American exorcist god.

Chapter 111 A good opportunity to lie down

Chapter 111 A good opportunity to lie down
After Xu Yi woke up, he turned his head subconsciously and saw the Annabell doll sitting quietly on the bedside table. He slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good morning!" Xu Yi greeted.

Annabelle's eyes rolled in response.

Another advantage of owning an Annabell doll is that he has a "bodyguard" when he rests, so that he can sleep well.

Anyway, as a strange spirit, Annabell doesn't need to sleep.

Xu Yi stood by the window and looked out. Police cars were speeding past on the road. The police cars sounded their sirens and the sound was harsh.

What's going on here?
Just when he was wondering, there was a knock on the door, Xu Yi opened the door, and Arent stood outside the door, his eyes bloodshot.

"Boss, if you were given a chance to obtain 3% of the shares of Ernst Pharmaceuticals, what would you do?" Arent asked softly.

"Are you sure you are talking about the Ernst Pharmaceutical Company in New York, and not a company with the same name in a remote small area?" Xu Yi suspected that Allente was not awake yet.

As the pillar industry of New York's wealthy Ernst family, the monthly dividends are more than 3, let alone [-]%, even if it is a few tenths of a percent.

Ordinary people who own shares of Ernst Pharmaceuticals can basically be declared safe.

"Boss, do you know who the current head of the Ernst family is?" Ellente asked.

"Kane!" Xu Yi still knew this.

"Boss, do you know that Kane has two sons and a daughter? Do you know that his eldest son is named William? Do you know... is William missing?" Arent said in succession.

"You mean..." Xu Yi suddenly sat up straight, and he vaguely guessed something.

"A large number of police cars were dispatched outside, just for Kane!" Ellent continued to explain.

"Kane was kidnapped?" Xu Yi guessed.

The influence of the Ernst family can indeed mobilize so many police officers.

"I don't know about this either." Arent shook his head, and his voice suddenly changed, "But I know one thing, as long as we can find William, we can obtain 3% of the shares of Ernst Pharmaceuticals."

"Has the Ernst family issued a reward?"

Xu Yi was lying when he said he was not tempted, but he quickly thought of a new question, "Is William so important? Can a missing person notice get 3% of the shares?"

You must know that the Ernst family does not have the final say alone, even if William is the son of the head of the family.

"If it were an ordinary second generation, of course it wouldn't be worth it, but William is different. He is a true business wizard!"

Allente also looked amazed when he spoke, "William became a Ph.D. from Harvard Business School at the age of 27. After graduating from the Ph.D., he began to take charge of the family business. In just one year, the stock price of Ernst Pharmaceuticals increased by 5%. %."

Xu Yi was equally surprised. Don't think that 5% is very small. You must know that for a behemoth like the Ernst family, 5% is more than one billion.

"So boss! The opportunity has come! This is 3% of the shares of Ernst Pharmaceuticals!" Arent looked excited.

Xu Yi rolled his eyes, "What makes you think we can find William?"


The lobby on the first floor of the Holy Flame Exorcism Studio.

There are French toast sandwiches on the glass coffee table, which Maria made for breakfast.

Xu Yi was eating a sandwich, Maria was staring at Xu Yi, and Ellente was hiding in the corner with a depressed expression. He was full from eating dog food this early in the morning.

Xu Yi swallowed the last bite of the sandwich and took a sip of scented tea.

At this time, an unexpected figure appeared in his field of vision, walking straight towards him.

"Mr. Hardy, why do you suddenly think of our remote country?" Xu Yi teased.

According to the past, Hardy would definitely reply with a few words, but not this time. The corners of Hardy's mouth moved, as if he wanted to smile and agree, but he failed to laugh.

"What happened?" Xu Yi frowned. This was the first time he saw Hardy looking so worried.

"Xu Yi, I'm here to help you!" Hardy's voice was hoarse and his lips were dry. He probably hadn't drank water for a long time.

"Sit down and have a cup of tea and talk slowly." Xu Yi pulled Hadi to the sofa.

Hardy did not drink tea and started talking directly.After Hardy finished speaking, everyone fell silent. Xu Yi and Maria looked at each other, both a little surprised.

"So William is your brother, and you are the second young master of the Ernst family."

Hardy hid it so well that even his best friend didn't know the other person's true identity.

He knew that the Hardy family was rich, but he didn't expect it to be so rich.

"Why is your brother William missing? Is it because of the robbers?" Xu Yi asked aloud.

"It would be great if it was a robber!" Hardy sighed.

Xu Yi thought about it and it made sense. The Ernst family was willing to offer a reward for 3% of the shares of the pillar industry. What robber with a big appetite couldn't satisfy it?
"At first we thought it was a robber and asked many people to investigate privately. But three days have passed and we have never received any notification from the robber."

Hardy spoke quickly, "At this time we realized something was wrong, and hurriedly issued a city-wide reward and asked the police to launch a large-scale search."

Hardy raised his head and stared at Xu Yi, "This is what I want you to help me with, find my brother William!"

Xu Yi frowned and said nothing.

With the power of the Ernst family, many people must have been mobilized to look for it. So many people have not found it, so why do you think he has a solution?

He is just an exorcist. Looking for someone to do this job, whether it is the police or a private detective, he is more suitable than him.

But he knew that Hardy was not that stupid. There must be some reason why the other party came to him.

"Any clues?" Xu Yi was ready to learn more about the situation.

"After investigation by the police and private investigators, we found that all the clues point to one point, and that is the sewer." Hardy replied.

"Have you not searched?" Xu Yi frowned even more tightly.

Although New York's sewers are complicated, with the capabilities of the Ernst family, it shouldn't be difficult to conduct a blanket search, right?

"We organized two large-scale searches. It can be said that we dug three feet into the ground. We did find a lot of bones, but they were not my brother." Hardy said solemnly.

"So... you suspect that William's disappearance is related to the Sewer Rat Man?" Xu Yi finally understood what Hardy meant.

"That's right!" Hardy answered resolutely, "Not only me, but also the family is aware of this and has already found a large number of exorcists to intervene in the investigation."

sewer?Missing person?

Xu Yi lowered his head and pondered, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind. He remembered what he had seen in the psychic fantasy before.

Under the cat spirit tree, he had seen a group of sleeping humans.

If the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree is real, then that group of people must also be real. Could there be William in it?

"What, did you notice it?" Hardy noticed something unusual about Xu Yi.

"I'm not sure yet. Do you have a photo of your brother?" Xu Yi asked.

Since he was out looking for William, of course Hardy would take the photos with him.

William in the photo looks very young, less than 30 years old, and high-spirited.

Xu Yi stared at the photo and recalled it carefully. After a moment, he shook his head.

Hardy lowered his head in despair, the ray of hope that had just risen in his heart extinguished.

Xu Yi watched Hadi silently and said nothing. He shook his head, not that he didn't notice it.

On the contrary, among the group of sleeping people, there was a person in the corner who was [-]-[-]% similar to William.

But he wasn't going to tell Hardy.

The cruelest thing in the world is to give hope first, but end up with despair.

It would be best if William could be rescued. If he could not be rescued, Hardy would not be too sad about it.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to find your brother!" Xu Yi patted Hadi on the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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