American exorcist god.

Chapter 121 Operation St. O'Hagang

Chapter 121 Operation St. O'Hagang
"This is a real waste of money!"

Xu Yi raised his head and glanced at the sky. The sky was just turning white. The sun hadn't risen yet, but the Grand Central Plaza in New York was already overcrowded.

Fully armed soldiers came in and out, and a large number of exorcists closed their eyes to rest.

Last night, Entos told him that there would be a big operation soon, but he didn't expect it to come so fast.

At around four o'clock in the morning, they suddenly received a notification from the government that "Operation St. O'Hagan" was officially launched.

Xu Yi held a list in his hand, which was part of the information in the Martial God Library. Many exorcists were looking through it at the moment.

The collections in the Martial God Library are divided into five levels, with level one being the highest and level five being the lowest.

After all, it has been treasured by the New York City Government for many years. Even if it is a fifth-level collection, it is still a treasure that the exorcist desires if it is placed outside.

There were more and more exorcists in the square. Xu Yi guessed that exorcists from all over New York and even surrounding cities had heard the news and came here.

Because the New York City Hall issued a message: "Any exorcist who participated in the St. O'Haggon operation can select a fifth-level collection from the War God's library after the mission is over."

Participate and you will be rewarded!Who can resist this temptation?
The government would not have made such a decision if it had not been forced to do so.

You must know that there are now close to a thousand exorcists. No matter how wealthy the New York City government is, it will inevitably have to bleed a lot.

Xu Yi can actually understand the city government. The city of New York can only be described as "panic boiling" at the moment.

Because of the sudden attack by black rats, more and more hot soul patients appeared, and the first batch of hot soul patients also began to die in large numbers.

It can be said that there is a leak in the house and it rains all night. Now people everywhere are in panic.

As the "culprit", Xu Yi was not blamed by the government, but received very solemn thanks.

In addition to the high bounty, he can also pick one more level five collection after the mission.

Everyone knows that it is better to block than to open up. Now that the disaster has just broken out, the city government is still capable of dealing with it.

If the disaster reaches its peak stage and the government exists in name only, a large number of black rats will spew out, and the entire city will quickly collapse.

"Lisa, put your hood on, and Maria, put your coat on me too!"

Xu Yi felt a lot of eyes gathering on him and whispered.

Lisa and Maria also came, and they didn't join the action just to get two more pieces of the collection.

"We are not vases, we are your comrades fighting side by side!"

Xu Yi originally wanted the two of them to stay in the studio, but early this morning, Lisa suddenly came to the door with Maria and blocked him at the door.

Xu Yi looked at the firm eyes of the two people and knew that they were ready. After hesitating for a moment, Xu Yi nodded.

He couldn't let them hide like little flowers in a greenhouse just because he was afraid that they would be in danger.

Lisa seems to be weak-tempered, but in fact she is proud at heart.

What she wants to do is not to hide behind Xu Yi and let the years be quiet, but to fight side by side with Xu Yi and face the wind and rain together.

Maria is willing. Her lifelong wish may be to make breakfast for Xu Yi, raise flowers, and occasionally let Xu Yi take her to the beach to swim when she is free.

But deep in her soul, Ailan is a militant. If she doesn't fight for a day, she will feel uncomfortable all over.

Lisa put on her hood obediently and hid her delicate little face behind the hood.

Maria also put on her coat to cover up her beautiful figure, and also put on a hat.

"Very good!" Xu Yi looked at the two people who were covered tightly, nodded with satisfaction, and felt a sense of satisfaction.

I don’t know if it’s the entry or Lisa herself.

Lisa's facial features are becoming more and more delicate, coupled with her small face, coupled with the strange witch costume, it will be a killer for some people with special quirks.

Needless to say, Maria has an impeccable appearance, a slim body, and long and straight legs.

The most important thing is that she is wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform today, which outlines her perfect figure. Xu Yi, who has already tested it, is a little ready to move.

That's why they attract so much attention. Everyone has a love for beauty. When the two of them stand in the square, everyone can't help but take a few more glances.Maria's tight-fitting combat uniform was requested by Alan. The purpose was not to highlight her figure, but to fight better.

When Aylan fights, he will maximize his physical advantages. High whip kicks and back spin kicks are just normal. Sometimes his body will even fold greatly.

In this case, beautiful skirts or clothing without elasticity will greatly limit her performance.

That's why this special combat uniform is needed.

Of course Xu Yi and Lisa also have their own combat uniforms. Xu Yi wears a modified bulletproof suit inside and a long windbreaker on the outside.

The long trench coat is mainly used to cover up the Alchemy Revolver and Annabelle doll around the waist.

Sometimes, under the cover of a long windbreaker, both can become "hidden weapons."

Lisa and Xu Yi were in a similar situation. They wore a bulletproof suit on the inside and a slightly loose witch suit on the outside, with large cloth pockets sewn into the clothes.

If the black carp is unfortunately injured, she can put the black carp into her pocket and carry it with her.

The combat uniforms of the three people are all designed according to their personal fighting styles.

Originally, it was not possible to get the finished product so quickly, but after Xu Yi presented two portraits of Huo Kui, the other party compressed the work that took two days to complete into one night, while maintaining quality and quantity.

"Exorcists please go to your respective teams, the operation is about to begin..."

The loudspeaker started to broadcast information. Xu Yi stood up and took a deep breath. It was finally time to start!

"Later, remember not to rush too far ahead or fall too far behind. It's best to hide in the middle. At the same time, you must see six directions and listen to all directions..."

Xu Yi was waiting for the captain of their team while teaching the two people the "fishing technique".

The operation was carried out in small teams, a team of about fifty people, a mix of exorcists and soldiers.

"I will lead this team, everyone follow me!"

A tall figure wearing camouflage combat uniform appeared in front of them. Xu Yi was a little surprised when he saw his face clearly.


The other party was one of the commanders in chief of the operation before. How could he be reduced to leading a small team like ours?
"I was punished because of what happened in the sewer that day!" Entos also recognized Xu Yi and explained briefly.

Xu Yi nodded, probably knowing what was going on.

The armored vehicles were launched, and teams one after another set off towards the designated mission location. I wonder if it was a coincidence that the destination of their team happened to be the sewer entrance that blocked the black rat tide that day.

"Get out of the car and check the weapons!" Entos ordered.

Everyone checked their weapons silently. In addition to their own exorcism tools, the exorcists would also carry firearms in order to deal with the black rats.

Xu Yi is still in the same old style, with the Dagger of Rest on his left waist and the Alchemy Revolver Messiah on his right waist. He can be so refreshing only because of Annabelle's toy box.

Maria silently opened the long box at hand and took out an alloy knife from it.

When she put the alloy knife behind her back, her eyes suddenly became sharp. At this moment, her body was controlled by Ailan.

Ailan is naturally more suitable for this dangerous battle scene.

Ai Lan has been exposed to many fighting skills, such as fighting, boxing, taekwondo... and then found that the most suitable for her was swordsmanship.

This alloy knife was made by Ellente who specially found connections and spent a lot of money to build it.

Lisa also has her "exclusive weapon", two heavy steel finger tigers, which allow her to go further and further on the road of violent little loli.

After the weapons inspection was completed, everyone walked towards the sewer entrance.

On the way, three more teams entered. Their tasks may be slightly different, but the entrances are all the same.

The rat carcasses at the entrance had been cleaned up, but a strong fishy smell could still be smelled, and everyone subconsciously became nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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