Chapter 136
Latma looked at the figure rising from the black water with surprise and uncertainty.

Is that nasty little bug not dead yet?Is such a tenacious vitality really a human being and not a demon?

wrong!Even ordinary demons should be dissolved into black blood.

He quickly noticed something was wrong. The figure did not have any human breath at all, it was just the body of a living dead.

The opponent was covered in rotten flesh. Logically speaking, the corrosiveness of the black blood would not be so weak. This only meant that the body of the living dead in front of him was unusual.

The pupils of the living dead were scarlet, and the bloodshot eyes seemed to pop out. The ferocious bones grew out of the back, spreading out like the wings of thorns.

The thorn carrion rushed towards Latma like a wild beast.

If it were before, Latma would have had thousands of ways to deal with it, but now that he was so weak, he could only be thrown down by the rotting corpse in the black blood.

The bone spurs on the carrion's palm protruded ferociously, piercing through Latma's head.

Latma manipulated the surrounding black blood, like a poisonous snake biting, and rushed towards the rotting corpse. Large black smoke emitted from the corpse. The outer layer of flesh and blood was corroded again, and the layers of stacked bones inside could be seen.

Under the cover of the black blood river, the Annabelle doll quietly came to the edge of the battlefield and quietly watched the battle between the two monsters.

Also watching this scene was Xu Yi in the soul space.

Of course the rotting corpse was not him, it was the cultist he had kept in the toy box.

Xu Yi knew very well that as the body of a cultist, as a living dead, that body would be "resurrected" once a soul enters it!
He has a ready-made soul in his hand, and it is a compressed and refined soul, the soul jade.

Annabelle followed Xu Yi's order and fed the cultists soul jade, not just one, but a handful.

The body of a cultist is inherently special, so having so many soul jade enter its body simply adds fuel to the fire.

Although Xu Yi had expected it, he was still shocked by the changes in the cultists.

The combat power that broke out in a short period of time was already on par with his just now.

The cultists clung to the evil god Latma, and the hideous bone spurs pierced Latma's body again and again.Latma is obviously very weak, the effectiveness of super-accelerated regeneration is declining, and the speed of wound healing is slowing down.

Xu Yi saw the statue of the evil god in flesh and blood and took a deep breath.

"Ready?" he asked softly.

"Ready!" A majestic voice came from behind.

The Annabell doll slowly approached the battlefield, as if it was just being carried by the black water.

The battle has entered a fierce stage, and the flesh and blood of the cultists have been corroded away, leaving only their skeletons, but even so, they still have fighting power.

It wrapped its arms around Latma, and the bone spurs all over its body pierced Latma's body.

Latma used his sharp rat teeth to bite the opponent. Even the bones were just slightly stronger foam in front of the teeth that could be broken by the exorcism holy weapon.

Latma was already very, very weak, the white in his pupils almost disappeared, and the evil statue on his chest no longer had the strength to cover it up and was exposed to the air.

What he didn't notice was that Annabell had quietly floated behind him.

Purple-red light spread out from Annabelle's body, and a figure slowly appeared. It was the "dead" Xu Yi.

His state was very strange, his pupils were dull and lifeless.Because what was in front of him was just a body, Xu Yi’s soul was sucked away by Buster
The body has not been swallowed up by the black blood. The body that has lost its soul also belongs to the category of "dead things" and can naturally be stored in the toy treasure box.

Xu Yi was not sure at first whether Buster meant well or maliciously, but he was going to be swallowed up by the black water anyway, and he had to use resurrection coins anyway, so why not take a look at the situation?

Unexpectedly, after his soul was sucked away, Annabell actually took his body away.

This is the difference between those who are intelligent and those who are not. If the doll is a wind-up toy, if the last section of the spring moves, I am afraid that its body will be completely corroded, and the only way to use the resurrection coin is to use the resurrection coin.

After Xu Yi understood the situation clearly, his brain worked rapidly, and a new plan took shape in his mind.

The Holy Cat Spirit Tree bloomed with a faint green light, and a vague soul wave flew out and injected into Xu Yi's body.

Xu Yi shuddered greatly. The moment his soul entered his body, he seemed to have fallen into the cold pool of the Arctic Ocean.

cold!it's too cold!
It was a cold enough to freeze his soul, and it took him a long time to recover.

This is "rigor mortis". After a person dies, the body will become an "ice cellar", and once the soul enters it, it will be frozen.

There are many wandering souls in the world, and they naturally want to be resurrected. There are so many corpses in the hospital and funeral parlors. If a wandering ghost can enter and be reborn after just mentioning corpses, the world would have been in chaos.

The "resurrection" of corpses is based on very rare circumstances.

Xu Yi was a little lucky. Fortunately, the soul only left the body for a moment. If it left the body for too long, the soul might not be able to enter the body again.

He gradually felt warmth and regained control of his body.

Opening his eyes slowly, Xu Yi saw Latma at first sight. The opponent bit down hard on the corpse, his sharp teeth bit off the neck bones, and he held the head with only bones left in his mouth, his eyes wandering. .

Latma was so weak that he could no longer sense his surroundings. Xu Yi held the remains of Saint Ohagang in his hand and stared at the statue of the evil god on the opponent's chest.

The fog of darkness poured into his body again, and the intoxicating power was once again under his control. He rushed out suddenly, and with the blessing of Annabelle's evil control, his figure was like lightning.

Latma seemed to notice something unusual behind him and wanted to turn his head, but before he could finish the action, the silver remains of St. O'Haggon had already penetrated his flesh and blood, accurately piercing the statue of the evil god on his chest.

A smile appeared on Xu Yi's lips, as if he had seen the scene of Latma's annihilation.

But he suddenly froze because it felt wrong!

Although I don’t know what the evil god’s statue is made of, it definitely doesn’t feel like this. St. Oha just seemed to have been pierced into a ball of soft mud.

A horrifying scene happened. The statue of the evil god suddenly rotted and turned into a pool of smelly water flowing out.

Before Xu Yi had time to react, Ratma suddenly turned his head, his face expressionless.

His body suddenly exploded, and the broken flesh and blood turned into a black whirlpool, swallowing everything around him, whether it was the skeletal corpse or Xu Yi.

The last second Xu Yi saw in his consciousness was that the palm-sized statue fell from the whirlpool, and the white spots in his pupils completely dissipated.

Also dissipating was the dark barrier here. The darkness dissipated, light came again, and they appeared in the sewers of reality.

The blood that was as dirty as thick ink suddenly turned into clear water. The clear water merged into the smelly ditch. The water flow increased sharply. The evil god statue fell into the ditch, was washed away by the water, and disappeared from sight in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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