American exorcist god.

Chapter 119 An excellent opportunity to practice shooting

Chapter 119 An excellent opportunity to practice shooting

The soldiers stationed at the sewer entrance were full of confidence. Their current firepower was enough to sweep across a small military base.

But soon their expressions changed, and black rats surged out of the sewers like a black frenzy.

"Fire! Fire quickly!" the captains of each team roared and ordered.

Intensive gunshots rang out, bullets were shot out like a storm, and the storm of bullets impacted on the front of the black rat tide.

The officer in command at a high place finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw all this.

Although black rats are larger than ordinary rats and more violent and bloodthirsty, they are still flesh and blood, and bullets can still penetrate their bodies and kill them.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and large pieces of black rat remains were splashed at the sewer entrance, dyeing the ground black and red.

Xu Yi looked at the soldiers shooting the black rats below, a little ready to move.

Lisa stood next to him, holding Black Carp in her arms, trying to prevent Black Carp from being frightened by the intensive gunfire below.

But she obviously underestimated the black carp. The black carp showed no fear at all and stared directly at the black rat below, with hatred flashing in its pupils.

The officer's attention fell on the group of exorcists, his expression gloomy.

We had just counted the number of people, and there were twelve people missing. They were all exorcists, and there were no soldier casualties.

This situation is very bad. If only the soldier dies, or if both the soldier and the exorcist suffer casualties, it is a normal situation.

But now only the exorcist is dead, which shows that the soldiers are afraid of fighting, and it was him who gave the order to escape.

In this case, at least the commander will be revoked from his position, and at worst he will be subject to a military court.

But he couldn't be cruel. His soldiers had been with him for so long and they already had feelings for him.

The exorcist's life is important, and so are his soldiers' lives.

In that case, if he ordered a counterattack, his death would be in vain, and all the soldiers would be buried inside.

"I'm Conn from Blackthorn Exorcism Studio, nice to meet you!"

Someone asked Xu Yi to shake hands and announced his identity.

Xu Yi was a little surprised. He had thought that these exorcists would resent him. After all, it was because of him that he put these exorcists in danger.

But these people behaved exactly the opposite, with gratitude in their eyes.

"Finally someone can tear open the hole in the different space. The source of the curse should be revealed soon. I have to go back and prepare quickly!" Conn cleared up his doubts.

Xu Yi watched the exorcists leave, and he learned more about these exorcists.

Most exorcists have good character. Even if they are paid to exorcise demons, they can still save people's lives. Over time, they will carry a sense of mission.

Of course, those exorcists with bad character, no ability to control themselves, and whose bodies were hollowed out by alcohol and sex, almost died in the sewers.

"Lisa, you go back to the studio first and ask people in the studio to be careful about black rats." Xu Yi turned to look at Lisa next to him.

As Lisa left, the other exorcists also left, leaving only Xu Yi watching the battle below with interest.

Although there are many black rats, they are facing modern weapons after all.

Ordinary flesh and blood cannot break through the blockade of bullets.

The soldiers were a little confused at first, but under the orderly command of the commander, they quickly stabilized.

They changed to more targeted weapons, shotguns with a larger killing area, grenades and incendiary bombs were thrown out for free, and the flamethrowers just delivered were even more powerful weapons.

"I have reported your merits and the reward will be distributed soon."

The officer walked behind Xu Yi and said in a deep voice that he thought Xu Yi never left because he was afraid of being robbed of his credit.

Xu Yi just nodded, without showing the excited expression he should have on his face. This is not what he stayed here for.

"Can I help deal with these black rats?" Xu Yi asked softly.

He looked towards the periphery of the battlefield, his eyes shining.

There were a large number of armored vehicles parked outside the battlefield. The carriages were opened, and inside were boxes of bullets piled up into mountains.

Facing a large number of black rats, bullets must of course be supplied, and there is a steady stream of bullets being delivered here at this moment.

Xu Yi thought of the entry on gun skills.

