Chapter 131

In the realm of darkness, a smile appeared on Xu Yi's face, and the disappeared blood stains reappeared, extending crookedly forward.

It's pitch black here, and the blood is black. Even with the powerful vision of the Dark Eye, it's hard to spot.

But the black blood carried a pungent odor, which gave it away.

Xu Yi quickened his pace and chased towards the blood stain.

He suddenly stopped, his muscles tensed up, and he looked ahead warily.

"Finally we meet!" He sighed secretly in his heart.

They had many indirect contacts, mainly because of the evil god in front of them, who liked to stare at them at every turn.

It was an adult-sized rat man, about 1.6 meters tall, with a stooped back and a dark body, except for two pupils that were white.

He has a rat head and a rat face, but it doesn't make people feel vulgar, but instead carries an inexplicable majesty.

There was only one wound on the other party's body, located in the heart.

This is obviously unreasonable. When the opponent was suppressed by the magic circle, various attacks from the exorcist fell on him, so there should be wounds all over his body.

There is only one explanation for this. Those wounds have healed, and the other party probably has a super-accelerated regeneration entry.

As for the wound in the heart, it's not that the other party doesn't want to heal, it's that he can't.

The shape of the wound is oval, because St. O'Hagang is in the shape of an ice hammer. Xu Yi has heard of St. O'Hagang. The ability of this exorcism weapon is to bleed and deprive life.

The wound just created by St. Oha will not be able to heal in a short period of time, and as the wound continues to bleed, it will continue to deprive the target of its vitality.

The "blood channel" he saw on the ground before was left behind for this reason.

Ratma also discovered Xu Yi. Xu Yi was ready to fight, but the next second, he was stunned.

The other party's first reaction was not to deal with him, but to run away.

Until this moment, he suddenly understood why the other party looked like a mouse.

Xu Yi's heartbeat accelerated, which also meant that the other party's situation was worse than he imagined.

"Judgment!" Xu Yi took out the painting book and used the Sighing Dagger to pierce the portrait of the rat man on it.

He was a little lucky. If Chen Lin hadn't come into contact with Latma, he wouldn't have happened to have the other party's psychic portrait in his hands.

Because the prerequisite for activating the psychic painting is that there is an object that can be sensed, ordinary hot soul patients cannot sense the existence of Latma.

Latma let out a roar, and His body was nailed to the spot, unable to move.

Xu Yi neatly took out the Alchemy Revolver Messiah and wanted to seize the time to attack, because he knew that Judgment could not control the opponent for long.

But his expression suddenly changed. He only had time to fire a shot when an invisible force suddenly hit his front. His body was thrown away and fell heavily to the ground.

The Messiah was not loaded with ordinary bullets, but exorcism bullets that sealed the soul of the black rat. Under Xu Yi's superb marksmanship, the bullet hit Latma's left eye.

The power of this "black rat bullet" was astonishing. Latma's eye sockets and half of his face were blown off, but before Xu Yi could be happy, Latma's face recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xu Yi struggled to stand up, not caring about the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and wanted to shoot again.

But the Dagger of Rest suddenly pulled away from the psychic portrait and flew towards Latma.

Ratma grabbed the Dagger of Rest and put it in his mouth.

A horrifying scene happened. Latma's sharp incisors bit together, and the strong Dagger of Rest was forcefully bitten off.

Xu Yi's soul was in danger. If he was bitten by the opponent, not to mention his flesh and blood, even his bones would be as fragile as tofu.

He suddenly realized that the other party could even destroy the exorcism holy tool Saint O'Hagan, let alone his Dagger of Rest.

Latma threw away the discarded Dagger of Rest, glanced at Xu Yi coldly, then turned and left.

Xu Yi felt happy. Although the other party broke away from the trial and destroyed the Dagger of Rest, it also caused a wound in the heart, more black blood gushes out, and a tired look appeared on Latma's face.

He wanted to shoot again, but a shadowy figure appeared in front of Ratma. These people whose bodies were blessed by Ratma and whose souls were bewitched formed a tight human wall, leaving no blind spots for shooting.

