American exorcist god.

Chapter 110 Further Concepts of “Kingdom of God”

Chapter 110 Further Concepts of “Kingdom of God”
Holy object?Xu Yi was stunned after hearing what Ed said.

He has heard of exorcism holy tools, such as the famous Spear of Longinus in the church, but what is a holy thing?Are the two the same thing?
"Don't get me wrong, holy objects are different from exorcisms. In fact, the name holy objects is not accurate. It has many other names, such as holy relics and objects blessed by gods."

Ed was like a roundworm in Xu Yi's stomach. Xu Yi didn't say anything, but Ed guessed what he was thinking.

"Do you still remember the spread of demonic thoughts I told you before?" Ed's voice suddenly changed.

"You mean, magic thoughts have a lot to do with holy objects?" Xu Yi instantly understood what Ed meant.

"It's easy to talk to smart people. Yes, usually as the demonic thoughts spread, the holy objects also come. There is some kind of strange accompanying relationship between the two." Ed snapped his fingers.

Xu Yi suddenly remembered the Chinese theory of yin and yang. One yin and one yang are called the Tao. Could it be that evil thoughts and holy objects are also two sides of the same body?
"Sacred objects are very rare and precious. Different sacred objects have different magical effects." Ed continued to explain.

"Then do you know which kind of sacred object this leaf belongs to?" Xu Yi asked eagerly.

"Because it's been too long, I kind of forgot. I'm going to check the information. Please wait a moment."

The phone was not hung up, and the sound of Ed's hurried footsteps came from inside. A moment later, the other party's voice rang again, accompanied by the sound of turning pages of a book.

"I found it! It can bring cats back to life. It has leaves like mint leaves and vines. It should be the cat spirit tree, Buster." Ed's voice was full of admiration.

"Ed, where did you get the information about the sacred objects?"

Xu Yi was full of curiosity about the so-called holy objects.

"This is one of the foundations of the Holy See, the accumulation of knowledge over many years. How about it? Are you interested in joining the church?"

Ed knew that Xu Yi was not interested, so he just teased. He continued, "There are about 108 kinds of holy objects known to the church, and the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree Buster happens to be one of them."

"Have people from the church seen Buster?"

Ed flipped through the book, "According to church records, Buster appeared once 50 years ago, but the bad news is that a plague happened to sweep across Europe at that time."

Xu Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he had a vague feeling of bad premonition.

He suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his mind and asked the question he was most interested in, "Can Buster's leaves only bring cats back to life?"

Ed shook his head and sighed from the other end of the phone, "I know what you are thinking, but unfortunately, Buster's leaves are only effective on cats, and have no resurrecting effect on other animals or humans."

Although he had expected it, Xu Yi was still a little disappointed.

"If Buster was really effective on people, the church would have gone crazy looking for it, and Buster would have become a collection in the sanctuary." Ed joked.

Xu Yi's heart moved. The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Ed's words revealed a lot of information.

First of all, there is a place called the "Sanctuary" in the church, which stores various treasures, and there are probably many holy objects as well.

Could it be that Ed’s supernatural collection room was learned from the church?Xu Yi couldn't help but complain.

"By the way, according to the records in the book, if a cat is resurrected by Buster, it will soon go into hibernation, which lasts about 6 days." Ed suddenly added.

Xu Yi was a little regretful. He still wanted Black Carp to take him to find the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree, but now it seemed that he could only wait a little longer.

"Does Buster have any other supernatural powers?" Xu Yi continued to ask.

"Buster can emit a kind of sleeping pollen that makes the subject sleep. Buster can also attract people's souls and protect them within the tree." Ed replied.

"It seems that it is indeed the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree!" Xu Yi was basically certain.

In his psychic hallucination, the group of people under Buster's vines must have been affected by the hypnotic pollen.

"Of course, Buster is most famous for his ability to suppress. Whether it is evil spirits or demons, as long as it is a dark creature, Buster can suppress it." Ed added,

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly thought of Annabelle's toy box.

In order for a toy treasure box to become a supernatural shelter, you don't have to make the toy treasure box extremely sturdy.

He can think differently.If there is something in the toy treasure box, it can suppress dark creatures, plus the "Toy Heart" rule that comes with the toy treasure box.

Under the double suppression, the slightly weaker dark creatures may not be able to resist.

In this way, can the space of the toy treasure box be prevented from being destroyed?
The more Xu Yi thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

If he could obtain the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree Buster, he would be one step closer to the Kingdom of God in his mind.

Ed saw that Xu Yi remained silent for a long time, and he suddenly lowered his voice, "I will not tell you about your inquiry about the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree."

Xu Yi felt warm in his heart. In fact, he asked Ed to ask, and he was already prepared for the church to find out.

After all, Ed's relationship with the church was so close, and the holy relic was such an important thing, it was understandable even if the other party told the church.

Xu Yi was silent for a moment and said from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you!"

"Don't be so polite, we are friends."

Ed shook his head, "Besides, holy objects are not so easy to obtain. Otherwise, the church would have brought Buster back to the sanctuary more than 50 years ago."

"Also, New York is not peaceful recently, so be careful. If it doesn't work out, you can bring your family and friends to live with me for a while. After you leave, Judy will always talk about you." Ed said nonchalantly. .

Xu Yi suddenly felt that it was great to have Ed as a friend.


After Xu Yi and Aide finished talking on the phone, they suddenly didn't want to sleep.

"Why sleep for so long while you are alive? You will sleep forever after you die!" He muttered and patted his face with cold water.

He found a large pile of drawing paper, prepared coffee in advance, and decided to have a good fight tonight.

The battle of Huo Kui's portrait begins!
Ever since the two portraits of Huo Kui were sold, things have gotten a bit out of hand. The number of people who want to buy the portraits of Huo Kui has already been queued up to [-] people.

With so many people, even if he painted day and night, it would still take more than two months.

Xu Yi is the owner of the studio and not a 996 worker, so of course he is unwilling.

Besides, he still needs to gain entry experience, so he can't waste so much time for such a small amount of money.

Fortunately, Arent had already thought of a solution.

"Things are rare and valuable, and the same principle applies to Huo Kui's portraits. Three or four a month is enough."

If this development strategy is followed, the price of Huo Kui Portraits should be increased, but Arent has a better suggestion.

"The price of the portrait of Huo Kui should be kept unchanged, or even free of charge! In many cases, money is not that important. We can treat the portrait of Huo Kui as a gift, a gift that establishes a connection with the upper class society."

Xu Yi nodded in agreement.

Connections are sometimes useless, and sometimes they are crucial.

For example, last time he found someone to apply for an antique appraisal certificate for Alchemy Revolver Messiah, so he was able to take it on the plane and return to New York smoothly.

When the laboratory starts up in the future, some high-end equipment cannot be bought with money. At that time, connections will be needed.

He already has many objects worthy of study, including the mysterious blood stains suspected to come from the church, Mary Shaw's human skin scroll, the alchemy revolver Messiah and the demon-breaking flame bomb.

"I have to find a way to build my own business empire, if for no other reason than to have a steady stream of research funds!" Xu Yi planned for the future.

The Huo Kui portrait battle lasted until midnight, and Xu Yi dragged his tired body to bed.

But soon, in his daze, he heard the piercing sirens.

(End of this chapter)

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