American exorcist god.

Chapter 126 Blue Fire Gatling

Chapter 126 Blue Fire Gatling (Additional update)

While Kalari was performing the curse ritual, he suddenly felt his shoulders sink and something fell on his shoulders.

He was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the little girl doll with braids and a strange smile sitting on his shoulder.

When he looked over, the doll looked back at him, its blue pupils flashing with humanized banter.

Inexplicable fear filled Kalari's heart because he discovered that something was wrong with the curse ritual.

He did not continue to recite the prayer just now, the curse had stopped, but now the curse ritual started automatically.

"No! No!" Kalari roared in despair, but to no avail.

The curse is out of control, and the target of the curse is not Xu Yi, but Kalari himself.

As a curse puppet, Annabell has mastered the power of the curse, but the other party is just a layman. Annabell only needs to do a little trick in the other party's curse ritual to make the curse get out of control.

Black corpse patches covered Kalari's body, and his flesh began to rot.

To make matters worse, the dagger on the chest was slowly pulled out by an invisible force, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the wound.

Kalari could no longer resist the coming of death, and fell to the ground with a face full of reluctance, eyes wide open, and his pupils were full of regret.

Xu Yi's attention was not on Kalari at all. The other party was not worthy of his efforts. Annabell decided to deal with the other party.

He looked at the criminal lying in a pool of blood in front of him and felt a little lucky.

If he hadn't unlocked the night vision ability of the Eye of Obscure and synthesized the Gun Fighting Technique entry, which greatly increased his combat power, I don't know how many resurrection coins he would have wasted here.

More and more figures came out of the darkness, and Xu Yineng could see their faces clearly.

Most of them were strangers, but there were two people who impressed him deeply.

Bomb Magsim!Andre the weird bird!
Both of these men were extremely vicious serial murderers who were once imprisoned in the depths of Clays Prison. They were felons who disappeared when the rat tide attacked the prison.

Before leaving Lex Prison, Xu Yi asked Entos for the list of missing prisoners in the prison out of curiosity.

He never expected that he would see these people here.

Along with the murderer, eight giant rats appeared, as well as a tide of black rats.

Xu Yi was standing around with a solemn look on his face. He was completely surrounded.

"We must break out of the encirclement quickly!" Xu Yi felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Xu Yi knew very little about the source of the curse, and he never imagined that the other party could actually control humans.

If these people mix in the crowd and suddenly attack Lisa and Ailan, will they be able to react?

This space can isolate the signal and the communicator cannot be used.

So he had to leave here quickly, use the communicator to contact the two of them, and tell them the news.

Xu Yi took deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

Although he desperately wants to leave here, he also knows that it is very difficult. Not only does he have to face the harassment of rats and the attacks of giant rats, but he also has to guard against sneak attacks by brutal criminals.

Even if he had the entry for gun fighting, it would still be a tough fight.

The Annabell doll flew back to Xu Yi, hovering in front of him, quietly watching the tide of rats in front of him.

"It would be nice to have more help!"

Xu Yi looked at the Annabell doll and sighed. It would be difficult for the two of them to cope with the situation at hand.

His peripheral vision caught a glimpse of the criminal on the ground, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He knows where to find help!

The swarm of black rats surged forward, but Xu Yi ignored them and rushed towards the criminals who fell to the ground.

The murderer was hit in a vital part by a bullet, but because his body was blessed by the devil, it had strong vitality and was still lingering.

"Come! Open your mouth and give you something delicious to eat!" Xu Yi took out an irregular bead and stuffed it into the criminal's mouth.

It was a soul jade made by suppressing the soul of a giant rat. Because he only carved a few exorcism bullets, there was still a lot of soul jade left.

The dying criminals had no ability to swallow, but as soon as the soul jade entered their mouths, it turned into a mass of black water and flowed into their stomachs.

The black rats jumped up and rushed toward Xu Yi, like a swarm of ants trying to wrap up carrion.

But their forward bodies suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then flew out backwards.

The white dress on Annabell's body moved automatically without any wind, and her evil control ability was maximized.

"Well done!" Xu Yi praised.

Unexpectedly, Annabell’s ability to control evil would allow her to cosplay Shinra Tenzheng.

Xu Yi pounced on the next seriously injured criminal and roughly stuffed the soul jade into his mouth.At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of a gunshot and subconsciously dodged to the side. The bullets grazed his clothes. The criminal who was attacking was holding a pistol and stood behind the giant rat, staring at him coldly.

Xu Yi raised his hand and fired a shot. The bullet seemed to be equipped with a tracker. It hit the opponent's left eye and penetrated the opponent's head.

