Chapter 128
"Who are you?" Xu Yi stared at the button communicator and frowned slightly.

Could it be that after Chen Lin was assassinated in a sneak attack, the assassin obtained the button communicator?
But he was a little confused. After the criminals were blessed by the evil god, their minds became a little abnormal and they didn't like to talk much.

Could it be that he met a weirdo among assassins?
"I am Father Nordin." The old and rich voice came, and Xu Yi was stunned for a moment.

If in other places, there might be many Father Nordins, but here, there is basically only one possibility.

The church's famous exorcist, Father Nordin.

Why does the other party have Chen Lin's communicator?
Xu Yi was a little confused, but felt much more relaxed. Since Chen Lin was with the great exorcist, he thought it would be fine.

But the other person's next words completely stunned him.

"First of all, I want to say sorry to you, because our mistake led to the death of your friend!" Father Nordin's apologetic voice sounded.

Deep in the sewers, Area B205.

There was a lingering rancid smell in the air.

Father Nordin looked beside him. Chen Lin was lying there quietly, his chest was pierced, his heart was missing, and a look of horror was fixed on his face.

Looking out at Chen Lin's body, blood was spilled everywhere, mixed with an unknown black liquid.

Tears slipped silently from the corners of Father Nordin's eyes... The blood came from the exorcists he brought, 28 people from the church and 42 people invited by the government. No one was spared, and they all died here.

The exorcism went smoothly at first. They successfully led out the source of the curse and suppressed the opponent with a magic circle. Under the joint attack of many exorcists, the rat men screamed and black blood spattered.

Although the power of the rat man was beyond Father Nordin's expectation, as an experienced exorcist, Father Nordin still found the opponent's weakness and seriously injured the opponent with the exorcism artifact he brought.

But at this moment, an exorcist suddenly rebelled and launched an attack on those around him.

There were three people who rebelled, and the timing of their rebellion was chosen very cleverly. It happened to be the most critical moment in the exorcism.

At that time, everyone's attention was on the Rat Man, and they had no energy to pay attention to the people around them.

The rebels' methods were also very vicious. They used hand grenades, so they were obviously well prepared.

Grenades may not be very effective against demons and the like, but they are a powerful weapon against exorcists.

Especially exorcists who don't have special physiques, they are still mortal in nature.

"I should have been more cautious!" Father Nordin blamed himself.

Demons can bewitch humans, and they know this very well, so after the soldiers cleared out the black rats, they let them leave. Only the exorcists stayed here.

No matter how powerful the demon is, it will be difficult to seduce an exorcist on the spot. Moreover, under the watchful eyes of so many elite exorcists, any abnormality will be discovered immediately.

But he never expected that the target this time would be an evil god, and it was the kind of evil god with powerful bewitching abilities!

Before the plan began, there were already exorcists who were bewitched and lurking in the team.

They think they are hunters, but in fact, they are just delicious food in the eyes of evil gods.

"I don't have much time. I would like to ask you for a favor. Contact the top brass of the New York government and inform them of what's going on here!" Father Nordin coughed out blood.

He looked down at his chest, which was torn in half and the organs inside were pulled out.With such a serious injury, he should have died long ago, but he used a special method to hold his breath while falling into a state of suspended animation, deceiving the rat man.

"Why don't you contact the commander directly?" came a confused voice.

"We can't contact him. The communicator keeps busy. I guess something happened over there." Father Nordin sighed.

Many powerful empires collapsed from within, and so did their actions this time.

“I will try to find a way to contact the city government.”

The other party agreed, but there was no smile on Father Nordin's face. The failure of their operation would bring a catastrophe to New York.

He suddenly thought of something and asked repeatedly, "How is your exorcism ability? Or do you know any powerful exorcists? By the way, I forgot to ask your name."

Only one hard word came from the communicator, "Xu Yi."

Father Nordin's face suddenly turned rosy, which was a sign of returning to the past. The secret technique would soon be ineffective, and he knew that he could not waste any more time.

"Listen! If you know a powerful exorcist and the other person is in the sewers, tell him about this."

Father Nordin spoke faster and faster, "Although our entire army was wiped out, the thing didn't feel comfortable either. Under our desperate counterattack, especially at the end, I used the exorcism artifact to hit its vitals. "

Father Nordin coughed violently and spit out a large amount of blood. "If we can find the other party before the evil god recovers, we have a chance to kill him!"

"Where are you?" Xu Yi's voice came.

Father Nordin's lips forced a smile. He heard the meaning in Xu Yi's words. If someone could really find the evil god and kill him, his soul would be able to rest in peace after his death.

"We are in area B205." Father Nordin looked up at the wall in front of him, where the number was written in red paint.

Because New York's sewers are complex, each area is numbered to facilitate management.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Father Nordin continued, "From your tone, you should happen to know a powerful exorcist, which is very good! Next, I will tell you something very important..."

Father Nordin slowed down, allowing Xu Yi to concentrate and listen, "The exorcism sacred instrument was destroyed by the evil god, but I secretly hid part of the remains and used my body to retain the divinity of the sacred instrument."

Father Nordin's face became more and more rosy, "The remains of the sacred instrument are in my body. When you find me, you can find them by cutting open my belly."

He took a deep breath and said, "Finally, don't dislike me as an old man for being verbose. The other party has strong recovery ability, so the speed must be fast!"

"I understand." Xu Yi's solemn voice came.

Father Nordin breathed a long sigh of relief. This was the last thing he could do.

He suddenly raised his head, as if looking into the unknown distance, with the light of memory flashing in his eyes, and he chanted softly, "May the Holy Light last forever!"

One second ago, his face was rosy and he spoke with great energy.

But the next second, he suddenly closed his eyes and lay flat on the ground, breathless, as if death had no process in him, and life and death only happened in an instant.

Father Nordin's body was completely cold, but his hands were still covering his abdomen tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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