American exorcist god.

Chapter 132 Holy Arrival!

Chapter 132 Holy Arrival!

Xu Yi and Lisa ran as fast as they could, and the sound of blades chopping flesh and bone continued to sound behind them.

Green light suddenly came from the front. The light was not hot, but in this ink-like dark space, it actually gave people a "dazzling" feeling.

In the light was a vine tree hanging upside down from the top. The vines gathered together like a huge pupil. Xu Yi became excited. He finally found the tree he saw in the psychic fantasy.

Cat Spirit Sacred Tree Buster!
A group of sleeping humans were lying under the sacred tree, and Xu Yi spotted William in the corner at a glance.

The other party looked skinny, but he was still alive. You must know that he had been missing for more than a week. According to normal circumstances, the other party should have starved to death. It was obviously Butters who was keeping the other party alive.

The Holy Cat Spirit Tree stands in the darkness. If you look carefully, you will find that the surrounding darkness is slowly invading its territory.

The last time Xu Yi saw the Holy Tree in a psychic fantasy, the surrounding darkness had not come so close. Now the outer leaves had been swallowed up by the darkness, and the Cat Spirit Holy Tree could only curl up its vines.

It is conceivable that when the darkness completely engulfed the Holy Tree, that was when He was swallowed by Latma.

At the same time, Xu Yi also discovered Latma.

He failed to catch up immediately, because there was a rustling sound, and giant rats came out of the darkness one after another, standing in front of them, staring at them with scarlet pupils.

Lisa walked toward the giant rats without saying a word.

Her heart couldn't stop beating crazily. She was actually not as calm as Alan thought.

Before, she was just an ordinary little girl living in Chinatown. Although she lived in poverty, her life was considered peaceful and she had not experienced any big storms.

The only thing that could be life-threatening is being possessed by an evil spirit.

But that time she was just a bystander, but now it's different. She will face the terrifying giant rats, and there are more than 20 of them.

Her hands trembled slightly because of fear, but she hid them in her large witch uniform and prevented Xu Yi from seeing them.

"Go do what you should do, and leave it to me!" Lisa said calmly, trying to keep her voice calm so that Xu Yi would not notice anything unusual.

Xu Yi nodded and tried to turn around from the giant rat.

He was familiar with psychology, how could he not see Lisa's fear, but he still said nothing because he knew that the other party was at an important point.

Either be overwhelmed by fear and never recover; or overcome fear and usher in transformation.

He glanced at Lisa's entry information.

[Holy Witch Hunt: Current Progress: 66/100]

Lisa's entry progress even surpassed that of Ailan, and the opponent's combat effectiveness was definitely not bad.

But the two are different. Aylan is a born warrior. Even if the blade is at her throat, she will not hesitate to go forward.

But Lisa was different. She had never experienced a life and death battle before.

What the opponent needs most now is mentality, the mentality of being a strong person.

Lisa was surrounded by giant rats, and a huge shadow enveloped her small body. Xu Yi took a few steps, but couldn't help but look back with worry in his heart.

A sudden wind blew Lisa's forehead, and she lowered her head so that no one could see her expression clearly.

The wind did not stop, but became stronger and stronger, blowing away Lisa's hood and blowing away the shadows on her face.

She raised her head suddenly, and the golden color in her pupils was like lava erupting.

Power as rich as wine was injected into her body, flowing along the bloodstream and penetrating into every corner of her cells.

"Holy Appearance", the ultimate ability of the Holy Witch Hunter, was activated at this moment.

This ability is only partially unlocked, and if used forcefully, it will cause serious sequelae.

But at this moment, there was no fear in Lisa's heart, no fear of the giant rat, no fear of the sequelae. She was like a salmon fighting for its way, moving forward until death!
A giant rat lunged at her, and she didn't even turn her head as she punched hard.

Lisa's petite body was placed in front of the giant rat, like an ant facing a huge mantis, but a shocking scene occurred. The fist actually penetrated the giant rat's head, and the brains splattered.

