American exorcist god.

Chapter 144: Exorcism Sacred Artifact: Red Lotus

Chapter 144: Exorcism Sacred Artifact: Red Lotus

Xu Yi stood in the center of Wushenku, with disappointment that could not be concealed on his face.

He had just walked around the Martial God's Library. The collections here were indeed of various types, and every magic exorcism weapon was indeed of high quality. The Dagger of Rest was not even ranked here.

But after he saw the power of Saint O'Hagan, he felt a little boring.

He can choose two collections in the Martial God's library. One is the forbidden magic box that he has decided on long ago, but the other one is a bit difficult.

"Is this the only collection in Wushenku?" Xu Yi turned to look at the senior government officials accompanying him.

A look of embarrassment flashed across the senior official's face. After hesitating for a moment, he finally told the truth, "There are indeed some collections, but they can only be used when facing life and death."

Xu Yi instantly understood that there were indeed exorcism artifacts in the God of War's library, but they were not within the scope of selection.

He could understand what the other party was doing. After all, it was a precious exorcism artifact. How could he give it away casually, and two of them?

I understand, but he may be a little unwilling to give up.

"Didn't you say that you can choose whatever you want in the Martial God Library?"

"That's right, you can choose whatever is in the Martial God's library." The senior official emphasized the word "里" specially.

Xu Yi looked depressed.

This is just like when she goes shopping in a clothing store. There is a big sign hanging at the door, "Starting from 9.9 yuan per item." The previous content can be ignored. The soul of the entire sign lies in the word "starting".

"Mr. Xu Yi, would you like to take another look? Maybe you can find something that suits your needs?"

The accompanying senior government officials were even more embarrassed.

He thought he had found a good job and could establish a good relationship with the "Great Exorcist", but he didn't expect that a hole had been dug here waiting for him. No wonder no one else was willing to come.

"Then let's watch it again!" Xu Yi calmed down.

His expectations were too high. As long as he thought about it calmly, he knew that it would be impossible to obtain the exorcism artifact.This kind of treasure is very rare even in the church.

"Mr. Xu Yi, are you looking for an exorcism artifact? I remember that there seems to be an exorcism artifact here." Suddenly, an idea flashed in the senior official's mind.

Xu Yi had already woken up. Hearing that there was an exorcism artifact, there was no excitement on his face, but he did not refuse, "Then let's take a look."

In the corner of the warehouse, they finally found the exorcism artifact that had "eaten ashes".

It was a long knife with a slender blade and a blade length of 76cm. It had a red and white handle and scabbard. There was an inscription engraved on the blade: The fire of karma will continue, and all evil spirits will be killed!

Xu Yi felt a strange movement in his waist, and Annabell felt longing again.

The same situation happened last time when we faced the ghost warrior armor in the Warrens' collection room.

After he gained the authority of the evil god, his vision was no longer comparable to what he had in the past.

He could keenly detect the difference in the long knife, which was shrouded in a faint divinity.

The ghost warrior armor also had divinity, but it was very faint, and Annabelle, as a strange spirit, could feel it.

"Divinity" is the foundation of the exorcism holy weapon. Without divinity, it may not even be able to compare with ordinary exorcism.

"Is this a samurai sword? What's its name?" Xu Yi asked casually.

This sword is indeed an exorcism holy tool, but the divinity on it is about to collapse, and I am afraid it cannot even sustain a battle.

However, it is understandable that if it were a complete exorcism artifact, it would not appear here.

"It seems to be called 'Red Lotus'."

When senior government officials recited the name of the sword, they felt it was particularly difficult to pronounce. After all, this is a Japanese sword.

"Do you often have business dealings with Japan?"

Xu Yi chatted casually and picked up Honglian at the same time.

Pulling the sword out of its sheath, the blade light reflected a color like burning clouds. No wonder it was named "Red Lotus".

The long knife in front of him is more like a work of art than an exorcism holy tool.

"Indeed, there are quite a few. This exorcism artifact was provided to us by Japan." When a senior government official said this, he looked proud.

His voice suddenly changed, "Mr. Xu Yi, what do you think of this knife?"

