American exorcist god.

Chapter 113 The Sudden Outbreak of Hot Soul Sickness

Chapter 113 The Sudden Outbreak of Hot Soul Sickness
The conference hall fell into a long silence, and no one made a sound.

They are all exorcists, and they all know how difficult it is to exorcise demons this time. It is not something that a little devil can do to be able to trick tens of thousands of people silently.

The senior officials did not rush, giving everyone enough time to think.

"As long as you come into contact with patients, will you be cursed?" Someone suddenly said.

This question instantly attracted everyone's attention. They were all exorcists, and a curse of this degree could not affect them.

But in addition to being exorcists, they also have other identities. They may be fathers or sons.

Xu Yi is also concerned about this issue and is a little worried about his father.

"That's not the case. As long as you don't have direct contact with the patient, you usually won't be cursed. Even if you have contact, as long as you are in good health, there is a high probability that you will be fine."

Knowing everyone's concerns, the senior official added, "If you wear an exorcism device, the risk of being cursed will be minimized."

Xu Yi felt relieved when he heard this.

His father's physique, among ordinary people, was at the level of a perfect figure. Even if Lu Bu was reincarnated, some people would believe him.

Besides, after he finished drawing the portrait of Huo Kui, he gave two to his father to carry with him, so it should be no problem to withstand the curse.

"What if it's a person who has been cursed? Is there a way to get rid of it?" an exorcist asked anxiously.

Xu Yi shook his head secretly. As soon as he heard these words, he knew that the other party had a family member who was infected with the febrile disease.

He knew very well that the answer would disappoint the other party.

Sure enough, the senior official shook his head, "Unfortunately, ordinary magic exorcism tools are not very effective on people who have been cursed."

Xu Yi had come into contact with the cursed breath in the bottle before. It was this kind of breath that he felt when he exorcised Chen Lin.

He used ectoplasmic flames to drive away the curse from Chen Lin's body, but unfortunately the curse soon came back.

He was suddenly a little confused. Chen Lin was also a patient of Hot Soul Disease. Why didn't the other party show corresponding symptoms? Did Hot Soul Disease also have an incubation period, or did Chen Lin have a special constitution?
"You probably understand the matter." The senior official looked around and said without further ado, "As long as someone can find the origin of the curse, they can get a high reward."

No one responded because this was not what everyone expected.

"If anyone can solve the source of the curse, they can select two collections from the Martial God's library, regardless of grade." The senior official continued.

The expressions of all the exorcists instantly became excited, and Xu Yi was also very moved.

Putting aside everything else, the magic-forbidden box is very tempting. According to Ed, even if the evil god enters the magic-forbidden box, he can only stay inside it.

If we could get the magic-forbidden box and combine it with Annabelle's toy box, what effect would it achieve?Xu Yi is looking forward to it.


Holy Flame Exorcism Studio.

"Dad, it's great that you're okay!" Xu Yi returned to the studio, and the moment he saw Xu Changrong, he gave him a big hug.

"What can happen to me?" Xu Changrong was confused.

After leaving the city hall, he called Arent and asked him to bring Xu Changrong to the studio.

"Dad, you can live here during this period!" Xu Yi said without answering the other party's words, minding his own business.

Facts have proved that his worries were completely unnecessary. Xu Changrong's physique can be ranked at the forefront even among the fierce generals in ancient times.

There may not be many people in New York City who can survive if such a strong body is infected by Fever Soul Disease.

"There are still so many jobs in the restaurant..." Xu Changrong suddenly stopped because he saw the solemn look in Xu Yi's eyes.

He hesitated for a moment, but nodded, "I understand. I will live here during this period. I haven't lived in the house my son bought for a long time?"

"Remember to wear the portrait of Huo Kui given to you!" Xu Yi reminded.

"I know, why do I feel like you are my father? What a waste!" Xu Changrong muttered dissatisfied.

As he said this, a smile appeared on his lips.

Xu Changrong looked at Xu Yi's leaving figure, a little hesitant.

Should he tell the other party his true identity?Otherwise, I always think that he is a frail old man.Xu Yi walked to the front desk and found Allente who was busy.

"You go to the supermarket to buy a batch of food and come back, as well as necessary daily necessities and clean water. It will be enough for us to live for at least two weeks!"

Ellente was a little confused, but he had always believed Xu Yi's words.

"I'll go right away!" Ellen nodded.

"Going to buy groceries? I'm going to help too!" Xu Changrong's soul as a cook was activated and he rushed to the front desk in an instant.

Xu Yi glanced at his father and knew that it would be unrealistic to want him to stay here honestly, so he nodded and agreed.

Allente and Xu Changrong went to buy supplies together, but Xu Yi walked towards the stairs.

[Sculptor, current progress: 78/100]

After these days of hard work, the number of entries for sculptors has increased a lot.

"We need to quickly combine the spell puppet master to increase our strength. I feel that the situation is getting worse and worse." The sense of urgency in Xu Yi's heart became stronger and stronger.


"Why do I just wake up and feel like the end of the world is coming!"

The morning fog had not yet dissipated, Xu Yi opened the window of the room, looked out, and murmured softly.

A large number of troops are entering the city, and tanks are rolling over the roads, leaving deep car marks.

There was chaos on the road, with pedestrians running in all directions, and the vehicle that hit and caught fire was burning, causing a violent explosion a moment later.

When Xu Yi woke up and saw this scene, he thought he was hallucinating.

After asking Arent, he learned the reason.

Fever disease suddenly broke out!

The disease broke out very suddenly. Just overnight, the number of patients with fever syndrome increased hundreds of times. Now major hospitals are overcrowded and there is a serious shortage of medical manpower.

To make matters worse, many doctors have also fallen ill due to long-term exposure to hot-soul patients.

Now people everywhere are in panic.

"I'm afraid the New York City government didn't expect it to break out so suddenly!" Xu Yi sighed.

The good news is that the government has been prepared for this situation for a long time, but it seems a bit hasty because it was too far in advance.

"Be careful when you go out!"

Xu Yigang was just about to leave the exorcism studio when he heard someone calling him from behind.

"Aunt Casey!" Xu Yi turned around and said hello.

After he brought his father to the studio, Lisa followed suit. After discussing with him, she brought her family members over.

Casey has a large family, and the exorcism studio is particularly busy now.

Xu Yi originally wanted Maria to call her family, but unfortunately Maria's family refused. Xu Yi found a way to give Maria's mother a portrait of Huo Kui.

As for why he didn't give it to Maria's father... Xu Yi just took a few glances from a distance and noticed something unusual about the other party.

It's a pity that the current situation didn't allow it, so he didn't solve the matter.

"Aunt Kathy, I'm leaving first!"

Xu Yi felt a little like a light on his back, mainly because Aunt Kathy looked at him like a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became.

"I know you have something big to do, don't worry about me, just go quickly!"

Xu Yi nodded, started the car, and drove towards Chinatown.

For the treasures in the God of War, he had no choice but to leave his beloved "carving room" and go out to investigate. He already had an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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