American exorcist god.

Chapter 124 Soul Jade Suppression in Progress

Chapter 124 Soul Jade Suppression in Progress

In the sewer, each team had just finished a fierce battle and sat down on the ground without caring about the dirty ground.

Xu Yi's eyes were distracted. In other people's eyes, it was because he was too tired just now. In fact, he was looking at the furnace of the system panel.

As the entries for gun skills and fighting skills melted, the synthesis path for gun fighting skills fell into the melting pot, and new entries were slowly born.

[Gun Fighting Technique: (Green Normal)
The perfect combination of superb spear skills and flexible fighting skills can increase your combat effectiveness several times. 】

Xu Yi originally thought that the two white ordinary entries would be combined into white epic entries at most, but he did not expect that they would be green-level entries.

This illustrates the practical role of gun fighting from the side.

He closed his eyes slightly, and a lot of memories poured into his mind, how to load bullets quickly, how to shoot at the most correct time...

After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes as sharp as knives.

Now he has become a master who has devoted himself to studying gun fighting for decades.

Entos looked at Xu Yi, who suddenly showed his sharpness, and was a little confused. Could it be that the black rats are coming again?
He followed Xu Yi's gaze and his pupils shrank suddenly.

There is no group of black rats, only one black rat, but the size of the other one is hundreds of times that of an ordinary black rat, comparable to an adult wild boar.

"Shoot! Shoot immediately!" Engels roared and ordered.

Others also discovered the huge black rat. Without taking any rest, they picked up their guns and pulled the triggers.

The deafening gunfire sounded again, but Entos's heart was still hanging in the air.

The bullet hit the black rat, spattering little bits of blood. The bullet was not enough to penetrate the black rat. The animal's skin was extremely tough. After the bullet penetrated the skin, it could no longer penetrate further.

The giant rat let out a sharp hiss and ran towards the crowd.

The expressions of all the soldiers changed. The guns in their hands had no effect at all. Only grenades or incendiary bombs could slightly stop the opponent.

A low chanting sound suddenly sounded, and three exorcists wearing the same costume stepped forward, holding carvings of thorn flowers in their hands, bowing their heads in prayer.

The mysterious power acted on the giant rat, and the giant rat screamed, and black smoke evaporated from its body.

Seeing this scene, Entos finally felt relieved.

As the black smoke drifted, the strength of the giant rat's body suddenly dropped by several levels.

The bullet penetrated its body. After a while, the giant rat became scarred and its running speed also slowed down.

"Step aside!"

When Entos heard the familiar voice behind him, he felt happy and quickly stepped aside.

The speeding grenade passed by him, drew a perfect arc in the air, and accurately hit the black rat's left eye.

The grenade exploded in the black rat's eye socket, and large pieces of blood splashed out. The black rat let out a shrill scream. Unable to run any longer, it threw itself into the waste ditch, causing smelly water to splash everywhere.

Entos turned his head and looked at Xu Yi holding a grenade gun behind him, admiring him in his heart.

It is unimaginably difficult to hit the eyes of a running black rat with a grenade gun.

He could feel that Xu Yi's marksmanship had improved again. Every time he thought Xu Yi was at his limit, the other party would always surprise him.

Xu Yi was secretly frightened when he saw the giant rat struggling in the wastewater channel.

The opponent's vitality is really amazing. The grenade just now not only shattered one of the opponent's eyes, but also blew up half of the opponent's head. His brains were burned dry, but he was still able to move!

But he soon became happy, because the giant rat in front of him also belonged to the devil.

He reached into his pocket, but there was nothing inside. This was just a cover-up, but it was actually communicating about Annabelle's toy box.

He pulled his hand out of his pocket, and a large ball of red thread spilled out.

This time the red thread is no longer an ordinary cotton thread, but a special steel wire thread. It is flexible and easy to operate and can lift hundreds of kilograms of things without breaking.

The last time I faced Basheba, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to prepare properly.

After returning to New York, he specially found someone to customize these steel wires, soaked the wires in his own blood, and made them into soul-binding wires.

The soul-binding thread automatically moved without wind. Under Annabel's control, the soul-binding thread swept towards the giant rat and wrapped it up.

The exorcists present were surprised and suddenly reacted.

This "partner" who is skilled in spears and has magical powers is not a soldier, but an exorcist with the same identity as them. It is not surprising that he has magical means.

With the help of many exorcists and soldiers, the giant rat became weaker and weaker.

The soul-binding thread tightened, and the black rat's body, which was strong enough to withstand bullets, was as fragile as foam at the moment, cut into pieces by the sharp soul-binding thread.