With the small amount of bullets in the shooting gallery, I don’t know if it will take him until the Year of the Monkey to fill up his marksmanship entries.If you want to get a lot of opportunities to shoot, you have to go to the battlefield, but that is too dangerous.

There was a perfect opportunity right in front of him. There was plenty of ammunition and not much danger. The densely packed black rats were the perfect target.

"My name is Entos." The officer looked at Xu Yi in surprise. He did not expect that the other party would make such a request, so he reported his name.

The soldier next to him glanced at Entos curiously. He knew his character as a commander. Once he took the initiative to announce his name, it meant he was showing his goodwill.

Of course, Entos's attitude towards a warm-hearted person like Xu Yi would be much better.

He was assigned as the commander of this operation because of his rich experience. This was not the first time he had dealt with such a supernatural monster.

So he knew the importance of an exorcist.

I remember one mission, because there was no exorcist present, the soldiers were affected by hallucinations and shot each other, causing heavy casualties.

He originally wanted to keep a few exorcists to prevent abnormal situations from happening.

But after the exorcists came out of the sewers, they all left in a hurry. He thought of what was going on in the sewers and was too embarrassed to speak.

He was about to apply to the superiors to call a new exorcist, but he didn't expect Xu Yi to choose to stay on his own initiative, which made him a little relieved.

"Of course, thank you very much for your help!" Entos nodded and agreed.

Xu Yi got the affirmative answer and immediately rushed to join the battlefield.

Entos was quickly stunned. He originally thought that the other party was helping, and he was just standing by to observe to prevent unexpected situations from happening.

But the other party directly received a gun and stood with the soldiers. What was going on?

He hesitated for a moment, but did not stop him. He just told the other party to do their job well.

The soldiers didn't pay much attention at first, and just treated them as exorcists to experience the fun of shooting, as long as they didn't hit any of their own people.

But soon all they had left was admiration. The opponent's marksmanship could only be regarded as good, but his attitude of devotion was nothing to say.

They shoot in turns and take a break every once in a while to avoid getting too tired.

But the newly added "comrades" were too involved. When they rested each other, the other party was shooting, and when they were shooting, the other party was still shooting... It was simply a shooting machine that never stopped.

This made them all too embarrassed to be lazy.

Of course Xu Yi will not rest. This kind of opportunity to gain entry experience will not be available in this village!

Looking at the ever-increasing number of gun skills entries, his current state was as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood, and he didn't even know he was tired.

Three hours passed quietly, and suddenly a soldier exclaimed, "The black rats have retreated!"

Xu Yi looked at the fading black rat tide and sighed regretfully. Why did he suddenly give up?Shouldn't the battle continue for [-] rounds?
But he soon cheered up.

[Marksmanship +2, current progress: 72/100]

Unexpectedly, in just three hours, the number of gun skills entries exceeded [-]%!

He shook his aching arm. The reason why his gun skills improved so quickly was naturally due to his hard work, but there were also other factors that could not be ignored.

The first is the entry of painter and sculptor, which makes his hands very stable. Coupled with the ability of the Dark Eye, especially the super dynamic vision, it is simply unparalleled for the blessing of spear skills.

The gun skill, which was only seven points in progress, had a twelve point effect with the help of super dynamic visuals.

In the end, the soldiers looked at him in amazement and exclaimed that he was a sharpshooter.

"Xu Yi, what are you going to do?"

A soldier called Xu Yi's name. After fighting side by side for three hours, they exchanged words from time to time and became familiar with each other.

"Let's see if we can find the source of the curse through these rat corpses." Xu Yi started lying.

The soldiers were in awe. There was a thick layer of rat corpses piled below. Many rats had been shot into mud by bullets, but some did not die immediately and were still struggling.

The feeling of stepping on it is probably similar to stepping into a pile of squirming white maggots.

Not to mention the stench emanating from below, even from such a distance, they almost spit out their overnight meal.

What is the motive that allows the other party to step inside without changing his mind?

(End of this chapter)

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