American exorcist god.

Chapter 118 Rat Tide

Chapter 118 Rat Tide
Xu Yi's muscles slowly tightened, and his steps became faster and faster.

He lowered his head and said nothing, not because he couldn't bear the suspicious eyes of everyone.

He asked these people to come here based on the idea of ​​"I can't carry the thunder alone". How could he care about the looks of these people?

The slightly younger exorcist looked at Xu Yi's back with disdain, thinking that such a useless person was not an exorcist, so he might as well go home and feed the cows.

But those senior exorcists had noticed something strange and quietly retreated, approaching Xu Yi.

Xu Yi clenched the transparent box in his hand. He didn't know when, but half of the fresh leaves inside suddenly withered and turned into black water flowing.

Maggie didn't notice anything strange about the team. At this moment, he had begun to imagine what a wonderful life it would be if he could catch Lisa.

A rustling sound suddenly came, and Maggie was stunned for a moment. What was this sound?
The sound came from behind. He turned his head subconsciously and stayed in place for a moment, feeling that the blood all over his body ran cold.

The cement wall behind him softened, and black viscous liquid flowed out.

The black liquid covered the entire wall, ripples appeared, and heads emerged from the black liquid. They were squeezed together, and the entire wall seemed to be built with heads.

Those were the heads of black rats, with scarlet pupils staring at everyone, revealing bloodthirsty violence.

All the exorcists had the same reaction, turning around in horror and running wildly behind them.

The officer raised his hand, wanting to order a counterattack, but his expression soon changed and he roared, "Run!"

The soldiers had been waiting for this sentence for a long time. The moment they received the order, they turned around and fled.

No way to escape, black rats poured out of the wall, densely packed like the black Don River.

Too many, too many black rats!
"Help! Help me!"

A cry for help came from behind, and it was Maggie's voice.

" me! As long as you save me, my father will definitely thank you! Don't leave! Please..."

Maggie screamed for help, but no one paid attention, and no one stopped.

He was filled with regret at the moment. If it weren't for targeting Xu Yi, he wouldn't have been close to the wall, and he wouldn't have been unable to find the black rat... let alone fall at the end of the team.

"No! No!"

Maggie screamed in terror, but it was all in vain.

If he hadn't fallen into the fantasy of Lisa and could have discovered the abnormality early, he might have had a chance to escape. But now it was too late.

The flood-like swarm of black rats pounced on Maggie, who let out a shrill scream as the black rats tore at his flesh, gnawed at his bones, and devoured his blood.

The screams quickly disappeared, and Maggie's body "collapsed". In just a moment, he had been chewed to the point of leaving nothing but withered bones.

Xu Yi and Lisa ran side by side, secretly glad in their hearts.

Fortunately, Lisa was able to communicate with the black carp. Fortunately, Lisa took him away. Otherwise, they would be the ones facing the black carp, and they wouldn't be at the front of the team now.

Maggie's tragic death stimulated everyone's nerves, and they all ran like crazy.

There is a story that when you encounter a bear, you don’t need to run faster than the bear, you just need to run faster than the person next to you.

But no one did anything deliberately, they were all trying their best to escape.

It's not that their moral character has reached this level, but because it's useless.

There was only one bear in the story, but now there are thousands of mice. Let alone one or two people, even if they are all here, they won't be able to stop them for long.

Exorcists have never felt that the sewer is so long, nor have they ever felt that regular exercise is so important.Xu Yi and Lisa were still running at the front, far ahead.

The second batch is those soldiers who have undergone arduous training and are physically strong. Even if they are carrying heavy equipment, they can still run much faster than ordinary people.

The soldiers looked at the two figures in front of them and were secretly frightened.

They could understand that Xu Yi could run so fast, but why could a weak and weak girl keep running in front?
In fact, Lisa is not very fast, but she has amazing endurance and can maintain extreme speed at all times. Although she is a "pseudo" holy body, her physique is far superior to ordinary people.

In the "long-distance running team", the third batch is the exorcists.

As time passed, the exorcist team gradually split into two parts.

Surprisingly, it is not the old exorcists who are at the bottom, but the young ones.

If you observe carefully, you will find that although those exorcists have gray hair, their muscles are bulging under their clothes, and they are obviously exercising unremittingly every day.

Xu Yi is not the only one who realizes that exorcism is a laborious task.

But not all exorcists are strict with themselves, because their status as exorcists allows them to easily enter the upper class society. If one cannot control it, it is easy to indulge in a life of extravagance and extravagance.

The exorcist who falls at the bottom is this kind of person.

They looked young, but in fact their bones had been corroded by wine and sex. They were the same people who just sneered at Xu Yi.

After running wildly for a while, they were out of breath.

Before they could even cry out for help, they were engulfed by a wave of black rats.

Screams continued to sound, and there were several more skeletons in the sewer.

"Call for support! Call for support! The demon-hunting team encounters a major crisis. A large number of black rats have emerged and are about to reach the sewer exit."

The officer in charge was in astonishing physical condition. He was able to retain some energy while running wildly and used radio to communicate with the troops stationed outside.

"Received! Received! Support is ready!"

The rustling noise and the soldier's reply came together, and Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why he informed the government and called people here was for this purpose.

The danger needs to be shared by everyone.

Xu Yi is not afraid of other exorcists snatching the sacred cat spirit tree at all, because it is impossible to see the sacred cat spirit tree as soon as the alien space is opened.

According to Black Carp, the Holy Cat Spirit Tree is in the center of another space, and he is the only one who knows this news.

The dazzling sunshine came from the front. Everyone had never felt that the sun was so warm. The exit of the sewer was right in front!
Xu Yi and Lisa rushed out of the sewer first, but Xu Yi's body suddenly tensed up. This is the body's natural reaction when encountering something that threatens life.

The dense muzzle of the gun was pointed at Xu Yi. The soldier holding the gun had a steady hand and the muzzle almost did not move.

The entrance to the sewer was surrounded by a large number of soldiers. Their guns were loaded and ready to be fired at any time. The soldiers were ready for a bloody battle.

Xu Yi's tense body gradually relaxed and he exhaled a thick breath.

Fortunately, we did not encounter pig teammates. The government was very well prepared this time. The soldiers in front of us were enough to carry out a medium-sized battle, which showed that they attached great importance to this matter.

But he thought of the dense black rats in the sewers, and his brows gradually furrowed.

There were so many black rats that he didn't know if the soldiers could stop them, and the black rats were likely to swarm into New York City from other exits.

(End of this chapter)

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