American exorcist god.

Chapter 133 Gray Mist Massacre!

Chapter 133 Gray Mist Massacre!

In the realm of darkness, the Holy Cat Spirit Tree is like a giant lamp, lighting up the surroundings.

Latma suddenly stopped because he heard movement behind him.

Is it not dead?

The mouse's face showed human boredom. The little bug should be easily crushed to death, instead of lingering like a cockroach.

He turned around, this time he was going to crush the opponent to ashes, and there would be no possibility of struggling again!
Her body suddenly paused, and there was a look of surprise on the mouse's face. The opponent held his hands on the ground, and gray mist shrouded his pupils, as if a huge whirlpool was about to suck in the souls around him.

The other party stood up slowly, his momentum rising step by step.

A violent gust of wind suddenly swept across the entire venue. The opponent's long windbreaker was blown away by the wind, and there were traces of black blood corrosion on it. The windbreaker unfolded in the wind, making a hunting sound, like a black battle flag.

The opponent's body floated, but not with the help of the strong wind. A faint gray mist wrapped around the opponent's body.

"Next, it's my turn!" Xu Yi suddenly raised his head and stared at Latma.

The opponent's strength was indeed astonishing. His internal organs were slightly ruptured. This injury was enough to kill him, but at this moment, the surging power filled his body.

The three missed shots just now were not because he was too seriously injured and lost his accuracy.

For a sharpshooter, every time they pull the trigger, it means they are completely sure of the bullet coming out of the chamber.

What Latma didn't see was that the bullets hit three seriously injured and dying giant rats behind him. Lisa blasted them into serious injuries, but they didn't die immediately.

But after being shot by powerful exorcism bullets, they became angry on the spot.

Faint purple threads floated towards Xu Yi's eyes.

[Eye of Darkness +6, current progress; 100/100]

The giant rats that Lisa killed, plus the three killed by bullets, just made up the dark fog needed for the entry.

Xu Yi's soul sank into a cold sea of ​​mist, and the gray mist soaked every inch of his flesh and blood. His body was transformed, his muscles were strengthened, his bones became strong, and his blood became heavy... His internal organs were even repaired by the way. of injuries.

All these enhancements are to enable him to control the final ability of the entry, the fog of darkness.

Latma's face turned gloomy. In his field of vision, there was a gray mist snake behind him, roaring ferociously at him.

But he didn't pay too much attention. The other party had indeed become stronger, but it was still a dream to threaten him.

The white figure floated on Xu Yi's head, Latma stared at the toy doll, greedy light flashing in his eyes.

He can sense the extraordinary power of the doll, and when he recovers from his injuries, he will use his authority to steal the doll's power.

Xu Yi saw the greed in the other party's eyes, but he didn't care. If the other party only had this means, this place would be the other party's graveyard.

Annabelle fell in front of Xu Yi, stretched out her hand and touched Xu Yi's chest.

Xu Yi felt his chest heat up. The red spell centered on his chest and spread in one direction. The spell went around his chest, around his arms, around his neck, and finally stopped at his chin.

The red mantra, like a wild dragon dragging the sky, was imprinted on Xu Yi's body.

Red light flashed in Xu Yi's pupils, and new power was injected into his body. The power that had already reached its peak climbed up again.

This is Annabelle's new ability as a spell puppet, the only curse seal she has mastered, the Soul Ascension Spell.

The so-called soul-enhancing spell is actually an upgraded version of the undead spell. It can not only enhance the spiritual sense, but also enhance the strength, power, speed and other abilities of the physical body.

It can be regarded as an ultra-low-end version of "Holy Surrender".

Latma looked at Xu Yi, whose momentum surged again, frowning slightly, feeling worried in his heart.

But there are limits. The strong recovery power gives him strong self-confidence. Even if the opponent becomes stronger and faster, he cannot kill him.But the next second, his expression changed, and his small white pupils trembled in fear.

