American exorcist god.

Chapter 130 The Habitat of Latma, the Evil God of Thieves

Chapter 130 The Habitat of Latma, the Evil God of Thieves

Xu Yi stood in front of the broken blood stain, frowning.

Many exorcists focused on the blood stains and launched investigations. In fact, everyone knew that the reason why the blood was disconnected must be that the evil god entered a different space.

They had searched the sewers for so long before and found no trace of the evil god. It was also because of the different space.

Exorcists try various methods to open up different dimensions.

They were excited and full of energy, because they all knew that if they could open a different space and kill the evil god, they would usher in great wealth.

The city government will certainly not treat those who save the city badly.

Xu Yi thought for a moment, then suddenly closed his eyes, using his psychic ability to the extreme, feeling the abnormal magnetic field in this area.

He took steps based on feeling and stood in front of the concrete wall next to the blood stains.

The purple-red air curtain expanded from his body, wrapping Xu Yi and the wall.

The next second, many exorcists saw a scene that surprised them. Xu Yi suddenly disappeared from the spot.

After being stunned for a moment, they showed envy on their faces.

There is no doubt that the person just now entered the evil space of the evil god through some unknown means.

A group of exorcists flocked to the wall and studied it carefully.


"It really works!" Xu Yi slowly opened his eyes and saw darkness.

When he was drawn into the dark space before, he noticed that when he unfolded the toy treasure box, he could clearly feel an obvious squeezing feeling.

This is because the Toy Box and the World of Darkness both belong to different spaces. If they are superimposed, they will repel each other.

So he had an idea and wondered if he could take advantage of this?

He just tried a little bit, but he didn't expect it to go so smoothly. At the moment when the different space was squeezed, he found the gap in the dark world and forced his way in.

[You are in "The Habitat of Latma, the Evil God of Thieves", and you have successfully signed in. Congratulations on getting "Resurrection Coin x36"! 】

The sign-in prompt that had not been seen for a long time appeared, and Xu Yi took a deep breath.

A total of 36 resurrection coins!There are more hunting grounds than the boy from Crystal Lake, which means that in terms of absolute strength, Latma surpasses Jason.

If the other party hadn't been seriously injured, if it hadn't been for Annabelle's toy box to evolve.

If it weren't for obtaining the fragments of the super-accelerated regeneration entry, if it weren't for the fact that the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree is most likely here... he might not come in.

Other exorcists thought that as long as they found Ratma, they would be rich and wealthy, but if they had been in contact with the evil god, they wouldn't think so.

The last time it was just the projection of the evil god, it was so difficult to deal with it, let alone the evil god himself.

Xu Yi knew very well that what awaited him would be a fierce battle.

His body trembled slightly, not from fear, but from excitement.

The evil god is also a god!He suddenly wanted to know, what does it feel like to kill a god?


In front of the wall where Xu Yi disappeared, a group of exorcists were constantly trying various secret techniques and various exorcism tools, but unfortunately there was no response.

Even among the many exorcism holy weapons, those that can form different spaces are very rare, let alone ordinary magic weapons.

At this time, two women and a cat suddenly stepped into the place. They turned their heads and looked for a few times before looking away.

Although both of them are very rare beauties, now is obviously not the time to look at beauties.

But the next scene made their eyes widen.

The two asked for a while and learned that an Asian exorcist entered a different space and came to an empty cement wall.

Their hands were placed on a black cat. The black cat suddenly passed through the cement wall and disappeared from everyone's eyes, taking the two of them with it.

The two were naturally Lisa and Ailan. They did not leave or go to a safe place. Black Carp smelled Xu Yi's scent and brought them here.More than ten minutes ago, the two of them looked at the hung up communicator and were silent.

"I'm going to help. If you want to leave, go ahead!" Lisa was silent for a moment and spoke first.

"The opponent is the evil god, are you sure you want to go?" Ailan looked at Lisa in surprise.

When Xu Yi was talking to Father Nordin, the communication with them was not disconnected, so they could hear the entire conversation and have a general understanding of the matter.

"I didn't make the decision in a flash. I am very clear-headed now. I have carefully evaluated my own strength and determined that I can help Xu Yi." Lisa said softly.

When dealing with the giant rat, she didn't show her true power at all.

Even if she is not Xu Yi's opponent, she will not be much worse. She is confident in her own strength.

In fact, Alan has always disliked Lisa. If Maria hadn't stopped her, she would have found an opportunity to teach her a lesson.

But now the other party's words made her look at him with admiration.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly! I also want to see the evil god or something."

In Ailan's dictionary, there is no word for retreat. When she heard the evil god, not only did she not feel fear, but her fighting spirit increased.

They successfully entered the evil god's alien space, but soon, Ailan, who was full of fighting spirit, was a little confused.

It was pitch black in front of them and they couldn't see anything.

Although she can listen and argue, her combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced in such a dark space.

The black carp can actually see in this dark space.

Because it has lived here for a while, this can be said to be its other "home".

The reason why it was able to bring Lisa and Alan here is also for this reason. It can find the gaps in the world of darkness through its keen perception.

If the realm of darkness is compared to a house, Xu Yi's way of entering is to drive a bulldozer over and punch a hole in the wall.

The method of Black Carp is that a familiar thief takes someone with him and gets in through the ventilation duct of the house.

The black carp made an anxious meow. Although it was very intelligent, it did not have the ability to look forward and backward.

The situation in front of him made him a little dumbfounded.

"Black Carp, don't worry yet!" Lisa stroked Black Carp's back and comforted him.

To be honest, it is a bit difficult for a cat to ask Black Carp to predict events like a god.

Ailan didn't speak, not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't. Maria took control of her body.

"Maria?" Lisa asked softly as she felt the change in the soul aura of the person around her.

Maria did not answer, but sang softly, which seemed to be some kind of Irish folk song, with a sweet and ethereal voice.

Lisa was a little confused. Although the other party sang really beautifully, why did Maria want to sing at this time?

The next second, she suddenly froze.

White light enveloped her body. This was no ordinary light, but the light of her soul that was emitted after her soul was activated.

The same light appeared in Maria.

This is the power of Maria's entry, soul transformation. This ability can not only transform wandering evil spirits, but also activate the power of the soul in the human body.

It's just that the way she chose to pray is rather special, stimulating the power of her soul through singing.

The white light was not hot, but it still illuminated the space within five meters, allowing them to see the road ahead clearly.

"Maria! Great!" Lisa praised excitedly.

Maria smiled slightly, gave up control of her body, and Ailan came back online. This is Maria's character. She doesn't fight or fight, and most of the time she just does her own thing silently.

(End of this chapter)

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