American exorcist god.

Chapter 129 The Wreck of St. O'Hagang

Chapter 129 The Wreck of St. O'Hagang
Xu Yi stared at the button communicator quietly, and there was no more movement coming from it. Father Nordin's result was self-evident, and he silently recited in his heart: "Rest in peace!"

He was silent for a moment, then quickly took out the map from Annabelle's toy box.

Before entering the sewer, he naturally made sufficient preparations, and the map of the sewer was one of them.

He quickly found the location of Area B205 and found that it was not too far away.

Xu Yi planned the nearest route, put away the map and ran as fast as he could.

He was a little excited. Father Nordin had no reason to lie to him. Now was indeed the best opportunity to kill the evil god.

And according to Father Nordin, the evil god has amazing recovery power. In other words, if you can kill the opponent, you will have a high probability of obtaining super-accelerated regeneration fragments.

"I have something very important to do! You guys wait for me in a safe place!"

Xu Yi picked up the communicator between Lisa and Ailan, finished speaking quickly, and then hung up the communicator. He had to race against time now.

He didn't have time to wait for Lisa and the two, and he was willing to put the two of them in danger, knowing that his opponent was the evil god.

Latma is definitely not as scary as the evil god behind the Ram Cult, but what he faces this time is not the projection of the evil god, but a truly resurrected evil god!

On the way he encountered a group of black rats, but he did not stop and ran wildly with his head covered. Under the protection of Annabelle's evil control, he walked straight through the group of rats.

He threw the exorcism lighter, which turned into a Molotov cocktail and exploded. The flames temporarily blocked the rats behind him. Taking advantage of this time, he ran with all his strength and got rid of the rats.

Area B205 is almost the deepest part of the sewer. From a distance, Xu Yi can smell the strong smell of blood, mixed with an unpleasant stench.

Turning a corner, the scene in front of me suddenly changed. There were corpses on the ground, and the splattered blood stained the cement wall red, like a blood-colored curtain.

He jumped onto the platform. A mysterious magic circle was drawn on the ground. The magic circle was connected to a large number of exorcism tools. Now those magic tools were all cracked and had no exorcism effect.

At the edge of the platform, he found Chen Lin. Sure enough, as Father Nordin said, the other party was dead and his heart was taken out by something.

Xu Yi squatted down, and Father Nordin was lying next to Chen Lin, with his eyes closed and no pain on his face, as if he was just sleeping.

He knew that now was not the time to feel sad, so he stretched out his hand, trying to remove Father Nordin's hand and get the remains of the holy vessel that the other party had hidden.

But Father Nordin's hand remained motionless, tightly covering his abdomen like an iron vice.

The other party was dead, but his body still subconsciously wanted to protect the remains of the sacred weapon.

Xu Yi frowned slightly. If he wanted to get the remains of the sacred artifact quickly, he had to break the other person's hand, but the other person was undoubtedly a respectable person, so he was not willing to use this method.

But he also knew that now was not the time to be kind to women.

Just when he was about to take action forcefully, he suddenly remembered something and chanted softly, "May the Holy Light last forever!"

A magical scene happened. The hands that were tightly covering the abdomen suddenly let go and fell softly on both sides of the body.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, then put his hand into Father Nordin's torn abdomen and groped for the bloody organs.

His hand suddenly touched something hard, and when he took it out, he found it was a strange weapon. It was silver in color, shaped like an ice pick, and had complicated patterns engraved on it.

The top of the silver cone is engraved with a line of Latin text.

Xu Yi's school once offered a Latin interest class, and Xu Yi learned it fairly well. He recited softly: "Saint O'Hagang."

He suddenly realized that no wonder the codename of this operation was "Saint O'Hagan", which turned out to be the name of the exorcist artifact.

The front end of St. O'Hagan was broken off, revealing a sharp fracture.Xu Yi was secretly shocked. As an exorcism holy weapon, St. O'Hagang was made of extremely rare metals and had amazing hardness. But now it was broken by the evil god?

The psychic ability sensed the abnormality of Saint O'Hagan, and the powerful magnetic field shrouded above was very unstable.

Father Nordin asked him to find the evil god as soon as possible. In addition to the evil god's powerful recovery ability, there is another meaning, that is, St. O'Haggon will soon become a "waste".

St. Oha had just been broken by the evil god, and its exorcism effect should have dissipated. Father Nordin used a secret method to forcibly preserve part of the power of the holy instrument.

However, the duration of the secret method is limited, no more than an hour at most, and the sacred weapon will completely lose its effect.

Xu Yi put the sacred artifact into Annabelle's toy space. At this time, dense footsteps came from behind, and he stood up and looked.

A large number of soldiers and exorcists rushed over, with anxious looks on their faces. Xu Yi had never seen these exorcists in the square, so they were most likely "civil servants" from government departments.

Father Nordin's guess was correct, the New York government was indeed in trouble, and traitors suddenly attacked the commander of the operation.

They finally calmed down the turmoil and found out that Father Nordin had contacted them. When they wanted to contact Father Nordin again, they found that no one had answered.

The person in charge knew something had happened and quickly organized a team to come over.

When he saw the corpses on the ground, especially Father Nordin lying in the corner, he felt that the blood all over his body ran cold.

"What happened?" The person in charge looked at the only living person present.

"Everyone is wrong. The source of this curse is not a demon at all, but an evil god!" Xu Yi sighed.

There was nothing to hide, so he told what he knew as quickly as possible. Of course, he would definitely not tell anything about the wreckage of St. O'Hagang.

"So now that the evil god is seriously injured, we must find and kill him before he recovers!" the person in charge concluded.

He did not doubt that Xu Yi was a traitor. If the other party was a murderer, he would not be waiting here stupidly and tell them this key information.

Xu Yi nodded and ignored the team behind him.

Even though he was talking to these people just now, his eyes were not on these people, but he was always observing this "battlefield".

He stared at the black liquid on the ground and came to the conclusion that it should be the blood of the evil god Latma.

Black blood was spilled everywhere. Black blood carried a powerful curse and was highly corrosive.

The ground was corroded into pits, and the corpses that had been exposed to the black blood were corroded to the point where no bones were left.

Xu Yi jumped off the platform and walked towards the corner ahead.

He looked down and saw a conspicuous trail of black blood on the ground, as if something was being dragged and smeared across it.

Xu Yi could probably imagine the scene at that time. The seriously injured Latma dragged his bloody body and struggled to walk in the sewer. Only in this way would such traces be left.

Father Nordin did not lie to him. The evil god was indeed seriously injured, otherwise it would be impossible for him to even walk.

Xu Yi was faintly excited. He followed the traces of black blood, and after chasing for several hundred meters, he turned a corner.

He suddenly stopped. The blood trail in front of him stopped, and there was no trace of the evil god Latma. The sewer was completely empty.

(End of this chapter)

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