bitten by the mice had healed.

They cleaned the black carp's body, removed parasites, and bought a complete set of cat-raising tools.

From today on, Black Carp has transformed from a wild cat into an owned cat.

Xu Yi said it was impossible not to be curious about the leaves spit out by the black carp.

Can something that can bring black carp back to life be used on humans?

Although I know this hope is slim, I still can't help but imagine it.

In the afternoon, he made a special trip to visit a famous botanist.

But unfortunately, the other party couldn't identify what kind of plant it was. In the end, he could only guess that it was some kind of mutant variety of mint leaves.

Of course Xu Yi knew it couldn't be that simple, but even botanical experts couldn't identify it, so it was even harder for him to find out the identity of the leaves.

"No, that's not right!" Xu Yi felt that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

For something with such miraculous effects, you should not go to a botanist, but to an expert in occult science.

Does he know any experts in the occult?

A figure appeared in Xu Yi's mind involuntarily.

"Ed, I'm sorry to bother you so late." Xu Yi dialed the number.

After the two got acquainted, Ed was a little dissatisfied with the title "Mr. Warren" and felt it was too unfamiliar, so Xu Yi took advantage of the situation and started calling each other by his first name.

In order to recover from the sequelae caused by the Holy Eucharist, Ed will rest at home during this time and stay with Judy at the same time.

If it were in the past, the other party would not necessarily be at home.

"Don't worry about this little thing. What's the matter with you calling me?" Ed suddenly changed his voice, "By the way, the bad blood silver bullet you asked me to ask for from the church has arrived. I'll ask someone to give it to you tomorrow. Send it."

Since Ed behaved so casually, Xu Yi was no longer polite.

"I do have something and I want to consult you."

Xu Yi told about the mysterious leaf.

Ed on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, then suddenly spoke slowly, "Why does this thing you are talking about feel like a sacred object that I know?"

(End of this chapter)

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