American exorcist god.

Chapter 137 Pierce Him!

Chapter 137 Pierce Him!
In the resurrection space, Xu Yi wanted to beat his chest.

So treacherous!It’s so treacherous!

The statue of the evil god has always been fake, a decoy. After piercing the fake statue, Latma's body will self-destruct, forming a dark vortex that swallows everything.

No wonder Buster is no match. Such a treacherous evil god cannot be dealt with by that stupid and adorable guy Buster!

Xu Yi took a deep breath to calm down.

As an evil god in the form of a rat man, the other party's caution cannot be denied, but this should be the last resort of the other party.

"Find the real statue and destroy it!"

For this goal, Xu Yi began to think hard. The waiting time passed, the resurrection coin took effect, and Xu Yi returned to 10 minutes ago.

There is no need to change anything in front of it, and it is impossible to create such a good situation by changing any link.

At the critical moment again, Xu Yi took a deep breath and stared at Latma's head.

The real statue should be hidden in Latma's body, and the chest position has been excluded.

The hands and feet can also be excluded. The limbs of the opponent are similar to those of a mouse. They are very thin and it is impossible to hide the statue.

So basically there are only three locations left, the head, neck, and abdomen.

Xu Yi tightened his grip on Saint O'Hagan.

Annabelle has the power of evil control and can control Saint O'Hagan.

However, there was a special magnetic field surrounding St. O'Hagan, and it was extremely difficult for Annabelle to control it. It was so shaky that it was difficult to even fly, let alone conduct a sneak attack.

So he can only do it himself.

The opponent is already very weak. As long as the real evil god statue is penetrated, it should be difficult for the opponent to self-destruct.

And he was already on guard. With his speed, he was able to escape from the devouring circle.

Xu Yi rushed out, and Saint Oha just penetrated the back of the opponent's head, and even stirred it around, but there was nothing, no statue of the evil god was found.

He wanted to pull out St. O'Hagang, but his expression suddenly changed. St. O'Hagan was tightly sucked by Latma's flesh and blood and could not be pulled out at all.

The fake statue on the chest was not damaged, but it actually rotted automatically. Latma self-destructed again. Xu Yi could only give up Saint O'Hagan and fly back.

A black whirlpool swept through, and everything inside the whirlpool was destroyed, including Saint O'Hagan.

Xu Yi's heart was hanging. Without Saint O'Hagan, he was not sure whether he could destroy the statue of the evil god.

The darkness receded, the thick black blood turned into clear water, and he returned to the sewer in reality.

He stared at Latma's position. One second, ten seconds, and 30 seconds passed... and no statue of the evil god was found.

Xu Yi's heart fell to the bottom. Previously, the statue of the evil god clearly disappeared after falling into the smelly ditch. Now he skipped this step and disappeared with the darkness.

Why is it different?

He thought for a moment and understood that if there was no threat around him, the evil god, who was already extremely weak, would naturally choose to "fall into the river" in order to save every ounce of strength.

But now he is watching eagerly from the side. Even if he squeezes out the last bit of strength in his body and falls into a deep sleep, he will choose to evacuate decisively.

"Is it possible that after spending so much effort, it can only be done to this extent?"

Xu Yi was unwilling to give in, very, very unwilling.

He hesitated for a moment, then decisively pulled out the alchemy revolver, pointed it at his temple and pulled the trigger.

Gunfire rang out, and the light of the resurrection coin illuminated his eyes.

Resurrected again, once again reaching a critical point, Xu Yi penetrated the opponent's neck without expression and cut half of Latma's throat... but still did not find the real statue.This time, he was on guard and withdrew St. O'Haggon and escaped from the range of the self-destruction, but it was no use. The other party still escaped without a trace.

"It's not the chest, nor the head and neck, now only the abdomen is left!"

A gunshot rang out, this time the third resurrection coin used today.

The key node came again, Xu Yi's hand actually trembled slightly, Saint Oha just pierced the opponent's abdomen, almost cutting the opponent in half.

The result... still nothing!
Xu Yi's pupils turned blood red and his breathing became rapid.

He couldn't figure out why he still couldn't find the real statue of the evil god despite trying all the most likely places.

Could it be that he had made a mistake and the evil god statue was not in the opponent's body at all, but was hidden in a space that could not be discovered at all?
But that's not right. When he died for the first time, he clearly saw the statue falling out of the opponent's body?
Maybe the evil god is confusing him?

But that was because he was already dead, so why did the evil god do these things?
A series of questions appeared in his mind, Xu Yi had a splitting headache, and he knew that his heart was beginning to be confused.

There is no way to avoid chaos. He has now used three resurrection coins, and the upper limit is five per day.

In order to prevent dangerous discovery, he could not use up the number of resurrection coins in a day.

The question before him now is very serious. Should he continue?
Logically speaking, he still had another chance to try, but he didn't know if it was worth it.

Xu Yi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He began to use his knowledge of psychology to self-hypnotize himself.

He first cleared his mind of all the thoughts. Those messy thoughts were of no benefit and would only interfere with his thinking.

His tense body gradually relaxed, and his brain became clear again.

Xu Yi has never felt that psychology entries are so useful.

He began to enter Latma's thinking. The other party must hide the statue of the evil god in a safe place. Where does the other party think it is the safest place?

Scenes of his contact with Latma flashed through his mind, and he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashing with light.

The alchemical revolver was aimed at the temple, and the gun went off. This was the last attempt.

The critical moment came again. Xu Yi originally thought he would be very excited, but no, he was as calm as a monk watching the river in the rain.

He pounced on Latma. What St. Oha was aiming for was not the chest, nor the head, etc. He was aiming at Latma's heart, the heart that had already been penetrated!

There is a hole in the heart, and the scene on the other side can be seen through the hole.

But Xu Yi still noticed something unusual. There was an extremely slight delay between what he looked out of the hole and what he actually subtle that if he hadn't possessed the Dark Eye, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

When St. O'Hare stabbed into the wound, it was obviously an empty hole, but St. O'Hare just encountered resistance.

The light in Xu Yi's eyes was as bright as a supernova explosion!

He used all his strength to push Saint O'Hagan, and Saint O'Hagan penetrated something. The hidden statue of the evil god was revealed, and the statue of the rat man was completely penetrated.

Latma slowly turned his head, with an expression of disbelief on his face. He really couldn't understand why the other party knew where his body was hidden?
Xu Yi felt extremely happy when he saw the shock on Latma's face.

Of course he knew. He spent four lives trying to find the true location of the Evil God's statue!
He smashed the opponent's head with one punch. Now he didn't need to worry about the opponent's black blood, nor did he need to worry about the opponent's self-destruction.

The moment he penetrated the statue of the evil god, he knew that the other party had no chance of resisting.

Sure enough, as he expected, Latma's body "collapsed" like a decayed clay sculpture, turning into dust and flying away in an instant, with only two rat teeth shining with cold light falling down.

Xu Yi stared closely at the statue of the evil god without relaxing at all, because his plan did not stop there.

(End of this chapter)

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