American exorcist god.

Chapter 135 “Cats” give birth to dignity

Chapter 135 “Cats” give birth to dignity
"So, you saved me?"

Xu Yi sat cross-legged on the ground, staring at the huge figure in front of him.

He was not dead, so the resurrection coins naturally did not take effect. The moment he was about to be swallowed up by the black blood flood, a huge suction force suddenly acted on his soul.

The space in front of me is filled with dreamy green light, everything is in the form of light and shadow, and it is full of unreality.

This is not a real space. Only souls can live here. A group of cat spirits are lying not far away, looking at Xu Yi curiously.

Xu Yi's body is also light and shadow, and he is also in the state of his soul now.

A huge cat soul floated in front of him, with a round face, round pupils, and a round body, like a balloon.

The round-faced cat spoke in a language that was not any that Xu Yi knew, but he actually understood it. The other party meant that he was welcome.

"So you were the one who called for help before?"

Xu Yi remembered the faint voice he heard in the psychic fantasy. This was the reason why he felt familiar just now.

The round-faced cat nodded.

Xu Yi stared at the huge cat soul in front of him. There was no doubt that the other party was the real master of the cat spirit sacred tree, Buster, the soul of the sacred tree.

"How do I need to save you?" Xu Yi asked.

Since the other party saved him once, he was naturally embarrassed to refuse and at least asked about the situation first.

Buster didn't speak, and light suddenly bloomed in his pupils. The space above his head opened, and through the hole, the situation outside could be seen.

A flood of black blood surrounded the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree, and everywhere in the world was filled with black blood.

The Cat Spirit Sacred Tree bloomed with light green light, and an invisible barrier blocked the black water, but the barrier was shrinking, getting smaller and smaller.

The vines of the holy tree had completely curled up into a ball, and the black carp dragged the unconscious Lisa to the center of the barrier directly under the holy tree.

The black carp ran out again, and it actually went straight to William, but it was still a step slower.

William happened to be at the edge of the holy tree. His right shoulder was touched by a few drops of black blood. The flesh and blood were corroded away in an instant, and the white bones below could be seen.

The black carp bit William's clothes and pulled hard. His small body actually burst out with amazing strength and dragged William away forcefully.

After it dragged William slightly away from the edge of the flood, it tried to save another person.

Unfortunately, the black blood advanced again, and the person who was on the verge of drowsiness was swallowed up by the black blood. His flesh and blood were instantly corroded, and his white bones sank into the blood, and were corroded after a while.

"You want me to take you out of here? But this way? Should you carry it on your shoulders, or use a bag with a packing belt? How about a packing box?" Xu Yi complained.

You all know with your toes that the evil god Latma cannot let go of the Holy Cat Spirit Tree easily. The other party trapped the Holy Tree here and eroded it step by step. Wasn't it just to devour the power of the Holy Cat Spirit Tree?

The Evil God of Thieves can roughly guess an opponent's abilities just by hearing their name.

Cat Spirit Buster had a look of disappointment on his face and his head drooped.

He suddenly raised his head and bared his teeth and claws at the black blood in the illusory scene, as if he wanted to give the evil god Ratma a severe beating.

It's a pity that this round face doesn't look threatening at all, like a coquettish kitten.

Xu Yi felt a little strange that the so-called spirit of the holy tree actually existed like this, how could he act like a child who was ignorant of the world.

No wonder the opponent is not the opponent of the evil god Latma and can only be trapped here. In addition to the gap in strength, his IQ has also been crushed.

"You look like this, you can't scare Latma at all!" Xu Yi was a little speechless when he saw Buster, the cat spirit, still grinning at the sea of ​​blood.

How can a cat be afraid of mice?
He finally saw that Buster, the cat spirit, was just showing off and didn't dare to face Latma directly, otherwise he wouldn't have cowered here like an ostrich and allowed the other party to eat away at his power.

According to the approach of ordinary people, no, ordinary cats, they should have tried to escape when they had sufficient strength, instead of hiding here and waiting for rescue with little hope.

Cat Spirit Buster stopped and stared at Xu Yi with round eyes. After a moment of silence, he suddenly spoke. It was still the same language that he didn't know where it came from, but it was the voice of the soul. Xu Yi understood the other party. the meaning of. "You mean, let me think of a way for you to scare Latma?"

Xu Yiren was all numb, as if Zhuge Liang was telling Adou that this is a time of life and death for the Shu Han Dynasty, and the emperor should cheer up and help the Han Dynasty.

Adou asked Zhuge Liang, Prime Minister, I recently found a secret recipe. Look, my skin has become a lot whiter.

Is this a question of good skin?Is this a question that scares Latma?

There is no time now for you to regain your dignity as a "cat"!
The black-blood flood summoned by the evil god Ratma must have serious sequelae, otherwise he would not have waited until the original body was discovered before using it.

The other party's purpose is not just to deal with Xu Yi, but also to break through the defense of the cat spirit tree in one go, devour Buster, and replenish the shortcomings of the evil god's body.

Xu Yi sat on the ground dejectedly, feeling a little tired, feeling so powerless when meeting his pig teammates.

He frowned in thought, his frown slowly loosened, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Can you put my soul back into my body?"

Mao Ling Buster stared at Xu Yi in confusion. He didn't know what daydream the man in front of him was doing. He was lucky to have his soul protected by him, but he still expected to return to his body.

The opponent's body had long been corroded by the black blood until not even a scrap was left.

But he still nodded, because he did have this ability.

Xu Yi raised his head and stared at the cat spirit Buster, a ferocious figure flashed in his mind, "You are a soul body, you should be able to change your appearance, right?"

Xu Yi's guess was not based on nothing. The cat spirits lying around were playing and playing, and their bodies were stretched and deformed from time to time, or compressed into a ball.

Buster didn't know why Xu Yi asked, but he nodded anyway.

"Do you want Latma to be afraid of you? Do you want to... leave here?" Xu Yi followed the instructions and his words were full of temptation.

Buster's eyes lit up instantly, and he nodded as if he was pounding garlic.

"Very good!" Xu Yi clapped his hands and stood up, "Next, just follow my instructions!"


The black blood flood began to recede, and the black water that had reached the top of the sewer gradually dropped, and soon reached half of it, and it continued.

The disappearing black water flowed in the same direction, forming a huge whirlpool. Latma stood in the center of the whirlpool, dripping with blood.

He looks almost the same as before, but if you look carefully, you will find that the other person's pure white pupils have turned into gray-black, almost blending in with the surrounding black.

Latma looked up at the Holy Cat Spirit Tree. Under the erosion of the black blood flood, the barrier of the holy tree shrunk by half, and the outer vines were affected by the black blood and completely rotted and withered.

The sacred tree cut off its tail to survive, actively cutting off the outer branches and leaves. The originally dense vines now looked bare.

It's not that Latma doesn't want to go all out and swallow the cat spirit tree directly, but it's just that he can't do it.

This is the weakest moment since his birth. If he does not recover the black blood, he may fall into a long sleep.

In the black blood, a small shadow was attracted by the whirlpool. It was the Annabelle doll.

Latma's black blood is specifically aimed at flesh and blood, and is not too corrosive to mutated puppets like Annabelle.

The most important thing is that the Annabell doll has a "pseudo-evil god body" and there is no big problem at all when soaked in black blood.

The flood of black blood had receded and dropped to Latma's waist. Latma discovered the Annabell doll in the black blood. Just when he was about to get the doll, his body suddenly shook.

The tall figure broke through the black water, jumped up, roared and rushed towards Latma.

(End of this chapter)

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