American exorcist god.

Chapter 134 Flood of Black Blood

Chapter 134 Flood of Black Blood
Latma subconsciously covered his chest with his paws, trying to block the statue inside. The statue also noticed Xu Yi's gaze and dug into the flesh, trying to hide itself.

Xu Yi stared at the statue of the evil god, his pupils flashing with a dark green light, like a wolf that had been hungry for three days and three nights and suddenly found a prey with a broken leg.

The hope of killing the evil god is right in front of you. Who can resist this temptation?
The power of the dark mist exploded, and Xu Yi's body rushed out like a cannonball. He clenched the Holy Oha in his hand, preparing to give the evil god a fatal blow.

But he suddenly stopped abruptly and flew back to distance himself.

Latma recited an unknown language, and his voice was somewhere between the roar of a wild beast and the singing of a choir. It was strange and filled with a certain sense of beauty.

Xu Yi covered his head, and low murmurs appeared in his ears. The murmurs were like worms with sharp teeth, trying to bite open his head and burrow deep into his head.

He mobilized the dark fog in his body to resist, and then he felt better.

Blood-colored pupils suddenly opened on Latma's body, not one, but three, five...hundreds of them. Latma's body was covered with blood-colored pupils, even on the rat ears.

Countless blood pupils opened and closed at the same time, and the eyeballs turned like crazy, scanning Xu Yi from time to time. Xu Yi felt that his heart was being grabbed by an invisible big hand, and the hairs on his body stood up one by one.

Thick black blood flowed from the pupils, as if crying. The black blood flowed all over the ground, more and more, at first it was just a pool, then a stream, a river...

"Lisa! Run!" Xu Yi's face suddenly turned pale, and he turned and roared at Lisa behind him.

Lisa's battlefield is not far from him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to use the alchemy revolver to kill the giant rat and absorb the fog of darkness.

About 500 meters away from him, Lisa was about to end her battle. In the state of Shenglin, those giant rats could only become her targets.

As long as the giant rats cannot form an encirclement, Lisa will be safe.

When Lisa heard Xu Yi's shouting, she turned her head subconsciously, and for the first time a look of fear appeared on her expressionless face.

A huge black wave swept over and hit the top of the sewer.

The layout of this dark space is the same as that of the sewer, but the area is hundreds of times larger than the sewer to accommodate so many giant rats.

Even if it is a sewer in the normal world, it is very difficult to fill it with water, let alone a sewer in another space that is hundreds of times larger than before.

Lisa subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away. At this time, she heard the meow of the black carp. At some point, the black carp had already run under the cat spirit tree and called anxiously to Lisa.

The black water surges forward several times faster than an ordinary flash flood, because there is a mysterious force controlling the black water.

Lisa knew very well that with her current speed, it was impossible to outrun the black blood flood. She turned around decisively and rushed towards the cat spirit tree.

Because the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree is close to the source of the flood, Lisa is equivalent to taking the initiative to face the flood.

Just as she was about to be swallowed by the flood, a green branch suddenly wrapped around her waist and pulled her into the space of the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree.

"Thank you!" Lisa looked at the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree above her head and said thank you. It was the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree that saved her just now.

She looked around, trying to find Xu Yi.

Logically speaking, Xu Yi discovered it earlier than him and was closer to the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree than him, so he would definitely be able to arrive earlier.

She glanced around, but didn't see Xu Yi. She looked around twice and three times... Still not there.

Huge fear occupied her heart, and she suddenly realized something. She suddenly turned her head and looked towards the center of the black blood flood. There was a small figure there, struggling to hold on.

"Xu Yi!" Lisa roared and rushed out, trying to save Xu Yi, but there were still vines wrapped around her waist.

She wanted to break free from the vines, but at this moment the golden light in her pupils suddenly dissipated, and the power in her body was taken away.

This sudden change was like a millionaire suddenly turning into a beggar on the street, and a strong sense of emptiness came over him.But that wasn't the worst. Lisa suddenly fell to the ground, her body twitching violently, and fine blood overflowed from the surface of her muscles.

Her palms gripped the ground tightly, and her fingernails were bruised with blood, but she couldn't help but scream because of the pain.

The Holy Presence has a time effect. The more progress the entries make, the longer it will last.

At the same time, Shenglin also has sequelae. If the entries are full, the sequelae will not be so serious, but Lisa now activates it in advance, causing the sequelae to worsen dozens of times.

The black carp circled anxiously around Lisa. It looked up at the sacred cat spirit tree above its head. The cat meowed continuously, and its golden cat pupils were full of prayers.

The vines of the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree stretched above Lisa, and a "mint leaf" fell down and floated towards Lisa.

Lisa, who was in severe pain, smelled a fragrance, opened her mouth subconsciously, and swallowed the "mint leaves" in one gulp. Her condition improved instantly, her body no longer twitched violently, and her breathing became more stable.

Lisa fell into a coma, but at some point tears silently slipped from the corners of her eyes, and the sadness between her eyebrows almost overflowed.

Black Carp looked at the figure in the black blood flood, then looked up at the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree, and made an extremely sad meow.

The Sacred Cat Spirit Tree twisted, as if hesitating. After a moment, a dreamy green light flashed from the vines.

In the flood of black blood, Xu Yi looked back at the cat spirit tree.

The flood has swept through the entire space, and as far as the eye can see, there is black blood.

But with the powerful eyesight of the Dark Eye, he still saw the radiant Cat Spirit Holy Tree. The Cat Spirit Holy Tree was like a sea-fixing needle in the flood. Invisible power shrouded the sacred tree, resisting the raging black blood flood. .

Xu Yi sighed. He immediately wanted to rush into the protective circle of the Cat Spirit Tree, but he couldn't.

The moment those blood-colored pupils stared at him, he was unable to move.

He suddenly understood the feeling of those evil spirits who were pinned by judgment. This feeling of being unable to move the whole body was really terrible.

At this time, he was able to endure the flood of black blood, relying on the power of the dark fog, which formed a protective layer and isolated the black blood.

But the fog of darkness has a limit. Once it is exhausted, he will be swallowed up by the blood. Even if his body is strengthened a hundred times, it will not be able to withstand so much black blood.

If you have the entry for super-accelerated regeneration, you may be able to survive in this monstrous black water.

"In ancient times, Meng Jiangnu cried down the Great Wall. I didn't expect that the evil god Latma could cry even more. She even cried like a flood!" Xu Yi secretly complained.

Just because he can complain doesn't mean he has a solution. At this moment, he has chosen to lie down. In this case, it is impossible for him to get out of trouble with his strength.

He was already thinking about his next reincarnation.

Maybe try interrupting the other person's chanting?
He recalled it and found that the difficulty was no less than killing the opponent. While the opponent was chanting, the terrifying pollution would also appear, and he could only endure it with difficulty.

When he stepped forward in such a bad state, he was not sure whether to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting or take the initiative to kill him.

He is able to "kill" the opponent by relying on his speed and flexibility. Once he loses these two points, he steps forward and is bitten by the opponent, and he is immediately destroyed.

Maybe you can take advantage of the other party not paying attention, directly attack, and hit the evil god statue in the other party's body?
While he was thinking hard, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears. He was stunned for a moment, and the fog of darkness finally ran out, and the flood of black blood swallowed him up.

In the end, only the Annabell doll was left rising from the black water and floating on the water. The doll's body was corroded and black smoke billowed out.

(End of this chapter)

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