American exorcist god.

Chapter 127 Not a devil!

Chapter 127 Not a devil!

The Gatling gun spun, the gunfire roared like thunder, and the storm of bullets swept in all directions.

"Let you besiege me!" Xu Yi was finally able to let out a breath of anger.

But soon a new problem arose. After all, there were only two demonic corpses. They were attacked by a group of criminals who reacted and soon died tragically on the spot.

The lucky man's body had just been sublimated, and before he had time to fully experience it, he was torn into pieces and entered into the bellies of different giant rats.

Xu Yi could only look for targets again, feed them soul jade, and create more demon corpses.

In the following time, Xu Yi was very busy, avoiding the black rats, looking for opportunities to shoot the giant rats, and pressing their souls into soul jade. He also had to keep an eye out for sneak attacks by criminals.

Fortunately, there were enough weapons in the toy box, otherwise he would have misfired long ago.

Xu Yi was excited to kill when a black shadow suddenly knocked him away. It was an extremely tall man, more than three meters tall, with muscles all over his body.

"Buffalo Bill!"

Xu Yi got up from the ground and stared at the other party with a solemn expression.

Among the information provided by Entos, he had seen the other party's information. Even among the many felons, Buffalo Bill was ranked at the forefront.

But the other person did not match the information he saw. Although the person in the information was tall, he was only a two-meter strong man, definitely not the three-meter-tall giant in front of him.

"It seems that criminals who have been blessed by the devil are strengthened to different degrees!"

Xu Yi took a deep breath, took out the Alchemical Revolver Messiah in his hand, and adjusted his breathing at the same time. He felt the power of Buffalo Bill and knew that there would be a fierce battle next.

Time passed, and Xu Yi was alone on the ground, panting violently. His clothes were stained with sweat, and his body was covered with wounds of all sizes.

Buffalo Bill was more difficult to deal with than he had imagined. Coupled with the harassment of black rats around him, the battle was extremely difficult and dangerous many times.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"But...I won in the end!"

Xu Yi looked up and saw Buffalo Bill's huge body crashing to the ground. The fatal wound was in the heart. Three specially-made exorcism bullets hit the same place.

"All for Latma!"

Buffalo Bill, who was dying, suddenly shouted.

What's this?Last words?Xu Yi was a little stunned.

Fear suddenly exploded in his heart, because he felt the gaze, the same gaze he had felt once before, in the house where Chen Lin took him.

Buffalo Bill's body swelled up again, his momentum rising steadily, but for some unknown reason, just when the opponent's momentum was about to reach its highest point, his body suddenly shriveled up, like a balloon that had been popped.

Xu Yi stared at the scene in front of him blankly, not knowing what happened.

The mighty Buffalo Bill turned into a desiccated corpse, and the creepy gaze disappeared.

"Ratma! Ratma!" Xu Yi recited this word in a low voice.

He was startled, and he suddenly realized that this was a name, the name of a devil.

wrong!If it were a demon, it would be impossible to tell others the true name so easily. For demons, the true name is their weakness.

But if it's a pseudonym, it's not like that. The devil can't give himself a pseudonym for no reason, and besides, the pseudonym can't attract the other person's attention.

"I am not afraid of my real name being revealed, and I also spread my real name intentionally or unintentionally..."

Xu Yi's pupils suddenly dilated, and various things connected in his mind. He suddenly understood that the source of the curse was not a demon at all, but an evil god!
He was surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, if the opponent this time is an evil god, the danger will increase exponentially.

Of course I am happy because of Annabelle. If the evil god can be suppressed into a soul jade, and Annabelle can absorb a large amount of the evil god's power, even if the toy box cannot undergo transformation, she can still grow a lot!

Otherwise, you need to be careful when using a toy treasure box to "stop" bullets.

After Buffalo Bill died, the remaining people and Black Rat could no longer stir up trouble, and fell to Xu Yi's gun one after another.

After a while, as far as the eye could see, there was no living person, and there were no black rats scurrying around.

The darkness gradually receded, and the light returned to the world. Xu Yi was still standing in the sewer. The ground was full of broken corpses, and the blood stained the stinking sewer red. Even the bones could not be found in Kalali.

Xu Yi slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

He had just speculated before, not sure that he would be able to leave the realm of darkness after destroying all the enemies.The system prompt sounded.

[Soul Jade +18, current progress: 62/100]

During the fierce battle just now, he suppressed the souls of many giant rats. Unknowingly, the soul jade entry had reached [-]%. The growth rate of this entry was much faster than he imagined.

His pupils were slightly cold, and dark fog poured into his eyes.

[Eye of Darkness +2, current progress: 94/100]

There is less fog of darkness than expected, mainly because after the dark space expands, it will absorb part of the fog of darkness, which makes Xu Yi a little disgusted.

The growth of the entry indeed made Xu Yi happy, but he only glanced at it briefly and quickly looked for the communicator on his body.

Lisa and Alan's communicators were connected almost at the same time, and their voices came from the other end of the communicator.

"Xu Yi, are you okay? We just wanted to contact you using the communicator, but we couldn't find your signal!"

Xu Yi let out a sigh of relief.

From what he just said, he got a lot of information. Lisa and Ailan were not involved in the realm of darkness.

"Are you together?"

Xu Yi was a little curious. Facing the surging crowd, weren't the two of them scattered?

"It was Lisa who found me!" Alan's slightly cold voice came from the communicator.

"We were actually separated. It was the black carp that led me to Ai Lan. The black carp could smell her scent." Lisa explained.

Lisa's voice suddenly became excited, "Black Carp said it can smell you! We wanted to find you just now, but the smell disappeared halfway."

"Then I'll wait for you where you are!"

Xu Yi did not turn off the communicator. He found a slightly cleaner place and rested against the wall.

According to Lisa, the two of them were not far from him and should arrive soon.

The three of them were chatting on the communicator.

Through the conversation, he roughly knew what happened to the two of them. Although they were not involved in the realm of darkness, they were also attacked by sneak attacks.

Lisa was able to escape because of Black Carp's early warning. Before those people got close to Lisa, the "stinky smell" on their bodies was already smelled by Black Carp.

The black carp's supernatural perception is much stronger than that of Xu Yi, a psychic. If the black carp's perception ability is expressed in terms, it will at least be at the green level.

Ai Lan is more simple and crude. In the sewers, she treats all the people she doesn't know as enemies, so sneak attacks are of little significance to her.

Xu Yi put the communicator into his pocket, feeling a little tired holding it with his hands.

At this time, he found something in his pocket that was glowing red. He took it out and saw that it was the button pocket communicator that Chen Lin gave him.

On the button, the light representing Chen Lin was on.

"The other party is actually nearby?"

Out of curiosity, he turned on the button switch. Two lights lit up at the same time, the signal was connected, and a rustling sound came from there.

"Is Chen Lin here?" Xu Yi asked softly.

He guessed that the other party was probably with the city government's exorcist, so he lowered his voice.

No one answered.

Is it because the other party's situation is special and it is inconvenient to communicate with him?

After hesitating for a moment, he did not continue to ask, but reminded in a low voice, "Pay attention to the people around you, they may have rebelled!"

After saying that, he was ready to hang up. After all, he had already reminded the other party and their acquaintance would not be in vain.

"Thank you for the reminder, but it's too late!"

The voice came from the other end of the communicator, and Chen Lin was stunned because it was not Chen Lin's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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