American exorcist god.

Chapter 117 Provocation without threat

Chapter 117 Provocation without threat

In the deep sewers, at intervals, sunlight shines through the gaps in the manhole covers, and dust flies in the sunlight, but it is not poetic.

No matter how well the sewers are managed, there will still be a lingering stench that makes people walk in the sewers with sticky soles, which makes people very uncomfortable.

The sound of dense footsteps sounded in the sewers. This was a strange team, including soldiers armed to the teeth and exorcists in strange clothes.

I always feel that this team should not appear in a dark and rancid sewer, but should appear in some kind of cosplay exhibition hall.

At the front of the team was a black cat with smooth fur, its pale golden pupils scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

"Black Carp, haven't you arrived yet?" Lisa, wearing a modified witch costume, asked softly.

Black Carp made a meow. Only Lisa could understand the specific meaning of the meow.

[Holy Witch Hunt: Current Progress: 52/100]

[Holy Witch Hunt (Green Epic):
Ability 1-Sorcery:

Ability 2-Animal Contract: (Current number of contracts: 1/3)

Ability 3-Holy Body (pseudo):
Ability 4 - Holy Presence: (Partially unlocked, if this ability is used forcefully, the sequelae will be magnified tenfold.)]

Since contracting the Black Carp, the progress of the Saint Witch Hunter has skyrocketed.

Now, except for the "Holy Presence" ability, which needs to be used with caution, other abilities have been unlocked.

Xu Yi has experienced this kind of situation once, when he successfully contracted an Annabell doll. At that time, his situation was even more extreme than Lisa's. He filled up all the Puppet Master entries while lying down.

"Is that so?" Xu Yi leaned into Lisa's ear and asked in a low voice.

"Not so fast, that place is deep in the sewer." Lisa replied softly.

Xu Yi nodded, understanding.

"Wait a minute!" A voice suddenly came from behind.

Is there anyone who can lose their temper so quickly?Xu Yi was a little puzzled.

The people who came to the scene were either elite-level soldiers or senior exorcists, so their patience was not that bad.

He wanted to appease him. After all, he said that there was a major discovery, so the city government sent so many people to follow him.

He turned his head, but before he could explain, his eyes suddenly changed, looking at the person behind him as if he were looking at a fool.

"This lady, I'm Maggie from Silver Cross Exorcism Studio. Can you please meet me?"

A young man with a slicked back hair and a black suit walked towards Lisa and bowed slightly as he thought he was cool.

Xu Yi looked at the officer in charge this time, his eyes seeming to say, "Where did you find this valuable thing? Why are you here if you don't go to the circus to apply for a job?"

The officer was a little embarrassed. He had decided on the list of people to participate in the mission, but only the approximate abilities of each person were written on it, not their personality.

At this time, you still want to play like a playboy. Isn't this like getting kicked in the head by a donkey?

Xu Yi originally thought that most exorcists were very rational people. After all, they had to face weird things like evil spirits and demons.

He finally saw the diversity of people today.

Maggie didn't want to jump out at this time, but the aura on Lisa's body was too tempting.

People with special physiques will emit a fragrance that only people with special talents like him can smell.

His father taught him from an early age.

"You can only combine with people with special physiques to give birth to powerful offspring for our family!"

Unfortunately, since he was a child, he has met only a handful of people with special physiques, and most of them are crooked.

It's rare to meet such a perfect person!

Not only did she have a special physique, but she was also so young and beautiful. The first time he saw Lisa, he was deeply fascinated by her.

He originally wanted to strike up a conversation with each other after this mission was over, but after the mission was over, they went their separate ways, and he was not sure whether he would be able to see each other again next time.

The most important thing is that he can't restrain his eager heart.

Maggie thinks that he is personable and can definitely win the favor of the other party, but unfortunately this is just his wishful thinking.

He was ignored by Lisa, completely ignored and treated as nothing.Xu Yi glanced at the other person and ignored him. Talking to him was a waste of time.

Everyone silently quickened their pace.

Time passed and they made their way deeper into the central area of ​​the sewers.

The black carp suddenly let out a meow and jumped back onto Lisa's shoulder. Xu Yi subconsciously stopped and looked at Lisa with inquiring eyes.

Lisa nodded.

Xu Yi secretly became vigilant. He did not think that the Black Carp would be able to easily find the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree by taking him to the place.

"Are you sure the source of the curse is here? This place has been searched several times!" Maggie was dissatisfied with being ignored in the previous conversation and jumped out again to increase her presence.

Everyone's eyes fell on Xu Yi, and their thoughts were the same as Ma Ji's.

No one wanted to waste time. If Xu Yi hadn't said there was a major discovery, they wouldn't have come here at all.

Xu Yi ignored Ma Ji and walked straight to the wall in front.

After many searches of the underground passages, if the source of the cursed object was really here, it should have been discovered long ago.

Why has there been no harvest?
There are only two reasons for this. One is that the root curse is not in the sewer at all, and the other is that the root curse is in a different space.

He thinks it's most likely the latter.

Xu Yi took out a transparent box, which contained half a leaf of the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree.

It has been almost a week since I got this half leaf, and the leaves are still fresh, as if they were just picked from the tree.

In front of him was the cement wall of the sewer. The wall was slightly black and didn't look like anything special. Xu Yi stopped in front of the black wall.

With a solemn expression, he pressed the transparent box containing the leaves of the cat spirit tree against the wall.

According to his guess, the leaves of the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree should be the "key", the key to opening up a different space.

1 minute, 2 minutes... 5 minutes passed, and nothing happened.

Everyone present stared at Xu Yi in confusion, their brows furrowing involuntarily.

Xu Yi was also a little stunned, why didn't he respond?
Do you need to take the leaves out of the box to be effective?Or maybe he guessed wrong and there is no other dimension here at all?

"There won't be a liar among us, will we?" Maggie said softly.

Although he was not named, everyone knew who he was talking about.

Xu Yi remained silent, and Ma Ji felt that his opportunity to show off had come. As long as Lisa could see Xu Yi's true face clearly, the other party would naturally know how to choose.

Maggie walked slowly to the concrete wall, stretched out his hand, and knocked on the wall. He suddenly exclaimed and jerked his hand back.

Everyone immediately became alert and stared at the wall.

Unexpectedly, Maggie suddenly put down her hand with a smile on her face, "Oh, this wall is so scary, it almost scratched my finger."

Everyone stared at Maggie and frowned.

Doing this is tantamount to playing tricks on them. If they weren't afraid of the Silver Cross Exorcist Studio, they would have yelled and cursed.

The huge reputation of Silver Cross Exorcist Studio was obtained by the other party's father. A "second generation exorcist" is a bit too arrogant.

"Why are you staring at me? Am I the culprit who is wasting everyone's time?" Maggie turned a blind eye to everyone's gaze and said with a chuckle.

Maggie first provoked everyone and actively attracted fire, and then pointed out the culprit and asked everyone to divert their anger.

Although the method was not clever, it was very effective. Everyone's eyes fell on Xu Yi, their brows furrowed.

Maggie looked at Lisa, hoping to see a look of disappointment on her face, but unfortunately she didn't. Lisa quietly walked to Xu Yi and held his hand.

"Xu Yi, let's go!"

Xu Yi followed Lisa step by step, lowering his head and keeping silent.

Maggie smiled. The other person looked like a shy and angry little girlfriend dragging her useless boyfriend away.

Although there was no breakup on the spot, when the two calmed down, there would definitely be a rift. Then wouldn't his chance come?
He looked at Lisa's back and could hardly suppress the excitement in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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