She pulled her hand out of the giant rat's head and shook off the blood on her sleeve. His hand flashed with metallic light, it was a sharp finger tiger made of alloy.Boxing masters wear gloves in the ring to protect their opponents, but in a real life-and-death fight, nothing can unleash their destructive power more than a pair of knuckles.

Lisa suddenly rushed out and broke through the giant rat's encirclement with astonishing speed.

She was far away from the encirclement of the giant rat, but her speed still did not slow down. She suddenly swung her fist and blasted the head of a giant rat through.

The giant rat's blood spilled out and splashed onto Xu Yi's clothes.

Xu Yi looked at Lisa, who had a serious temperament, and his eyes widened. He couldn't believe that this was the little girl who had been following him since childhood.

A giant rat secretly left the team and tried to intercept Xu Yi. Lisa discovered the traces of the giant rat and rushed over to deal with it.

Lisa's expression was serious, and Xu Yi knew that this was due to the drastic change in temperament caused by turning on the "Holy Presence" and activating the blood power.

This look really made people feel unfamiliar, but Xu Yi showed a big smile on his face and gave a thumbs up, "Girl! You are so cool!"

Lisa's face was still expressionless, her golden pupils flashing with cold majesty. She rushed towards the chasing giant rat, but when she turned around, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth involuntarily.

Xu Yi ran wildly after Ratma. He couldn't waste Ailan and Lisa's efforts.

At this moment, he was a little lucky. If the two people hadn't come to help, he would have been unable to escape and could only watch Ratma leave.

Latma did not go far, not because He did not want to, but because He could not.

In fact, Xu Yi has always been a little curious, why didn't the other party let the giant rat carry him and escape?
Until he saw a giant rat accidentally stained with black blood on the ground. The paws of the giant rat seemed to have fallen into aqua regia and were instantly corroded.

This made Xu Yi a little creepy. The black blood fell on the ground and only corroded a few pits. But when it encountered flesh and blood, the corrosiveness increased more than a hundred times.

Black blood is obviously designed to target flesh and blood.

Xu Yi instantly formulated a battle strategy, focusing on long-range attacks and trying not to get close to the opponent.

He pulled out the alchemical revolver Messiah and loaded it with powerful exorcism bullets.

Annabelle flew into the air, and the power of evil control acted on Latma, trying to control him, but she was broken free in an instant.

Xu Yi raised his gun and took aim, while Latma stood motionless.

His pupils suddenly contracted, because he noticed the flash of anger in the other party's eyes, and the other party's figure gradually faded away... The other party did not stand still, but moved too fast, leaving an afterimage on his retina. .

Xu Yi suddenly dodged to the side, and a bloody claw reached towards his heart, grazing his clothes.

His back was covered in cold sweat. Fortunately, he had super dynamic vision and could barely see the opponent's movements clearly. If it were an ordinary person, his heart would have been ripped out.

But he was overjoyed too soon. Latma's arm swept across his body, and his chest seemed to have been hit head-on by a car. The strong squeeze almost caused his heart to stop.

The body was thrown away, and a large mouthful of blood spat out from the mouth.

The muscle memory of gun fighting skills made him shoot subconsciously. Before his body even hit the ground, he had already emptied the alchemy revolver of bullets. A total of six bullets flew towards Latma.

The first three bullets hit Ratma's forehead, throat, and chest respectively...

But the next three bullets completely lost sight, passing by Latma and flying into the darkness behind him.

There was a sarcastic smile on Latma's face, watching Xu Yi hit the ground like a rag bag, rolling around a few times before stopping.

The wound in his heart tore open again, and more and more black blood poured out.

The extreme speed that just broke out requires a lot of energy. Normally, it doesn't matter, but now he is seriously injured.

Although the injury became more serious, Latma only felt relieved. He had long wanted to get rid of this annoying bug, but he did not do it due to the injury.

Now he finally couldn't bear it anymore and endured his injuries getting worse, but he still wanted to deal with the other party.

Ratma turned his head and prepared to leave. He was very aware of his own power. Ordinary people were hit head-on and had little chance of survival.

(End of this chapter)

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