American exorcist god.

Chapter 112 Martial God Library

Chapter 112 Martial God Library

Holy Flame Exorcism Studio.

Arent was stunned for a moment when he saw Xu Yi returning, "You came back so soon. Didn't you say you were going to investigate William's affairs?"

"The investigation has been completed!" Xu Yi walked straight towards the stairs.

Arent glanced at his watch, puzzled.

We've been out for less than an hour. Excluding the time it takes to drive to the destination, I'm afraid it's not enough time to eat a popsicle, right?
Ellent's guess was correct. Xu Yi followed the information provided by Hardy and went to the sewer where William disappeared.

But when he arrived there, he was quickly stunned. The sewers were crowded with police and detectives, as well as many exorcists.

Those who knew it said it was investigating William's disappearance, but those who didn't know thought it was some kind of party held in the sewers?

Xu Yi is very self-aware, even those professionals can't find him, let alone him.

So he came back.

Instead of trying your luck, it is better to save time and go back to the studio to write entries.

"If you want to find the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree, if you want to find William, you have to rely on the black carp!" Xu Yi thought to himself.

He came to the room on the third floor, opened the door, and glanced at the cat's nest next to the window sill. The black carp was lying in it, sleeping quietly.

Sure enough, as Ed said, cats resurrected by the cat spirit tree will soon fall into dormancy again.

"Now we can only wait!" Xu Yi sighed.

He picked up the carving tool on the table and continued practicing.

It's not far away from filling up the sculptor entries, which means that the day of synthesizing the spell puppet master is also approaching.

The carving practice lasted all afternoon until he was interrupted by Arent.

"Boss, here is an invitation letter." Arent knocked on the door and walked in.

"Why is the invitation so important?" Xu Yi wondered.

Due to the turbulent situation in New York, the studio has suspended its exorcism business. At this special time, no one dares to take risks easily, so it will not be an invitation to exorcism.

Xu Yi refused all social invitations from the upper class.

Arent knew this very well and would never bother him with an ordinary invitation letter.

"A very formal invitation letter from New York City Hall." Allente handed the gilded invitation letter to Xu Yi.

Invitation letter from a government department?Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. What did the government department invite him to do?

New York City Hall.

The curtains were drawn tightly, not even the morning light could penetrate. The huge conference table was full of people, and Xu Yi was one of them.

He thought about it for a moment last night, and finally couldn't restrain his curiosity and accepted the invitation to attend this meeting.

As he entered the chamber, he became increasingly curious.

The conference hall in front of me is usually where senior New York officials hold meetings, which shows that the government attaches great importance to this meeting.

The people sitting here were all exorcists, and almost all the exorcists with some reputation in New York were invited.

To invite so many exorcists over, something big must have happened. You can't just ask them to come over for coffee, right?

Although the coffee here is indeed delicious!Xu Yi picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip.

"There is a document here, please take a look at it first!"

The person presiding over the meeting was a middle-aged man who looked very capable and had a calm and authoritative temperament. He was probably a high-ranking official.

It's a pity that no matter how high-ranking an official is, his sense of awe is limited for exorcists like them. They can only pretend to do it casually.

Xu Yi was a little listless, lying lazily on the stool. He stayed up late again last night and didn't go to bed until almost three o'clock.

But when he saw the contents of the information clearly, he immediately cheered up and straightened his back.

The reactions of other exorcists were similar to his, and some even stood up from their stools.

The information they have is called: "Martial God Library Information Book".The things recorded above made Xu Yi's eyes widen and his saliva almost flowed down.

"The Cross Sword of Divine Grace, the Chain of O'Quinn, the Holy Shroud..."

These are all well-known magic exorcism weapons. Even if they are of the same level as the Alchemy Revolver Messiah, he has found more than ten of them.

Xu Yi put the information at the end and found a familiar figure.

The Forbidden Magic Box is something that Ed regards as a treasure, a first-class collection in the Martial God's library.

"What does it mean to show us this information?" an exorcist asked.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the senior official presiding over the meeting. Although everyone had some vague guesses, they still wanted to get accurate answers.

"We'll talk about this later." The senior official actually pretended to be secretive.

He looked around at everyone and said loudly, "Our city is very dangerous now!"

If it had been before, everyone would have dismissed it.

But after reading the information booklet in the Martial God Library, everyone cheered up and listened carefully, for fear of missing any details and missing out on the exorcism tools in the Martial God Library.

"Let's watch a video first." The senior official pressed the play button.

The big screen at the front of the conference room lit up, and Xu Yi had long noticed the "big guy". Although the pixels were very poor and far inferior to later generations of LCD screens, it was still considered high-tech in this era.

The screen flashed, noisy sounds came, and someone was holding a camera to shoot. It was shaking slightly. The scene should be in a certain hospital.

The camera is facing the hospital bed, and there is an unconscious person lying on the hospital bed, with a strange black-red color on his face.

"Hot Soul Disease, have you heard of it?" the senior official suddenly said.

Everyone nodded. Of course they had heard of it. Many people had suffered from this disease recently, and there was a lot of heated discussion. It was difficult for them not to know about it.

The reason why it is named red fever is because when it occurs, the patient is feverish all over the body and unconscious, as if he has lost his soul.

But does the video have anything to do with Fever Disease?

The senior official took the initiative to answer their doubts, "The person in the video is one of the first patients diagnosed with Fever Sickness."

Everyone’s attention was focused on the video, and the patient in the video had changed.

The patient suddenly started shaking violently, as if having an epileptic seizure, and then they saw a very horrifying scene.

The patient's body expanded rapidly, like a filled balloon, exploding with a bang, and black blood splashed in all directions.

Everyone was silent, their faces solemn.

Everyone knows the meaning of this video. Hot Soul Disease can cause death. Now so many people are sick. If the news gets out... they can't even imagine the consequences.

"The worst part is, this disease is still contagious!" The senior official dropped another bomb.

The people present finally couldn't help but started talking among themselves, their voices anxious.

The senior official did not interrupt the discussion and said to himself, "This is not an ordinary infectious disease. The virus cannot even be detected in the patient."

He clapped his palms, and someone wearing gloves came in holding a transparent glass bottle.

The eyes of the exorcists present were attracted to the glass bottle.

The glass bottle contains thick black water, and the bottle cap is engraved with some kind of sealing spell.

The man put the glass bottle on the conference table, opened it, and immediately backed away, as if a poisonous snake was about to spring out and bite someone.

The faces of the exorcists present changed. There was no poisonous snake in the bottle, but there was something more terrifying than the poisonous snake.

"Curse! There is a strong curse in this black water!" an exorcist exclaimed.

The senior official waved his hand, and the man wearing gloves quickly stepped forward and capped the bottle.

"You should be able to guess the source of this black water. Yes, it was extracted from those dead hot soul patients."

The senior official looked around at everyone and said in a deep voice, "This is why I invite you all to come here, to find the source of this curse and solve it!"

(End of this chapter)

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