American exorcist god.

Chapter 125 The Realm of Darkness

Chapter 125 The Realm of Darkness
Xu Yi stared at the corner, and a tall figure slowly walked out from there. His hair was gray, but his muscles were bulging and his eyes were narrow, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" Xu Yi frowned and stared at the other person.

He had actually noticed someone behind him a long time ago, but he thought it was just an exorcist who happened to be on the same road. It wasn't until he found the other person hiding in a corner and peeking at him that he was sure that the other person was coming for him.

"My name is Kalari. You may not know me, but you should know Silver Cross Exorcism Studio and Maggie. I am his father," the man stared at Xu Yi.

I don't know if Xu Yi heard it or not. He stared at the entrance of the sewer quietly, not looking at Kalari at all.

Kalari's eyes suddenly turned red, and anger rose in her heart. As an avenger, she came to avenge her son, but was ignored by her enemy.

He was ready to take out his pistol and end the other person's life.

But he suddenly froze. As a senior exorcist, even if he was furious, he still had the habit of listening to all directions.

It’s so quiet, so quiet behind me!
In the first few seconds, you could still hear various noises coming from behind, rats were hunting, people were fleeing, it was impossible that there was no sound, but now all the sounds have disappeared.

He noticed something unusual had happened, and his muscles all tensed up.

The sewer suddenly became dark. Although it was not very bright before, at least the sunlight shone through the manhole cover from time to time, allowing people to see the surrounding things clearly.

Now all that sunshine is gone.

Is it dark?

He suddenly realized that it was impossible. The operation started in the morning, and it had only been five or six hours at most.

Logically speaking, it is noon when the sun is scorching hot, so the sewers should be brighter.

Cold sweat suddenly fell from his forehead... Although it was dark just now, I could still vaguely see some outlines.But while he was thinking for a moment, he suddenly couldn't see anything, he couldn't see his fingers, and the whole space seemed to be soaked in thick ink.

This place has been isolated and is a different space created by the devil!Kalari suddenly reacted.

His breathing became rapid. His past exorcism experience told him that the demons that could create this kind of alien space were extremely powerful beings.

There was a sudden whistling sound beside him, which was a sonic boom sound caused by a sharp weapon cutting through the air.

Kalari subconsciously dodged to the side, and at the same time pulled out the pistol on his waist, preparing to fight back.

At this moment, his back suddenly hit something, and his chest felt cold, followed by severe pain.

Kalari pushed away the things behind him, took out a white jade statue of Jesus from his backpack with trembling hands, and slammed it to the ground.

The white jade statue was smashed to pieces, and the scattered fragments actually burst into dazzling white light.

The dark space was temporarily illuminated, and Kalari looked down. A dagger pierced his chest, and blood flowed uncontrollably.

Behind him, two slender figures were reflected in the white light.

It was these two people who attacked him just now. Their pupils were as dark as ink, as if they were condensed with two dark clouds.

Kalari breathed violently, his chest throbbing like a broken bellows, his lungs were punctured, and he would soon die from excessive blood loss.

Is he going to die here?

He couldn't suppress the fear in his heart, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

He was attacked so easily not because of his carelessness, but because of this special space.

This dark place will swallow up light. The white jade Jesus statue is an exorcism tool that can illuminate this place. If it were replaced by an ordinary flashlight, I'm afraid it wouldn't emit any light at all.

But the white jade Jesus statue can only illuminate for a moment.

"At least I've avenged Ma Ji, and it's worth it!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Kalari's mouth. He looked at Xu Yi, expecting to see the other party's miserable condition, but his smile suddenly froze on his face.The other party was not dead. There were three people surrounding and killing the other party, one more than him, but the other party actually acted with ease.

Why is the other party okay?
When he saw the other person's eyes, he was slightly startled. The other person's pupils were gray and white, which was obviously not eyes that ordinary people could have.

Can those eyes see in the dark?
Kalari was filled with resentment. Why could the other party have such a talent?Why was it his son who died instead of the other party?
From the exorcists who participated, he learned the entire process of his son's death.

In his opinion, if Xu Yi hadn't deliberately provoked his son, if Xu Yi hadn't deliberately set a trap for his son, his son would not have died at all.

If Xu Yi knew what the other person was thinking, he would definitely say that like father, like son, both of them have extremely egoistic personalities.

Kalari sat on her knees on the ground, feeling the strength in her body being drained away bit by bit.

"It's okay. Even if the other party can see in the dark, facing so many people surrounding him, he will definitely be dead!" Kalari could only comfort himself in this way.

He covered the wound on his chest and stared at Xu Yi, trying to see the other person die in front of him and take one step ahead of him.

After the two assassins determined that Kalari had no way to survive, they walked straight towards Xu Yi, preparing to work together to end the battle as soon as possible.

Kalari was already on the verge of death, but seeing this scene, he was still secretly happy.

He was already very old and had only a few days to live. It would be a kind of enjoyment to see his son's enemy die in pain.

But he suddenly had a bad feeling. There was no fear in Xu Yi's eyes, but a faint smile on his lips.

This is a sign of extreme confidence.

Kalari soon knew where the other party's confidence came from.His pupils dilated and he looked at the battle in shock.

This was the first time he had seen someone actually mastering fighting and spear skills to such an extent!

Sometimes it was impossible to tell when the other party fired. He could only hear a gunshot, and then the killer slowly fell down.

He also recognized the gun in the opponent's hand, which was the legendary Alchemy Revolver Messiah.

These killers are naturally not ordinary people. They have all been blessed by the devil, have strong bodies, and strong vitality.

But in the face of the exorcism bullets shot by the Messiah, the body blessed by the devil will not have a very good effect.

He suddenly felt a little ridiculous. He actually wanted to kill the opponent single-handedly before?
With the opponent's skills, if they faced each other head-on, he would definitely be the one to die.

The killers fell one by one in the gunfire, but Xu Yi's clothes were only scratched and he was panting slightly.

Kalari's pupils were bloodshot, and he suddenly realized that these killers could not kill each other.

"No! My son is dead, why should the other party live?" Kalari gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

He wanted to curse the other person, causing him to die a bad death, with his body rotting and his soul lost in the River Styx.

The reason why he didn't do this before was because the price of launching the curse was his soul.

Once the curse is activated, his soul will be sacrificed and he will never be reincarnated.

As an exorcist, he knew the consequences of doing so, but at the moment he didn't care about anything, he just wanted Xu Yi to die in front of him.

Kalari took out a metal statue from his arms. It was a dead tree with a three-headed snake with scarlet pupils wrapped around the tree.

He gripped the statue hard, and the sharp edges pierced his palm, and the blood dyed the three-headed snake red.

"The snake spirit wandering in the nightmare, I pray to you here and offer my soul..."

Kalari chanted softly, preparing to curse Xu Yi through the statue and let him die here.

(End of this chapter)

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