American exorcist god.

Chapter 116: Spell Puppet and Black Carp Awakening

Chapter 116: Spell Puppet and Black Carp Awakening

Exorcist Studio.

Xu Yi got up with sleepy eyes. He stayed up until three o'clock last night to write the sculptor entry.

He was going to find something to eat. When he went down to the first floor, he was dumbfounded.

The reception hall on the first floor was crowded with people. Xu Yi was in a trance, thinking that he had arrived at a disaster relief scene.

"Why are there so many people suddenly?"

Xu Yi grabbed the busy Allente.

Ellente quickly pulled Xu Yi up to the second floor, "Boss! Our Holy Flame Exorcist Studio is on fire. No, it's Huo Kui's portrait that's on fire!"

"So the people below are all here to buy Huo Kui's portrait?"

Xu Yi is a little confused. It has not been a day or two since the portrait of Huo Kui appeared. Why is it so popular now?

"There is news that the portrait of Huo Kui can cure Hot Soul Disease." Arent lowered his voice, "Boss, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xu Yi was stunned. The portrait of Huo Kui could cure the hot soul disease. As the creator, how could he not know?


Hospital, intensive care unit.

"What is the principle behind this?"

Xu Yi looked at the situation in front of him and was puzzled.

The fever patient on the hospital bed slowly opened his eyes. One minute, two minutes... 1 minutes passed, but the curse did not come back.

This patient was carefully selected by Ellent from among the many people seeking help. It was said that she was the wife of a high-ranking government official.

There is a portrait beside the hospital bed. The fire chief in the portrait has dimmed, and its exorcism effect has been exhausted.

Xu Yi didn't believe that the portrait of Huo Kui could cure the hot soul disease at first, and thought that someone was going to deal with him and spread such outrageous rumors.

But the facts were in front of him, and he had to believe it.

"Is there any difference between the exorcism portrait and other exorcism tools?" Xu Yi looked puzzled.

The psychic painter is only "green level" and is most likely not the cause of the entry, so...

there is only one truth!
Xu Yi stared at Huo Kui in the exorcism portrait.

Huo Kui was a figment of his imagination, full of uncertainties, and he might have inadvertently inherited the "ideas" of some powerful beings.

This kind of thing is not unheard of. It is said that more than 100 years ago, an old priest accidentally drew a strange bird with broken wings.

When it was painted, the painting had the strange ability to transport people's souls into a fantasy world.

Decades later, when the old priest was about to die, a strange bird flew down in front of the priest and took away the old priest's soul.

The strange bird looked exactly like the one in the painting.

"So, I may have unintentionally drawn some kind of terrifying creature that existed?"

Xu Yi was a little confused, because for a moment, he didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Boss, I think you'd better avoid the limelight first!" Arent reminded suddenly.

Xu Yi came to his senses instantly, "You are right, I plan to stay in the suburbs for a while, call me if you need anything!"

After saying that, Xu Yi hurriedly ran away.


Suburban funeral home.

"No one else has this kind of treatment?" Xu Yi looked around the living room and sighed in admiration.

In the living room, there are more than ten people lined up. If there is an apprentice learning sculpture here, he will definitely jump up from his stool in shock, and then shake hands one by one and say, Master so-and-so, I have been admiring your works in my dreams.

The news that the portrait of Huo Kui can cure the fever disease spread like wildfire among New York's upper class.

More and more people are coming here to ask for a portrait of Huo Kui.

Xu Yi could only hide in this remote funeral parlor temporarily.

Otherwise, there are so many sick people in New York, and even if you let him paint his hair until his hair turns gray, it may not be enough.

The government also specially sent people to inquire. After learning that the output was very limited, they left disappointed.

He lives in this funeral home and can only hide from some people. People who are really capable can still find out here.

That's why there is this scene in front of you.

The dozen or so people in front of him are all internationally famous sculpting masters, and there are even some grand masters who founded the sect.At this moment, they have only one goal, which is to tutor Xu Yi so that Xu Yi can improve his carving skills.