With such a serious injury, an ordinary person would have fallen to the ground and died, but the guy still raised his hand and tried to shoot back.

Gunfire rang out again, not from in front of him, but from behind. Xu Yi was startled and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

The white figure floated behind Xu Yi, and Annabell took the initiative to block the bullet for him.

The bullet hit Annabell, and she was carried away by the huge inertia, but her body soon stabilized.

Xu Yi's breathing became rapid. He thought these criminals didn't have guns.

At first, these people wanted to use the suppression of the dark enchantment to quietly deal with him, and did not intend to use guns.

Now that they found that the dark enchantment was not effective, they naturally changed their methods and took out their guns, aiming and shooting.

A storm of bullets enveloped Xu Yi. Annabelle's small body could not block all the bullets, but the purple-red air curtain expanded, and Annabelle's toy box unfolded.

The bullets fell into the purple-red air curtain and disappeared strangely. None of them could get close to Xu Yi. This was almost a perfect defense.

Xu Yi felt his heart bleed. The reason why it was "almost" was because after the bullet entered the toy box space, the kinetic energy still existed before it was pressed into a toy.

The bullets hit the purple-red wall, leaving large craters. The only good news is that the wall was not penetrated, otherwise it would be terrible.

Xu Yi sped up his movements and fed the four criminals soul jade. One of the criminals was pronounced dead while waiting.

Xu Yi grabbed the criminal who fed the soul jade and threw him out with all his strength.

Those criminals fell into the swarm of rats and began to undergo startling changes. One of the criminals turned into pieces of flesh before he even hit the ground. This was the physical collapse caused by the soul jade.

Thin blue scales grew on the surface of the two criminals' bodies. They opened their eyes suddenly, and their pupils were bloodshot. This was the demonization caused by the soul jade.

Another criminal also opened his eyes. His eyes were no longer filled with crazy blood, nor shrouded in black mist. What was even more amazing was that the wounds on the other criminal's body actually began to heal.

Is this physical sublimation?Xu Yi was stunned for a moment.

Although these criminals have received the devil's blessing, in the final analysis, they still belong to the category of human beings.

After humans swallow soul jade, various strange and bizarre changes will occur, and the probability of each change is different.

The chance of demonization or physical collapse is 95%.

The chance of the soul dying and condensing pure soul crystals is 4%.

The remaining hundreds of changes only account for the remaining 1%. The probability of physical sublimation is estimated to be only a few tenths of a percent.

Part of the group of rats suddenly turned around. Their target was no longer Xu Yi, but the "lucky one" who had experienced physical sublimation.

Before the rats could climb onto Lucky Man, they were knocked away by the giant rat next to him.

The giant rat stared at Lucky, with full hunger and thirst in its pupils. In the eyes of these black rats, the sublimated body was a delicacy.

The giant rat rushed away from the group of rats in order to swallow this delicious food. It roared excitedly and rushed towards the lucky one.

Unfortunately, there was more than one giant rat present, and other giant rats also wanted to taste this delicious meal.

"There's actually internal strife!" Xu Yi looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

In order to compete for the sublimated flesh and blood, the black rats brutally fought each other, their screams continued, and blood was spilled everywhere.

Xu Yi's face was filled with joy. Although it was a bit unexpected, there was no doubt that the current situation was very beneficial to him.

Beast-like roars were heard, and the two criminals who were on the verge of death stood up again. After being demonized, they completely lost their intelligence, and the devil's blessing could not affect them.

They roared and rushed out, and every living creature in sight was their hunting target.

The scene instantly became chaotic. Xu Yi put away the Alchemy Revolver Messiah because the efficiency of the revolver was too low.

"Let you try what blue fire Gatling is!" A crazy smile appeared on Xu Yi's lips.

He wasn't just talking, a Gatling gun really appeared in his hand.

Since he knew he was going to deal with a large group of black rats, how could he not be prepared?

Alan Turtle found an arms dealer through connections, purchased a batch of arms, and placed them in Annabelle's toy box.

The reason why he hadn't used it just now was because the Jetling gun was very heavy and he could only take care of one direction, and it could easily become a weak point behind him.

Moreover, there were so many people and black rats in front of him that even if he held a Gatling, he couldn't cope with them.

But things are different now. The three criminals mutated after devouring the soul jade. They became troublemakers and destroyed the perfect encirclement. Xu Yi's pressure suddenly dropped.

 Thanks to the friends of "20200611150843212" for the 10000 starting coin reward. The boss of 212 is generous and will add another chapter ~ At the same time, thank you all for your support and wish you a smooth life ~
(End of this chapter)

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