American exorcist god.

Chapter 123 The source of the curse appears

Chapter 123 The source of the curse appears
In the long sewer, Chen Lin walked cautiously. He was surrounded by a group of exorcists, and outside the exorcists there was a group of fully armed soldiers.

He was surrounded by layers of people and headed deeper into the sewer.

"Father Nordin, are you going to sacrifice me?" Chen Lin cried with a sad face and turned to look at the old priest next to him, whose hair and beard were already gray.

Father Nordin is very old, but he still looks energetic and walks with great energy.

"Sacrifice is something only cultists do. We are Catholics and will not do such a thing." Father Nordin explained with a smile.

"Then can you let me go! Doesn't Catholicism say that God has mercy on the world?" Chen Lin asked in a negotiating tone.

"Of course, no problem, you can leave now!" Father Nordin made a gesture of invitation.

Chen Lin's eyes burst into surprise and he walked outside in disbelief, "Then am I really leaving?"

The exorcists surrounding him backed away to make way for him.

Chen Lin took a few steps and then stepped back.

"Mr. Chen Lin, have you suddenly changed your mind and are you ready to help my Lord eliminate the evil spirits here?" Father Nordin looked at Chen Lin with a smile on his face.

"Do I have any other choice?" Chen Lin's face showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

The soldiers protecting him outside were fighting fiercely with the rats. Once he left this protective circle, he would probably be eaten away by the rats in a matter of minutes.

"Don't worry, you just need to cooperate and everything will be fine!" An exorcist came to comfort Chen Lin.

Chen Lin smiled bitterly and said nothing. How could he not be worried?

"Father Nordin is a great exorcist, and we also took a special collection from the War God's library to ensure that this exorcism is foolproof." The exorcist looked confident.

If the exorcists outside who participated in the operation were here, they would definitely scold them for being cunning. The information the government gave them in the War God Library only has first-class collections at most, and no special collections at all.

"Mr. Chen Lin, are you interested in joining our Ayers Exorcism Studio?"

The exorcist sent an invitation to Chen Lin. Chen Lin had been in contact with the source of the curse. After such a long time, he was just mentally depressed and obviously had a special constitution.

Not only Xu Yi can see this, but other exorcists can as well.

"Now I just want to go back to Chinatown and sell sesame seeds!" Chen Lin has been worried these days. He is tired of this kind of life.

The sound of gunfire gradually became lower, the swarm of black rats were wiped out, and the soldiers suffered many casualties, but at least they finally reached the depths of the sewer.

"Just right here!" Father Nordin looked around and said softly. There happened to be a large platform here.

The exorcists jumped onto the platform, and Chen Lin watched curiously as they took out a lot of strange things, including broken glass beads, unknown masks, weird statues... They placed the things in specific places. Location.

The priests of the church also started to get busy, opening bronze metal jars one after another, which contained thick purple liquid.

The priest dipped his paintbrush into the purple liquid and squatted on the platform to draw carefully. The putrid smell wafting from the nearby ditch did not affect them at all.

After being busy for about half an hour, an extremely complex pattern appeared in front of Chen Lin. The pattern connected those strange items with each other to form a huge magic circle.

Chen Lin couldn't see any clues. He only knew that drawing this magic circle was very laborious. After the priests finished drawing it, they sat on the ground to rest exhausted.

Father Nordin took out a bottle of spray, which looked a bit like an air freshener. It actually had a scent after spraying it out.

But when Father Nordin sprayed the spray on the magic circle, a magical scene happened... the magic circle mysteriously disappeared.

Chen Lin's eyes widened. If only the purple lines on the ground disappeared, he could still understand that it might be the principle of erasing the writing pen.But the strange objects placed on the platform also disappeared, as if everything he saw just now was just an illusion.

"Don't ever take this thing off!"

Chen Lin suddenly felt a chill between his brows. While he was in a daze, Father Nordin had already walked up to him and put a piece of agar-like substance on his forehead.

"This thing can save your life." Father Nordin patted the stunned Chen Lin, "Go! Go to the center of the circle, you don't have to do anything, just stay there!"

Chen Lin subconsciously walked to the center of the magic circle, and then he saw the group of soldiers retreating, leaving only the exorcist hiding in the shadows.

Father Nordin took out a new bottle of spray and sprayed it on many exorcists. Now he could not even see the exorcists. It was as if he was the only one in the sewer, so quiet that he could hear his own breathing.

Chen Lin was tortured by this silent atmosphere and his heart went crazy. Time passed by minute by second. Just when he wanted to yell to vent his anger, his peripheral vision caught a glimpse of the shadow around the corner.

The shadow appeared without warning, with no sound of breathing or footsteps, as if it was already there.

Huge fear enveloped Chen Lin. The shadow was not tall and was about the same as an ordinary adult.

But he still felt a suffocating pressure from the other party. The air seemed to be solid and he couldn't take in a breath of oxygen.

The outline of the shadow vaguely looked like a human being, but when the other party stepped out of the shadow, he knew that he was terribly wrong.

It was a standing black giant rat with slender limbs. It didn't look like a rat, but more like a human being, but the front end was indeed a rat's paw.

Chen Lin's breathing accelerated involuntarily. He had seen the other party before.

wrong!He must have seen each other's statue.

His whole body was as dark as ink, except for his pupils, which were two strange white spots.The statue he held in his hand was only the size of a palm.

When Chen Lin was looking at the rat man, the rat man was also looking at him, with a humanized look of doubt on his rat-like face.

In its field of vision, Chen Lin was not a human at all, but a black rat with a similar appearance.

Not only the appearance, but also the aura. The other party's aura was almost exactly the same as his.

The rat man walked straight towards Chen Lin, chanting an unknown language. Chen Lin's back was completely wet with cold sweat.

He glanced subconsciously towards the corner, where the exorcist was hiding.

"Someone is coming! Someone is coming quickly!" Chen Lin shouted in his heart, his body trembling uncontrollably.

The Rat Man was getting closer and closer to him, and Chen Lin could already smell the fishy smell of the Rat Man.

Just when he was about to break down and run away, footsteps suddenly sounded, and Chen Lin felt that the footsteps were like the sound of nature.

The rat man turned his head warily, but he suddenly froze, as if his body was soaked in amber that was about to solidify, unable to move at all.

At its feet, a purple magic circle suddenly appeared, bursting out with bright light.

"Chen Lin! Get out of there quickly!"

When Chen Lin heard Father Nordin's words, he felt like he was being pardoned. He ran away from the magic circle and hid behind the exorcist before he breathed a sigh of relief.

The rat man looked at the large group of exorcists who suddenly walked out of the shadows, with an intriguing expression on his face, and his pale pupils stared directly at Father Nordin.

(End of this chapter)

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