“It’s not bad to take it home and use it as a decoration!”

The implication is rejection.The senior government official sighed, feeling a little regretful, "This was supposed to be a powerful exorcism weapon, but unfortunately it was damaged. It would be great if someone could find the remains and repair it!"

"God's skeleton?" Xu Yi originally wanted to put down the knife, but it was in vain.

"Yes, the Japanese branch sent the knife to us to see if we can find the divine skeleton and repair the knife. But the divine skeleton is so easy to find. After so many years, it can only be left here to eat dust. ." A senior government official explained.

Divine bones come from the god of death. Just hearing this sentence, you know how rare and precious the divine bones are.

Xu Yi subconsciously looked at the Annabell doll on his waist.

If it comes to divine bones, he really has one. He just killed an evil god not long ago, and those sharp front teeth belong to divine bones.

"How to repair this knife?" Xu Yi picked up the knife again. He had already decided that this knife would be the second item.

Instead of getting some magic exorcism tools, he might as well take a gamble. If he could really repair the knife, he would make a lot of money.

"Ah! Mr. Xu Yi, you want to choose this knife... The document is still there. I will find it for Mr. Xu Yi later!" The senior government official was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

After leaving Wushenku, Xu Yi found Maria waiting outside the tightly guarded military base.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Xu Yi walked towards Maria with a box in one hand and a long box on his back.

Maria smiled and shook her head. Next to her, there was a brown leather suitcase.

The suitcase contains "gratitude gifts" issued by the government, and each participating exorcist can select a fifth-level collection from the War God's library.

With so many people, naturally not everyone can enter the Martial God Library. The government issued a list to each exorcist for people to choose from.

Because it was Xu Yi who discovered the root of the curse, he could pick one more piece. Together with Lisa and Maria, they could pick four pieces in total.

Without exception, they all chose the Shroud.

"Shroud" just has an unpleasant name, but it is actually a piece of cloth made through a special process, and it is all brand new.

These cloths can isolate magnetic fields, have a certain exorcism effect, are also very strong and durable, and can withstand cutting by ordinary daggers. They are excellent materials for making combat uniforms.

The shroud is very popular, and if the government hadn't intercepted it to give Xu Yi some face, I'm afraid it would have been gone long ago.

"Mr. Xu Yi, where should we go next? Back to Chinatown?" the driver responsible for picking up and dropping off asked respectfully.

"Go to Weiss Hospital!"


In a single ward at Weiss Hospital.

Xu Yi put a large bouquet of tulips in a vase and looked at Lisa who was looking good on the hospital bed with a smile on her face, "Do you feel any discomfort?"

Lisa shook her head and lay lazily in the hospital bed, not wanting to move at all. The warm sunshine shone on her body.

The other person doesn't look like a patient, but like a little girl who can't wake up from school.

Xu Yi sat beside the hospital bed and gently rubbed Lisa's little head. Lisa closed her eyes slightly like a little kitten, with a look of enjoyment on her face.

"Thanks to the Redemption Leaf!" Xu Yi thought to himself.If it weren't for the Redemption Leaf, Lisa would still be in a coma.

"Perhaps the Redemption Leaf can be made into some kind of life potion?" Xu Yi thought to himself.

Doctors hurried down the aisles, and New York City hospitals were still full.

Although the evil god Ratma was eliminated, the heat-soul disease still exists.

Curse is a very difficult thing to deal with. It does not mean that the curse will disappear if the source dies.Sometimes, as the source dies, the curse grows stronger.

Fortunately, this situation did not occur, and the curse was weakened to a certain extent. At least the first batch of patients did not continue to die, and the comatose Hot Soul patients could occasionally wake up.

"It's a troublesome thing to cure all these hot soul patients!"

Xu Yi heard that the government was already thinking of ways to use large-scale magic exorcism devices.With the death of Latma, the curses no longer resemble the necrosis of the bones and can be dispelled by exorcists.

He rubbed Lisa's head hard and ruffled her hair.

"Okay! I have a little something to do when I come to the hospital. I'll come see you after it's done." Xu Yi stood up and was about to leave.

Lisa nodded obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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