"Is this the foundation of the consortium?" Xu Yi sighed.

In this chaotic situation, so many master sculptors can be found. This is not something that can be done just by money.

Xu Yi wanted to find a master sculptor. The consortium heard about it from somewhere and swarmed to find a dozen of them for him.

Naturally, Xu Yi would not refuse such a good thing. The reward was that he needed to take time to draw some "portraits of Huo Kui".


The funeral home was brightly lit.

"I'm done as a carver!" Xu Yi put down the carving knife and stared at the lifelike eternal flower in his palm.

The scene burst into warm applause, and more than a dozen gray-haired masters clapped vigorously, their faces turning red with excitement.

When people who don't know this see this scene, they might think that some scientific research team has made an invention that spans the ages.

How could the master sculptors not be excited?
Two days and two nights!Two full days and two nights!They don't know how they survived.

If they were still young, staying up for two or three days would not be a big deal at all, but now most of them are gray-haired, and their grandchildren will soon be able to make soy sauce!
Finally getting Xu Yi's affirmative answer, they suddenly felt like tears filled their eyes.

Xu Yi quickly found someone to send these master carvers away. The dark circles under each of these masters' eyes were getting heavier and heavier, and they could not walk without a trace. He was really afraid that these masters would die suddenly.

[Sculptor, current progress: 100/100]

After Xu Yi filled up the entries, he didn't have too strong feelings.

I just feel that my hands have become more dexterous and I am more comfortable with carving. After all, it is only a "white ordinary" level entry.

"Hurry up, hurry up, and finally get the sculptor entry before the disaster breaks out!" Xu Yi took a deep breath.

He knew very well that the outbreak of Heat Soul Disease was only a precursor to disaster, and the real danger was yet to come.

Spell Puppet Master, start merging!
Because I have already had one experience, everything is familiar.

As the synthesis path of "Spell Puppet Master = Necromantic Spell + Puppet Master + Sculptor" was put into the furnace, new entries were slowly born.

[Spell Puppet Master (Green Rare)
Ability 1 - Spell Inheritance:

The contracted Annabelle puppet automatically controls all the abilities of the "Necromantic Spell" entry.

Ability 2 - Conjuring Genius:

Annabelle can analyze all spell-related entries and gain experience bonuses.

Ability 3-Curse Seal:

Annabelle becomes a magical puppet and controls the power of the curse seal. (Currently obtained the Curse Seal: Soul Ascension Curse.)
Ability 4 - Spell Ascension:

After Annabell masters enough spells, the entry automatically upgrades. 】

"This is to make Annabelle go all the way to the dark side on the road to becoming the best assistant!"

After Xu Yi read the entry information, the first thing he did was to assemble a new entry for Annabelle.

[The entry is presented successfully, the target meets the assembly conditions, and the entry is assembled successfully! 】

"So there are entry restrictions?" Xu Yi understood.

For example, he wanted to equip the Annabell doll with a "flesh and blood immortality" entry, but it was obviously impossible to succeed because the Annabell doll had no flesh and blood at all.

[Annabelle gets "Blank Entry: Curse of Evil (White Epic)"]

The curse of evil comes from the "Satan believer", the evil spirit Basheba.

Also obtained is the entry synthesis path: Cursed Eye = Undead Curse + Evil Curse.

He was still struggling with the fact that the evil curse was not suitable for human use, but now this problem has been perfectly solved.

With the blessing of the "spell genius", Annabelle was able to fill up the curse of evil entries without any difficulty.

Now that it has inherited the undead curse entry, it is only a matter of time before it can be combined into a cursed pupil.

Xu Yi is going to rest. It can be said that tonight is a fruitful night.

At this moment, he suddenly received a call from the studio.

"Xu Yi, Black Carp is awake!" Lisa's voice was excited.

Xu Yi's eyes lit up. Whether it was the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree, William, or even the source of the curse, the hope of finding these things was pinned on the black carp.

He had been waiting anxiously for many days, and now he could finally take the next step.

(End of this chapter)

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