American exorcist god.

Chapter 145 The Power of Faith

Chapter 145 The Power of Faith
The top floor of Weiss Hospital, not far from Lisa's ward.

Three patients with fever syndrome were lying on the hospital bed. Xu Yi sat next to him, staring at the tarnished portrait of Huo Kui, his eyes vacant, as if in a daze.

He came to Weiss Hospital today not only to visit Lisa, but also to have several "patients" with appointments.

St. O'Hare had already agreed to treat these patients with fever syndrome before he took action.

The evil god has fallen, and he can no longer shirk it, so he can only come and exorcise the curse.

Because the root of the curse has dissipated, it has now become much easier to remove the curse. A portrait of the Fire Chief can remove the curse from at least three people.

The person in the hospital bed woke up leisurely, the high fever faded little by little, and his face was no longer strangely red.

The patient's family members who were watching were very excited, but they covered their mouths and did not dare to disturb him because Xu Yi was still sitting on the stool and said nothing.

They are very clear about the current status of Mr. Xu Yi in New York City. Although Xu Yi asked the government to keep it secret, there is no airtight wall in the world, let alone so many people present to witness it.

Anyone who has the slightest connection already knows that Xu Yi is the "Great Exorcist" who can deal with evil spirits.

Nowadays, there are countless people who want to find Xu Yi to exorcise demons, and invitations are floating towards the studio like snowflakes.

The Holy Flame Exorcism Studio has also grown from a little-known small studio to a top-notch exorcism studio in New York.

The reason why Xu Yi didn't speak and was sitting in a chair in a daze had nothing to do with the patients with the fever syndrome in front of him.

At this moment, he was observing the interior space of the toy treasure box with his symbiosis eyes.

Behind Annabelle's throne, there is a cat spirit sacred tree hanging on the purple-red wall. The branches of the sacred tree stretch out, and when viewed from the front, it looks like a wall of thorns guarding the throne.

The Cat Spirit Sacred Tree is not a real tree, not even a plant, nor an animal. It is an undefinable species, so it does not need to take root in the soil.

The cat souls in the sacred tree were released, and Buster chased those cat souls. The cat souls filled the space, and Buster had a great time.

Xu Yi's attention was not on the playful Buster. He kept staring at the sacred tree on the wall.

The holy tree actually bore fruit, with only two small black fruits.

In the slightly larger black fruit, you can see the silhouette of a figure in the core. This is the fruit of faith belonging to the devout believer William.

The Cat Spirit Sacred Tree became the carrier of the power of faith. This situation was something Xu Yi had not expected, but it was also reasonable. After all, Buster was the incarnation of his evil god.

This is undoubtedly good news for Xu Yi.

If you use your body to accept the power of faith, if you encounter a powerful existence, you may be seen through.Having the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree is equivalent to an extra layer of cover-up.

No, there is more than one cover-up.

If Xu Yi is compared to a hacker hiding behind the scenes, if others want to find his location, they need to see through the three-layer springboard, Huo Kui, Mao Ling Buster, and Mao Ling Sacred Tree in order to track him down.

Besides, who would believe that the "Hero of New York" and "The Great Exorcist Xu Yi" could be an evil god?

The title "Hero of New York" comes from the government.Not long ago, the government awarded him a lifetime honorary certificate. Xu Yi did not hide it at all and directly hung the certificate on the wall of his studio.

The "Great Exorcist" is a rumor among the upper class.This is the title given to him by some exorcists. Although Xu Yi's hard power has not yet reached the level of a great exorcist, he did not refute it and allowed the rumors to spread.

Fame is not only a shackle, but also a protective umbrella, so that he can hide behind the scenes and slowly develop using the power of the evil god.

If he didn't equip the entry "Evil God's Authority", there wouldn't be so much trouble.

But for him who has an entry system, his ambition is not simply to become a powerful person, in this world where gods and demons exist.

Prince and general, would you rather have a kind?
There are so many gods, why can’t He be one of them?

Xu Yi's thoughts were a little far away. He focused his attention and looked at another small black fruit on the holy tree.

The black fruit is extremely small. Even if it returns to normal size, it is probably not much bigger than a peanut.This one is also a fruit of faith, but there is no shadow of a person in the core. The faith that formed this fruit comes from the people in the ward in front of you, including family members who are watching and patients who have been cured.

"Because it was the portrait of Huo Kui that cured the Hot Soul Disease. These people's feelings of admiration and gratitude towards Huo Kui...these emotions are the prototype of faith. After being compressed by the incarnation of the evil god, they are transformed into the power of faith!"

Xu Yi suddenly realized something.

His eyes lit up, which meant that besides accepting devout believers, there was another way to gain faith.

Although the amount obtained in this way is very small, as long as there are enough people who have faith in Huo Kui and the sand builds up, they will definitely be able to gain enough faith to unlock the next stage of abilities.

"Evil God Incarnation" and "Evil God Belief", these two abilities are just foreshadowing. "Evil God's Nest" and "Soul-stealing Seed" are the core abilities of the Evil God's authority.

Could it be that a large number of portraits of Huo Kui were painted to treat patients with heat soul syndrome?
But no matter how proficient he is, how many portraits can he draw in a day?According to this progress, I am afraid that it will not be possible to gather the power of faith to unlock the next stage in two or three years.

Xu Yi looked at the awakened fever patient, frowning and thinking hard.


There was a lot of traffic outside the Holy Flame Exorcism Studio, and there was an endless stream of visitors.

In the room on the third floor, Xu Yi met William alone.

The soundproofing of this room is very good. With the windows closed and the curtains drawn, the outside world has no idea what is going on inside.

Xu Yi sat back on the chair and stared at William coldly. William sat on his knees on the ground, his back covered with cold sweat.

"The noble Lord of Shadows..." William wanted to speak, but a huge force suddenly acted on him, pressing him to the floor.

The Annabell doll sat on the desk, its blue pupils looking at William curiously. Under Xu Yi's command, it slowly removed the power of evil control.

"You still don't understand where you went wrong?" Xu Yi sighed.

For a smart person like William, he can quickly understand it with just a little guidance.

William's face suddenly turned pale, with a look of fear on his face.

As soon as he entered the room, he knelt down in front of Xu Yi and shouted the noble Lord of Shadows, but on the surface, Xu Yi's identity was an exorcist.

If outsiders were prying into it, wouldn't it reveal the identity of the great being?
William came back to his senses completely. He glanced at the great being. The other person was still sitting calmly on the stool drinking coffee, which meant that the other person was on guard and what happened just now would not be exposed.

He slowly breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes gradually clearing up.

He raised his head, looked at Xu Yi, and said slowly, "Mr. Xu Yi, I am taking the liberty to come and disturb you!"

"William is serious, we are good friends!"

Xu Yi perfectly explained what it means to change his face. The coldness on his face disappeared instantly and became passionate.

He walked over and pulled William up, patting the dust on his clothes.

"Come and sit! Let's try this top-quality Blue Mountain coffee by the way." Xu Yi brought a stool to William and also gave him a cup of coffee.

When William took the coffee, his hand suddenly shook, his whole body was shivering, and he felt the sickle of death brushing against his neck.

Because Xu Yi whispered in his ear, "I don't want it to happen again."

William closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath. The next second, he opened his eyes, the fear on his face completely disappeared, and he turned back into the high-spirited business genius.

"If this coffee doesn't taste good, I'm going to settle the score with you, Mr. Xu Yi!" William said softly while holding the coffee.

Xu Yi was stunned when he looked at William who "changed his face at the speed of light". After a moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Only this kind of person is needed to achieve great things.

(End of this chapter)

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