Xu Yi held a "steel awl" in his hand. The dense patterns on the surface were shining with silver light, and the fracture was sharp.

Latma turned around and ran away, fear mixed in his heart.

The weapon that frightened him had obviously been destroyed by him, and he paid a heavy price for it. Why did it appear here, and did it still retain divinity?
"Is it too late to leave now?"

Xu Yi tapped his foot lightly, and his body jumped out like an arrow. The next second, he was in front of Latma.

Before that, he could only be regarded as an ordinary person with many exorcism methods. Only when he mastered the fog of darkness could he enter the "extraordinary" realm.

He was intoxicated by the power flowing in his blood. The unparalleled speed was powerful enough to crush solid rocks...

St. O'Hagang became Xu Yi's dagger, and he danced the St. O'Hagang like a butcher undressing an ox.

Lalatma let out a shrill scream, and the wounds on her body continued to increase. Her recovery ability was completely useless compared to Saint O'Hagan.

He tried to fight back, but Xu Yi was like misty black smoke, appearing and disappearing, and his speed was extremely fast. If he was not injured, he might still be able to keep up.

Now it can only become meat on the chopping board, leaving Xu Yi Lingchi alone.

Xu Yi waved the Saint Oha Gang expressionlessly. He cut the opponent's throat and pierced the opponent's head... In the end, he found that the effect was average.

Although the opponent has the body of a rat man, it does not have those so-called weaknesses. If it pierces the head and cuts the arm, the opponent will suffer the same damage.

The key is the black blood, which is the source of Latma's power. When the black blood runs out, the opponent dies.

The black blood surged. Latma tried to splash the black blood on Xu Yi countless times, but Xu Yi dodged it. Since the battle began, Xu Yi had been guarding against the black blood.

The seriously injured Latma had very few means at his disposal, except for the steel teeth that could easily destroy the magic exorcist, and the black blood on his body.

Black blood has a strong corrosive effect on flesh and blood. As long as it is contaminated, it is impossible to resist it without the ability to super-accelerate regeneration.

The black blood flowing on the ground suddenly surged, biting towards Xu Yi like a swarm of snakes.

This is Latma’s trump card!

He has never revealed his ability to control black blood. He has been waiting for this moment. Xu Yi was wrapped in layers of rising black blood, leaving no room to dodge.

Ratma's eyes flashed with light. The power of his blood was beyond imagination. As long as the opponent touched the blood, he was confident that the opponent's bones and flesh would melt.

But he found that there was no panic look on Xu Yi's face, which made him a little puzzled.

Facing the black blood right in front of him, Xu Yi shouted in vain, the gray light in his pupils was blazing, and the invisible black air burst out from his body, spinning to form a strong wind, forcefully blowing away the blood curtain.

This is another use of the fog of darkness. In addition to strengthening itself, it can also interfere with reality to a certain extent.

Xu Yi stood out from the blood curtain, and his attacks became more and more fierce. The holy Oha Gang in his hand fell on Latma like raindrops. There was not a good piece of flesh on the opponent's body, and the black blood flowed uncontrollably.

St. Oha just penetrated Latma's chest and slashed downwards. A huge wound appeared on the opponent's chest. The inside of the body could be seen. There were no internal organs inside, only pure black flesh and blood.

Xu Yi's breathing suddenly became rapid, he saw it!
Deep in the opponent's chest, a palm-sized statue was embedded there. It was completely black except for the eyeballs, which looked exactly like the Latma in front of him.

That was the statue of the evil god mentioned by Chen Lin.

Xu Yi always thought that Latma grew from that statue. Now it seems that the Latma in front of him is simply the body, and the statue inside is the real body.

No wonder the opponent was still able to hold on until now after being slaughtered by Saint O'Hara. The opponent's real weakness was not in his body at all.

If you want to truly kill the opponent, you must destroy the evil god statue inside the opponent's body!

(End of this chapter)

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