Xu Yi retracted the soul-binding thread. No one saw that there was a small, uneven bead in the center of the thread.

It was a soul jade made from the soul of a giant rat.

[Soul Jade +3, current progress: 11/100] Xu Yi is a little happy. This sewer is really his Feng Shui treasure land. First, the gun skill entries are full, and then the Dark Mist is absorbed, and now the Soul Jade can be suppressed.

The soul strength of the little black mouse before was too low to be pressed into a soul jade. The huge black mouse in front of him was closer to some kind of little devil.

The newly made soul jade was thrown directly into Annabelle's toy box.

In the treasure box space, under the control of Annabelle, the soul jade flew towards the bullet in the corner. The bullet had already been engraved with the necromantic incantation in advance and had not had time to seal the soul.

Xu Yi looked down on the souls of weak animals, and the souls of powerful animals were hard to find, so he put those bullets in the treasure box space.

The soul jade rolled down next to the bullet, and the soul inside was absorbed by the bullet in an instant.

Soul jade can naturally be used as a material for "soul sealing". It is itself suppressed by the soul of the devil.

Even exorcism bullets made with soul jade will be more powerful.

The demon soul itself is more powerful than animals, and the suppressed soul jade is essentially a kind of refining and purification of the soul, which can further improve the quality of the soul.

Xu Yi suddenly looked forward to seeing how powerful the exorcism bullets made using this method would be.

The ground shook slightly, and another giant rat attacked, followed by a large group of black rats.

"Lisa! Alan! Come closer to me!"

Xu Yi not only wanted to protect the two of them, but also wanted to use their strength to hunt the giant rats together and suppress more soul jade.

With the emergence of the giant rat, the battle directly entered a fierce stage, and the casualties of both soldiers and exorcists increased dramatically.

Xu Yi and the others had too much time to take care of themselves, but they still took the initiative to find those giant rats to reduce the pressure on everyone.

I don't know how long they have been fighting. Xu Yi's clothes were soaked with sweat and he was breathing heavily.

They had hunted twelve giant rats, and Xu Yi was already a little tired.

On the other hand, Lisa and Ailan beside him were in better condition than Xu Yi. Lisa was only slightly sweating on her forehead, while Ailan seemed to be fine.

Although Xu Yi has many entries, the only ones that can strengthen his body are white ordinary-level fighting skills.

As for Lisa and Ailan, both of their entries have the ability to strengthen their bodies.

"It seems we have to find a way to get the super-accelerated regeneration entry as soon as possible!"

You can't be physically weaker than a girl, right?When the time comes, I won’t have any initiative in bed. That would be so miserable!
The group of rats was temporarily repulsed. Xu Yi's tense nerves relaxed slightly and he became a little distracted.

The system prompt message came, and Xu Yi showed a satisfied smile on his face.

[Soul Jade +3, current progress: 44/100]

Unknowingly, the Soul Jade entry was almost halfway through.

This entry is full of unknowns, and the unknown is usually synonymous with miracles. He has high expectations for this entry.

At this time, the ground shook violently, Xu Yi's face changed slightly, and he tightened his grip on the gun in his hand.

From the depths of the sewer, more than 20 giant rats suddenly rushed out, their pupils flashing with bloodthirsty light, staring at everyone.

"Run!" Xu Yi turned around and ran away, while not forgetting to remind Lisa and Ailan beside him.

They could easily deal with one giant rat, and they could barely cope with two giant rats, but now they were facing more than 20 of them, and there was no way they could handle it.

As the battle progressed, more and more teams naturally gathered together, and there were already 300 people gathered here.

At this moment, everyone ran away together, and the area of ​​​​the sewer was limited. Xu Yi and the other three were washed away in an instant.

In the surging crowd, Xu Yi wanted to find Lisa and Ailan again, but found that it was impossible and could only be carried forward by the crowd.

The giant rat rushed into the crowd and started killing people. Because the crowd was crowded, Xu Yi couldn't move at all.

Xu Yi knew that this was not the way to go. When he passed a fork, he rushed inside decisively. Some people hesitated and then rushed in.

The route of New York's sewers is complicated and has many forks. As people run into different forks, the crowd and the black rats become more and more scattered.

Xu Yi stopped and panted slightly. He could not see the giant rats chasing behind him for the time being.

The first thing he looked for was not the contact device, but the system's bond panel. Lisa and Maria's names were still on, which made him relieved.

This is the last protection for Lisa and Maria. Once the name on the bond panel disappears, it means the death of the other party.

When the time comes, he will use the resurrection coins without hesitation.

"Who is there?"

Xu Yi turned his head suddenly and looked warily at the corner behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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