Xu Yi frowned, and there were three to forty people in front of him. By the time he got rid of these people, Latma would have fled to nowhere, and his wounds would probably have healed by then.

Just when he was at a loss, a white shadow suddenly rushed into the crowd.The reason why it is a "white shadow" is because the surface of the opponent's body is covered with layers of faint white light.

It was a man holding a long knife. The other person rushed into the crowd and slashed with the long knife. The sharp blade cut the person's throat, and blood slid down the tip of the knife.

The opponent's swordsmanship has an obvious Japanese style of swordsmanship, the "reverse curling blade" of Kashin Akechi-ryu, the "no sword attack" of Ryusei Shininryu...

But at the same time, there was also the "right stab" of the European infantry, the "saber skills" of Spain, and he even saw the shadow of Xia Guo's sword skills.

"Alan!" Xu Yi said in surprise.

He had long known that the other party was Ai Lan, and the reason why he was amazed was because of the other party's sword skills.

With such a complex blend of swordsmanship, ordinary people would have long been transformed into charlatans, but the other party couldn't do it. Ailan had mastered these swordsmanships and entered a very high level.

According to Xu Yi, it is to step into the realm of sword master and be proud of all the heroes in the world.

If the two of them faced off again, both holding weapons, he holding a gun and Ailan holding a knife, within five meters, even if he had gun fighting skills, he would probably be killed by the opponent's knife.

The opponent's sword skills are really too fierce.

Xu Yi felt that he still underestimated Ailan's entry ability. The "Soul of Fighting" gave Ailan a strong learning ability, and he could easily master any combat skills.

But in the skill of "sword skills", the opponent obviously has a higher talent than other skills!

"Leave this to me!" Ailan took advantage of the gap in the attack and turned to look at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi checked the bond panel and found Ailan's entry information.

[Valkyrie, current progress: 61/100. 】

Ailan's Valkyrie entries have exceeded [-]%. When he was growing up, the other party was not standing still.

[Valkyrie (Green Epic):

Ability 1 - Soul of Fighting: (Unlocked)
Ability 2 - Power of Dark Soul: (Unlocked)
Ability 3 - Advent of the Valkyrie: (This ability cannot be used)

Compared with the last time, the entry has not changed much, except that the "Power of Dark Soul" has been partially unlocked to fully unlocked.

It may seem like just a few word changes, but the impact on combat effectiveness is earth-shaking.

The people who were bewitched by the evil god began to fight back, rushing towards Ailan with sharp weapons in hand, or pulling out the pistols on their waists and shooting.

They were just caught off guard, but after they reacted, they showed their ferocious fighting power.

Everyone was not afraid of death. In order to trap the flexible Ailan, they completely ignored their own lives and even took the initiative to hit the blade. They were simply crazy.

Facing the swarming "madmen", Ailan took a deep breath. She must not be trapped. Her ability to deal with so many people relied on her speed and flexibility.

She stood holding the knife and closed her eyes slightly.

Then he opened his eyes suddenly, and a black light flashed in the depths of his pupils. Veins popped up on his arms, and the same black light flowed through his meridians.

The power of the black soul is injected into the body, and at this moment, whether it is strength, speed, or agility, it has improved a lot.

For a "sword master" like Ailan, every improvement in physical fitness can double the combat power through sword skills.

After injecting the power of the black soul into her, her combat power boiled like a flame.

She rushed into the crowd and waved the knife wantonly. She was like a calligrapher, wildly swaying her pen and ink. Every stroke was so precise and so freehand.

Blood splashed out, Ailan "danced" in the crowd, and the blade reflected a bright light.

"As expected of the Valkyrie!" Seeing this scene, Xu Yi could only admire silently.

He quickened his pace and ran after Latma.

He didn't step forward to help. If he stepped forward now, he would have let down Ailan's hard work.

Another white figure appeared next to Xu Yi, Lisa, who was also covered in white light. Lisa did not stop, because she knew that Xu Yi had to face far more obstacles than these.

(End of this chapter)

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