American exorcist god.

Chapter 114 The Root of the Curse

Chapter 114 The Root of the Curse
"Fortunately, I had the foresight!" Xu Yi drove a cool motorcycle all the way, his pure black helmet reflecting the faint skylight.

There is no doubt that the roads are jammed with traffic.

Cars were completely blocked, and only bicycles and motorcycles could barely move forward.

Xu Yi knew the terrain of this area well, and kept going around the path. Sometimes the road ahead was cut off, and he rushed over with one hand on the accelerator, leaping over the lawn and over the stairs.

This mobile phone and car stunt was something he learned before he was reborn. For this reason, he also became an apprentice to a professional special effects driver. His main focus is to be handsome, but he didn't expect to use it here.

The blaring horns kept coming, and the owners of the blocked cars were worried.

New York is a magical city where countless people want to realize their dreams, but at this moment, they just want to escape.

Hot Soul Disease suddenly breaks out, and everyone is afraid of becoming the next one to suffer the disease. And I don’t know when, some rumors leaked out, saying that Hot Soul Disease is a terminal illness and cannot be cured at all.

Panic continues to spread, and the city has begun to enter the collapse stage.

Xu Yi drove without any distractions. He knew very well that these people's idea of ​​​​escape from New York was destined to fail.

At this moment, planes have been grounded, train stations have been closed, and soldiers have blocked roads. It is very difficult for ordinary people to escape from New York.

Xu Yi looked at the chaotic streets and sighed.

The government did this to prevent the curse from spreading and try to keep it within New York.

Otherwise, the curse will continue to spread, and the consequences will be disastrous.

But this high pressure can only be maintained for a period of time. If the lockdown is not lifted for a long time, the entire city will be like a gas bottle that is constantly inflating. It only takes a little spark to "explode"!
When passing by the supermarket, Xu Yi saw the last thing he wanted to see.

The supermarket door was closed, and a large group of people armed with different tools smashed the rolling shutter door of the supermarket with a loud bang.

Some people really need the supplies in the supermarket, but how many people fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the opportunity to rob?
Fortunately, he had already anticipated this. After returning from the city hall, he ordered Arent to stock up on supplies in advance. There is now a large amount of food in the studio, enough for them to eat for a week or two.

If the curse cannot be resolved by then, I'm afraid he will also consider running away.

"Master Xu, you are here!"

Xu Yi came to a remote house in Chinatown, where someone had already been waiting.

Chen Lin pushed open the door of the house and asked Xu Yi to drive the motorcycle in.

The motorcycle dare not park outside. In such a bad environment, it is difficult to ensure that no one is staring at this cool motorcycle.

Taking off his helmet, Xu Yi observed Chen Lin for a moment, a little surprised.

The other person has lost weight and the dark circles under his eyes have gotten worse. He looks like a emaciated panda.

Before Xu Yi left New York, Chen Lin had already suffered from Fever Soul Disease. Until now, the other party had no signs of the disease. He neither had a high fever nor was he unconscious. He could still act like a normal person.

Could it be that the other party has some special physique?Xu Yi guessed.

"You didn't lie to me, did you?" Xu Yi stared into Chen Lin's eyes.

On the phone yesterday, Chen Lin said that he remembered something, which was probably related to the curse on him.

Calculated based on time, Chen Lin should be the first group of people to be recruited. Maybe the other party had inadvertently come into contact with the source of the curse, so Xu Yi came early in the morning.

"How dare I lie to Master Xu?" Chen Lin closed the door and led Xu Yi inside, "Master Xu, come here and take a look, you should be able to understand."

The two came to the corner of the house, and Chen Lin pushed open the door of the room.

Xu Yi saw the scene inside clearly and was slightly shocked.

There were three people lying inside, all from the Xia Kingdom. Their faces were covered with veins and glowed with a strange black and red color.

He has seen this kind of situation before. In the video played in the city hall, the first person to suffer from hot soul had this symptom.

