American exorcist god.

Chapter 115 The Secret of the Fire Chief

Chapter 115 The Secret of the Fire Chief

Xu Yi wanted to continue questioning the tomb robber. At this moment, his body suddenly trembled and he felt creepy.

He felt the gaze, stern and warning.

"Hey! The Black Rat Fairy is here to find me!" The tomb robber suddenly let out a weird laugh.

Xu Yi felt something was wrong, so he kicked Chen Lin behind him to the door and hid behind the door wall.

The body of the tomb robber suddenly swelled, not one, but three. The tomb robbers in the room exploded, and rancid black water splashed everywhere.

"Don't touch the things inside, and don't let anyone enter this yard!" Xu Yi frowned and warned as he looked at the curse that filled the room.

Chen Lin woke up from a dream and nodded.

Xu Yi sighed. Although the gaze disappeared, the clues were basically broken at this point.

wrong!There is one clue left!He turned to look at Chen Lin beside him.

"Xu...Master Xu? there something wrong?" Chen Lin felt a little numb when Xu Yi looked at him.

"Besides you, who else has come into contact with these tomb objects? How many people know about your contact with the tomb objects?" Xu Yi asked in series.

"It's just me, and they can't find anyone else." Chen Lin asked cautiously, "There are only five or six people who know about this. Should these people be fine?"

"Bless yourself!" Xu Yi patted Chen Lin on the shoulder.

Don't underestimate the government's ability. Let alone five or six people who know about it, even if no one knows, Chen Lin's contact with the black rat statue is likely to be found out.

If the black rat statue is really the source of the curse, then Chen Lin may be the only person who has come into contact with the source.

Although Xu Yi has never seen it, he also knows that there are exorcists who can find the identity of the cursed object through the root aura.

"What should I do now? Go pack my things?" Chen Lin cried sadly, opened the locked door and walked out.

But he suddenly stepped back, his steps slow but firm.

"What? Suddenly your conscience showed up and you gave up running away?" Xu Yi joked, but his brows suddenly frowned.

Two tall men in black clothes walked in from the door, and handed a certificate to Chen Lin. "Hello, Mr. Chen Lin, you are suspected of an antique smuggling case. Please come with us."

Came so fast!Xu Yi was a little surprised. There were not only two men outside the door, but also police officers with live ammunition. As you can imagine, the house was surrounded.

If it were just to arrest a smuggler, would such a large battle be necessary?

Obviously not, then it can only be that Chen Lin came into contact with the source of the curse and was discovered.

"Master Xu, save me!" Chen Lin turned around and rushed towards Xu Yi.

The two men in black did not stop him, and even nodded to Xu Yi as a greeting. The other party obviously knew his identity.

Xu Yi was a little depressed, it seemed like he was the one who led the imperial army here.

"Don't worry, you won't die." Xu Yi comforted Chen Lin.

Hearing this, Chen Lin breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"At most, it will only last 80 to [-] years!" Xu Yi added lightly.

Chen Lin almost couldn't breathe, his face was ashen, seven or eighty years?It's better to just kill him!
"I am innocent! Master Xu, you must find a way to save me!" Chen Lin held Xu Yi's hand and cried loudly.

Xu Yi originally wanted to say that every prisoner claimed that he was innocent, but before he could say it, he felt a hard object in his palm and was slightly startled.

Chen Lin was taken away. He was not handcuffed or put into a police car. Instead, he was put into a luxury BMW. The people treated him fairly gently.

Xu Yi watched the convoy leave and took out something from his pocket, which was a metal button. Before leaving, Chen Lin secretly stuffed the thing into his hand.


Holy Flame Exorcism Studio.

Xu Yi returned to his room and took a look at the black carp in the cat's nest as usual, but he still didn't wake up.

The cat's belly rises and falls rhythmically and its breathing is slow, indicating that the black carp is in good health and is just asleep.

Otherwise, Xu Yi would definitely have to see a pet doctor. Black Carp had been sleeping for three days and three nights, without waking up, eating a mouthful of food, or drinking a drop of water.

He could only attribute this situation to the magical effect of the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree.Xu Yi put the button on the table and looked at it carefully.

The button is entirely silver, with two sesame-sized crystals inlaid on it, both of which are blue.

It looked like an ordinary button, but Xu Yi knew there was something hidden inside. He found a small switch in a hidden corner and flipped it gently.

One of the crystals suddenly lit up and turned red. It was not a crystal at all, but two lights.

"Pocket wireless communicator? Where did Chen Lin get such a rare thing?" Xu Yi was a little curious.

The communicator needs two lights to be on to achieve communication. At this moment, only one light is on. There are two possibilities.

One is that Chen Lin did not turn on the communicator, and the other is that the distance is not enough.

Xu Yi thinks it is most likely the latter.

He conveniently turned off the communicator to save power.

"What did Chen Lin mean by giving him this pocket communicator? Did he want him to save the other party?" Xu Yi guessed Chen Lin's motives.

Those people came to Chen Lin because they wanted him to help find the source of the curse, and they would most likely not die.

Chen Lin handed him the pocket communicator because he was in a hurry and sought medical attention.

The clues that he finally found were cut off. After a moment of regret, Xu Yi put the matter behind him and continued carving.

"As we get to the back, the entries for sculptors become slower and slower. It seems we need to think of new methods!" Xu Yi frowned slightly.

If there is guidance from a master sculptor, it will definitely speed up the acquisition of full-value entries.

But it's a pity that it's hard to find a master sculptor now. It's so chaotic outside. I'm afraid the master sculptor has gone into hiding.


Late at night, in a luxurious villa in Queens, New York.

"Kerry, can you share your secret with us?"

An old voice sounded in the darkness.

The young man named Kerry swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his face full of nervousness.

The three people in front of him are the real leaders of the family. With his status, he rarely sees them in person.

But tonight I summoned him alone.

"Kerry, don't be nervous. Can you tell us how your mother's fever was cured?" Another person said softly.

The other party's voice was very soft, which made Kerry relax a lot, and at the same time he understood the purpose of summoning him this time.

The other party is here for that thing, can they get more benefits from it?Kerry couldn't help but think.

"Kerry! Do you have something to say?" Someone spoke again, with Ling Ran's majesty.

Kerry shuddered suddenly and suddenly realized that with his status, he had no bargaining power at all.

"It's the portrait of Huo Kui! I used the portrait of Huo Kui to cure my mother's hot soul disease!" Kerry didn't dare to hide it anymore and answered loudly.

"Is it the portrait of Huo Kui from Shengyan Studio?"

"That's right!"

Kerry didn't expect that these "big shots" also knew about the Holy Flame Exorcism Studio, so it would be easy to explain.

"I was also lucky. I happened to be shopping in Chinatown that day and learned that an exorcism studio had opened... [-] exorcism portraits. Isn't that a bargain price? So I bought it casually. I didn't expect to have such a thing. Powerful effect!”

Kerry said with a happy face.

It was only later that he realized how lucky he was to be able to buy the portrait of Huo Kui.

The three people in the seats exchanged glances with each other, and they all saw the importance they attached to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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