American exorcist god.

Chapter 122: Enlightenment x Spearmanship

Chapter 122: Enlightenment x Spearmanship
Xu Yi followed the initial strategic policy and hid in the middle of the team, with Lisa and Maria beside him.

As the team deepened, rustling sounds came from the depths of the sewers. Xu Yi cheered up instantly and tightened his grip on the government-issued carbine in his hand.

"Try to stay by my side. If you are separated, remember to use the communicator on your body to contact me!" Xu Yi warned uneasily.

There were three communicators in his pocket. In addition to Lisa's and Maria's, there was also a pocket button communicator that Chen Lin secretly stuffed into him.

He brought Chen Lin's communicator because he had a vague suspicion that Chen Lin might appear here.

This is just a matter of convenience. If Chen Lin's communicator can work best, it doesn't matter if it is not available. It doesn't take up any space anyway.

Lisa nodded, and Alan's attention was completely focused on the front.

A large shadow came, Xu Yi saw his "old friends" again, decisively pulled the trigger and entertained them warmly.

Suddenly there was a loud sound of gunfire, and the swarm of black rats that came over spattered large amounts of blood.

"Be careful!" Entos warned loudly as he looked at the group of black rats getting closer and closer.

His confidence is seriously lacking.Although there were far fewer black rats in front of us than before, the successful interception last time was largely due to the advantage of the terrain.

Before, they only needed to pay attention to one direction, but now it is different. This is the territory of the black rat, and danger may come from all directions.

A black rat swooped down from the top of the passage and rushed straight into the center of the group.

Before Entos had time to remind him, a bullet suddenly penetrated the black rat's head, and the brains flew out.

He looked at the shooter, and Xu Yi gave Entos a "you're welcome" gesture.

Entos couldn't hide the surprise on his face. Yesterday, Xu Yi sneaked into the soldiers. After observing for a moment, he went to deal with his own affairs.

He remembered clearly that the opponent's marksmanship was only average and he was just getting started.

But less than a day has passed, how come your marksmanship has improved to this level?
You must know that objects moving at high speed are difficult to hit.Even if he was asked to shoot just now, he was not 100% sure of hitting the target.

He thought it was an accident at first, but after observing Xu Yi for a while, he was completely shocked. The opponent's shooting skills could be described as perfect shots.

"Xu Yi! Use this grenade gun!" Entos walked quickly to Xu Yi and put the gun in Xu Yi's hand.

Xu Yi did not refuse. Although he had never used this kind of gun, the power of the entry was that as long as the progress was sufficient, any type of gun could be successfully used.

He aimed at the area where the black rats were densely populated and pulled the trigger.

The grenade flew out, exploded, and turned into a fireball, swallowing a large number of black rats.

"Good job! Keep up the good work!"

Entos neatly handed over the incendiary bomb and filled it into the chamber of the grenade gun. This modified grenade gun can fire a variety of bullets.

Xu Yi didn't say anything, because three black rats had already crossed the defense line and rushed toward him.

He stretched out his free left hand, pulled out the Desert Eagle from Entos's waist, and aimed three shots forward.

With super dynamic visuals and excellent marksmanship, he was simply a battlefield gunner. Three black rats were killed instantly.

Xu Yi has a desert eagle in his left hand and a grenade gun in his right hand. He is very capable of killing. One person's efficiency is equal to that of his team.

Entos saw that Xu Yi was so fierce, so he decisively assigned a soldier to help him change ammunition.

[Marksmanship +2, current progress: 74]

[Marksmanship +3, current progress: 77]


In a trance, Xu Yi entered a mysterious and mysterious state. He felt that the gun in his hand had become a part of his body, like an arm and a finger.

He doesn't even need to aim specifically, he just needs to pull the trigger, and the bullet will appear where he wants the bullet to appear according to his wishes.The gunshots continued and the smoke filled the air. Under such high-intensity shooting, Xu Yi still had time to observe Ailan and Lisa.

Ai Lan's marksmanship is no worse than Xu Yi's. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the ability of super dynamic vision, so she can't reach Xu Yi's level of "shooting like a god", but she has no problem dealing with black rats.

Lisa's shooting skills are very average. If she wants to shoot a black rat that moves at high speed, she can only rely on luck.

However, she didn't shoot at the high-speed moving black rats at all. Instead, she aimed at the black rat tide. Such a large target could be hit at any time.

Lisa ignored the black rats that came close to her because they were protected by the black carp.

The fighting power of the black carp is unexpectedly strong. The sharp cat claws can easily penetrate the black mouse, and the speed is faster than the black mouse. The black mouse has already been killed by it before it even gets close to Lisa.

The other exorcists also showed their talents. Since they knew they had to deal with these black rats, they would naturally be prepared.

The soldier's reloading speed could no longer satisfy Xu Yi. Xu Yi took a few more guns from Entos. After firing the bullets in one gun, he immediately replaced it with another, and the bullet casings were scattered on the floor.

The soldier in charge of changing bullets was sweating profusely. He did not expect that just changing bullets would bring him so much pressure.

The gunshots were deafening, and everyone was impressed by Xu Yi's unpredictable marksmanship and marveled again and again.

Xu Yi only had one thought in his mind at the moment, and that was to go fast!Pull the trigger faster!Aim faster too!

His pupils became dull and his energy became more concentrated than ever before.

When Xu Yi thought about this incident afterwards, he would definitely know that the state he was in now was the legendary epiphany that could be encountered but not sought.

I don't know how long it took, but Xu Yi suddenly stopped and looked at the two guns in his hands in a daze, because as far as he could see, he could no longer see a living black rat.

Unknowingly, this group of black rats was wiped out.

[Marksmanship +2, current progress: 100/100]

Xu Yi suddenly had a new understanding. The gun in his hand seemed to come alive. He could feel the gun's breathing.

With the opportunity of his epiphany, he actually wrote out the entry on gun skills!

[Eye of Darkness +3, current progress: 94/100]

The number of black rats in front of them is far less than before, otherwise even if Xu Yi shows off his power, it would be impossible to solve it with just a few of their teams.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Xu Yi patted the shoulder of the soldier next to him. The soldier who had been helping him change bullets was so flattered that he subconsciously stood up straight and saluted Xu Yi.

After a fierce battle, everyone was resting. Entos walked to Xu Yi and lowered his voice, "Actually, our teams are only used to attract firepower. The real trump card is not us."

Xu Yi understood what Entos meant. The other party wanted him to take it easy and not to hurt himself by exerting any force.

Although he struggled to kill the rat and it had nothing to do with what Entos thought, he still nodded and accepted the other party's kindness.

"What's the real trump card?" Xu Yi was suddenly curious.

Entos hesitated and lowered his voice, "The government invited a great exorcist and a large number of elite exorcists to form a demon-slaying team. They were preparing to set up an ambush and destroy the curse. Bring out the root cause...don’t tell these news.”

There is no doubt that this information is top secret. If it weren't for Entos being the commander, he would have no right to know.

Xu Yi suddenly thought of Chen Lin. If he was from the government department, he would most likely use the fact that Chen Lin had come into contact with the cursed object to trace the source of the curse in reverse.

"Next, it's time to merge the entries for gun fighting!" Xu Yi looked at the panel with an expectant expression.

What he didn't notice was that in his pocket, the pocket button communicator that Chen Lin had given him suddenly turned on a light.

(End of this chapter)

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