American exorcist god.

Chapter 120 The Eye of Darkness is about to be fully charged

Chapter 120 The Eye of Darkness is about to be fully charged
Xu Yi didn't know what those soldiers were thinking, otherwise they would definitely shake their heads.

Not to mention just a pile of rat corpses, even if it was a pile of human corpses, he would step into it without hesitation.

Gray light flashed through Xu Yi's pupils. The dark pupils had been activated inadvertently. In Xu Yi's field of vision, this "rat corpse field" was filled with dense gray threads.

The corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily. These black rats were actually creations of the devil, although each black rat carried very little fog of darkness, not much larger than a hair.

But it’s too much to handle!

The dark pupils opened at full strength, and a cold feeling filled the entire eye sockets.

If he had a choice, he would not go down into the pile of rat corpses, but these dark fogs were too weak, and he could only absorb them if he got close.

It's not like the dark fog emitted by those powerful demons, which can be pulled in even from a long distance.

But no matter how small things are, when they add up, they will become extraordinary.

[Eye of Darkness, current progress: 91/100]

After absorbing the fog of darkness from the pile of rat corpses, the progress actually exceeded [-]%, and he was very close to being able to control the power of the fog of darkness.

"Get in the car immediately and prepare for support!"

Entos's mood was not as good as Xu Yi's, and his brows were already wrinkled.

"What happened?"

When Xu Yi returned from the pile of corpses, the soldier handed him a pair of combat boots of the same size. He put on new shoes and threw away the old ones stained with blood.

"Black rats poured out from other exits and attacked New York City. We have to rush over to provide support." Entos stared at Xu Yi and issued a sincere invitation, "Do you want to come with us?"

Xu Yi nodded, how could he miss this opportunity, not only for the gun skills entry, but also to absorb more of the fog of darkness.

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. Xu Yi's marksmanship was obvious to all. Besides, the other party was an exorcist. With him around, everyone felt more at ease.

The armored convoy drove into New York City. The road was now clear. The government forcibly cleared the blocked cars on the road. Those who had no way to escape could only hide back home.

Screams continued along the way, and New York City, which had finally calmed down, once again fell into chaos. A large number of black rats poured into the city and attacked humans like crazy.

Xu Yi and Entos were riding in the same car. After receiving the communication, the other party's expression turned very bad.

"The black rat carries a curse. If a person is accidentally bitten, he will soon suffer from heat soul disease." Entos took the initiative to explain.

Xu Yi also frowned. Although he had expected it, this was the worst news.

Although black rats are violent, they do not deviate from the category of normal animals. If they are single black rats, ordinary people can kill them with sharp weapons.

Only a large swarm of black rats would pose a threat to people, drowning them in an instant and chewing up all their flesh and blood.

However, it is difficult for a black rat tide to form. Although there are many black rats in the sewers, they are still not enough to be seen in the huge city of New York.

Moreover, the army will also go out of its way to intercept large groups of black rats.

But if the black rat carries a curse, it will be difficult to deal with it. Without full body protection, people can easily be bitten.

The foundation of a city is its people. If too many people fall into coma and fall ill, the city will soon be paralyzed.

"Turn around now and go to Rikers Prison!"

The wireless communicator rang again. After receiving the message, Entos immediately ordered and changed his original plan to go to the city for support.

"Lex Prison was also attacked?"

Xu Yi was a little unsure because Rikers Prison was located in the outskirts of New York and was sparsely populated. There were only a lot of people in the prison.

But compared to New York City, those people are nothing.

If the Black Rat's goal was to spread the curse, why did he choose the sparsely populated Cress Prison?
The army arrived at Clays Prison, and chaos was no longer enough to describe the place.

From a distance, Xu Yi could hear the intensive gunshots coming from the prison, mixed with the screams of people and the guards' orders.

Entos's face turned black.Kress is a large prison that houses many serious prisoners, with sentences of several decades, life sentences... and even many death row prisoners.

Black rats attack the prison, and those felons will definitely take this opportunity to escape.

So they not only have to deal with the black rat tide, but they also have to be careful of those extremely vicious criminals.

Xu Yi also knew this very well, so he no longer stood out and mixed in the team, practicing his marksmanship and "picking up" a little bit of the fog of darkness.

As the team went deeper, a sign appeared on the gate in front of them saying "Repeated offense area, idlers stop".

Xu Yi silently clenched the gun in his hand. It was too quiet. It was too quiet in front of him.

He neither saw any trace of the black rat nor heard the movement of the prisoner. It was a bit too quiet inside, which was in sharp contrast to the noisy general area behind him.

Entos ordered to be vigilant. Although he had never heard the saying "when things go wrong, there must be monsters", he still understood similar principles.

They walked in the quiet felon prison, and after a moment, they put down the guns they had been holding.

"What's going on?" Someone couldn't help but shout.

They thought it would be dangerous inside, but there was nothing there. There were no swarms of black rats or criminals lurking on one side. The prison was empty, not even a ghost.

"Didn't the black rats attack here?" someone speculated.

"Already here." Xu Yi pointed to the ground.

There were dense rat footprints on the ground, and it was obvious that the black rats had already been here.

Entos walked towards the empty prison. The cell door had been opened, and he found a black gelatinous liquid on the door lock.

The liquid is highly corrosive, and even door locks made of special alloys will be corroded away.

"This is the only passage. We just came in from the outside. Why didn't we meet those criminals? Where are they hiding?" A soldier whispered.

No one doubted that the prisoners were dead. There was no blood on the ground, not even signs of struggle. It was impossible for those brutal criminals to just wait to die.

Everyone followed the mouse footprints on the ground, and the footprints gradually gathered together to form a unique "rat path."

The rat path suddenly broke off, and a huge pit appeared at the end of the road. The unique smell of rats came from below.

In addition to the traces of mice crawling in the tunnel, there are also many shoe prints, indicating that many people have walked underneath.

Not to mention other people, even Entos, a strong man with an expressionless face, was a little dumbfounded.

So, the black rats attacked the prison just to rescue the felons here?
Everyone feels that their three views have been somewhat subverted.

Everyone looked at Entos, waiting for the other party's decision.

They now face a question, that is, should they follow?
Xu Yi huddled back quietly, thinking with his toes that there must be many dangers down there, and in such a narrow tunnel, if he was ambushed, the entire army would probably be destroyed.

He was just here to gain experience, and he didn't want to waste the resurrection coins here.

If these people wanted to go down, he would have no choice but to find an excuse and escape.

At this time, the headphones Entos was wearing suddenly sounded, and after a moment, Entos's heavy expression eased.

"After receiving the order from above, retreat temporarily."

All the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

As the sun sets, the armored vehicle leaves Kress Prison.

After the army joined, the riots in the prison were suppressed, mainly because the serious prisoners disappeared, and the black rat tide quickly receded.

The armored vehicle took Xu Yi all the way back to Chinatown. When getting out of the car, Entos suddenly patted Xu Yi on the shoulder, "There will be a big operation soon. If you want to participate, remember to be prepared!"

(End of this chapter)

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