"What happened to these three people? Why weren't they sent to the hospital?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

"Master Xu, you know that some people have special status and do not have licenses. They cannot go to regular hospitals and can only choose some small clinics." Chen Lin replied softly.

Xu Yi glanced at Chen Lin. The "small clinic" he mentioned was probably one of those black clinics where the doctors didn't even have a medical qualification certificate. "So, what are the identities of these three people?" Xu Yi asked impatiently.

Chen Lin didn't dare to sell things anymore and quickly explained, "They are all tomb robbers. They can't survive in China and want to try their luck in the United States."

Xu Yi gave Chen Lin a look and signaled the other party to continue talking.

"I've been thinking about it these days, and I feel that the reason why I was tainted with the curse is probably related to this group of people." Chen Lin looked miserable, "Soon after meeting them, I felt uncomfortable."

"What are you doing when you meet?"

Chen Lin was a little hesitant.

Xu Yi didn't say anything, and just pointed at the three people on the hospital bed. Chen Lin felt sad when he saw the miserable condition of the three people, and he didn't dare to hide it anymore.

"The three of them just robbed a tomb and found a lot of tomb items from it. They want my help to see if there are any valuable antiques." Chen Lin replied softly.

Xu Yi knew that Chen Lin was not completely telling the truth. This Chen Lin might still be a second-rate antique dealer.

But he didn't care, and frowned slightly, "What kind of antiques are they?"

"Various sculptures, ancient coins, crown staffs, etc."

Xu Yi suddenly became energetic. Maybe there was something unexpected this time. He quickly asked, "Is there any collection that makes you feel special?"

Chen Lin frowned and recalled, "They all seem to be quite special."

Xu Yi rolled his eyes, saying this was the same as not saying it.

He looked at Chen Lin, whose brows were knitted into knots. Knowing that he couldn't ask for any more useful information, his eyes fell on the hospital bed.

Since he is a tomb robber, there is no need for him to be polite.

The flame of the exorcism lighter rose, burning the little finger of one of the tomb robbers. Xu Yi frowned as he looked at the rising black air on the other person's body.

After continuing to burn for more than ten minutes, the tomb robber woke up faintly.

Xu Yi knew that he had to hurry up and ask, as the effectiveness of the ectoplasmic flame would not last long.

"Master Xu! What are you doing?" Chen Lin was startled when he saw Xu Yi's movements.

Xu Yi was too lazy to pay attention to the other party, and pressed the alchemy revolver against the tomb robber's chin, "I ask you to answer! Otherwise, you will die!"

The tomb robber had just woken up and was in a daze, but when he was stimulated by the cold gun muzzle, he came back to his senses instantly.

"Who are you? What do you want to ask?" The tomb robber was calmer than expected.

"What tomb did you rob before? Did you find anything special inside?" Xu Yi asked anxiously.

"Who knows what kind of tomb it is? If there is a mausoleum, we will go down there."

The tomb robber was very disdainful at first, but as his memory recovered, he seemed to remember something, and his expression became horrified, "It's a statue! A rat-man statue!"

The tomb robber suddenly became crazy, "Rat Immortal, don't come to me! I said not to take it, it's all the boss's fault! I know I was wrong, don't bury me in the corpse pit! Hey, Rat Immortal, you're coming Looking for me?"

Xu Yi sensed something was wrong, held down the crazy tomb robber, and pressed the alchemy revolver against his temple, "Tell me! Where is the rat-man statue?"

He had a strong hunch that the rat-man statue was probably the source of the curse.

"Gone!" The tomb robber regained some intelligence.

"Why is it missing?" Xu Yi asked sharply.

"I don't know either. It just disappeared suddenly. When I woke up, I suddenly couldn't find it!"

The tomb robber scratched his scalp frantically, leaving bloody streaks, as if he wanted to rip the scalp off entirely.

(End of this chapter)

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