American exorcist god.

Chapter 146 Fire Chief Plan

Chapter 146 Fire Chief Plan
William opened the briefcase he carried with him, took out a document, put it on the table and pushed it in front of Xu Yi.

"This is the 3% share transfer form of Ernst Pharmaceuticals. You only need to sign and seal it."

A sarcastic smile suddenly appeared on William's face, "If it had been anyone else, it would have been impossible to hand over the shares so happily, but this time everyone in the family eagerly urged me to come over, eager to add more shares."

Xu Yi did not look at the share transfer document on the table.

If he had been able to obtain Ernst Company's shares and have a steady stream of funds before, he would definitely have accepted it.

But now, his ambitions go far beyond that.

He didn't talk about the shares, but asked about another topic.

"Do you know Huo Kui? The exorcist sacred beast of our studio is also our spiritual totem. I want more people to know about Huo Kui... and have a feeling of admiration and gratitude for Huo Kui."

coming!William's body sat up straight in an instant, and the test of the great existence came to him!

If you can do it well, the follow-up will naturally be important. If you mess up, I'm afraid that's the end of it.

He knows very well that the opportunities available to everyone are very limited.

Wealth, beauty, power and status, the things that ordinary people long for, were already within his reach. Gradually, he felt more confused than ever before.

Until he saw Xu Yi's power in the sewer, a strong desire burst out from deep in his heart, an unprecedented desire.

He longs for that kind of extraordinary and powerful power!
Now that the road to gaining strength is right in front of him, he must seize this opportunity.

William's brain was running rapidly. After a moment, he asked slowly, "I must have been cursed in the sewer before. Is the curse the same as that of patients with pyrosoulopathy?"

"The root cause is the same, but the curse you contracted is more serious." Xu Yi took a sip of coffee and replied.

"I wonder how many other things are there that can dispel curses?" William asked.

Xu Yi thought of the sacred tree that had been affected by the black blood and was already a little bare, and sighed, "We can only cure about two hundred patients with the same serious condition at most."

There are not many leaves of salvation left, and besides, he still needs to keep some as spare.

"That's enough!" William actually clapped his hands, his face full of confidence.

"More than 200 people, this is far from enough." Xu Yi looked at William, waiting for the other party's answer. He knew that the other party would definitely understand what he meant.

Besides, you can't gain the power of faith by saving people. You must have feelings of worship and gratitude towards the Fire Chief.

As for Xu Yi himself becoming a totem of faith directly, he is not tired of living yet, so it is naturally impossible for him to have such an idea.

"I am in a particularly serious condition. If converted to an ordinary hot soul patient, there should be no problem if it triples." William said.

Xu Yi really shook his head, "Three times is still too conservative. Five or six times is totally fine."

"We calculate it based on the most cautious five times, which means that 1000 people can be completely cured."

William stared at the flow of coffee in the cup, "But who says we must completely eradicate the curse? Hospitals cannot guarantee that patients will recover as before. Does letting their high fever go away count as treatment? Does letting them wake up count as treatment? "

Xu Yi's eyes became brighter and brighter. Sure enough, capitalists were the best at maximizing "profits".

He understood what William meant. The other party wanted him to dilute the medicine prepared by the Redemption Leaf.

If it is just to relieve the fever of Hot Soul patients, it is estimated that one-tenth of the amount is enough. In other words, it can affect at least 1 people.

These are only the patients being treated, not counting their family members.

If you include the patients’ family members, this number can be expanded at least five times, which means there are at least 5 people!
The power of faith born from this number of people should be almost enough to unlock the next stage of abilities.

"We can also use the potion in conjunction with the Fire Chief portrait, so that the potion can be further diluted."

William suddenly raised his head with deep eyes, "Besides, if you want to make human beings worship something, there are far more ways than this."

Xu Yi looked at the confident William with a smile on his face.

It was indeed the right choice to spend a lot of effort to save William.

"If this matter is handed over to you, how will you carry it out?" Xu Yi asked softly.

William looked at the equity transfer certificate on the table, "I will use 3% of the shares of Ernst Company as a bargaining chip to purchase 100% of the shares of the other party's small company to establish a new pharmaceutical company."

Xu Yi nodded, this operation method was a stroke of genius. "Then we can use the channels of the Ernst family and the reputation of Mr. Xu Yi to quickly launch the Huokui potion. In order to quickly solve the fever soul disease, the government will definitely not obstruct it and will even actively promote it."

William's logic was clear and he had obviously thought everything out in his mind.

Xu Yi applauded, "What a great plan! In this case, I will leave this matter to you with full authority."

A look of excitement appeared on William's face, and he had initially received the recognition of the great being.

"Mr. Xu Yi, have you decided on a name for your new company?" William asked.

Xu Yi shook his head, "It's our new company. You hold 51% of the shares in the new company, and I hold 49%... Let's call the new company Buster Pharmaceutical Company!"

The company name is nothing to think about, so how could the evil god not take the opportunity to spread the "real name"?

William subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he soon figured out the meaning of doing so.

If he holds the majority of the shares in the new company, he can manage the company legitimately, and he can more easily draw on the power of the Ernst family.

The identity of the great being can also be better hidden.

Anyway, they have the final say on the company's capital flow, and they don't have to worry about the superficial equity distribution at all.

"I will implement the company's affairs as quickly as possible. Before that, there is one more thing I need to trouble Mr. Xu Yi." William suddenly took off his shirt and exposed his shoulders.

Xu Yi suddenly felt a little uncontrollable. He, the mighty evil god, had reserves. In the eyes of devout believers, was he this kind of person?

After he saw William's chest clearly, an expression of interest appeared on his face.

William's chest muscles have been trained well, but this is not the point. There is a small scar left by corrosion on the opponent's chest.

Xu Yi could feel the demonic power hidden under the scar. In addition, there were signs of physical sublimation.

Half demonized, half physically sublimated, the two forces confront each other in William's body, but maintain a strange balance.

Once a certain force gains the upper hand, a battle will immediately occur, which is definitely a very painful experience for William.

This situation is very rare and requires various chances and coincidences. Even if it is repeated according to the context of the incident, it may not be able to achieve this effect.

He thought for a moment, took out a sleeping flower from the toy box, and handed it to William.

"Make it into a potion yourself, and then use it when you can no longer support it. This kind of flower is very precious, and I don't have any extra."

William solemnly took the Flower of Sleep and found a small box to put it in, but there was still a look of disappointment on his face.

Judging from Xu Yi's reaction, we can tell that his physical condition may be difficult to cure. He is like a terminally ill patient who can only survive by taking medicine.

This pain may last his entire life.

But Xu Yi smiled, and he looked into William's eyes, "Do you long for power?"

Ever since William entered the room, Xu Yi noticed the deep desire for power in his eyes.

William was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Xu Yi's words meant.

Xu Yi stood up, walked to William, and patted him on the shoulder, "Your suffering will be the key to your powerful strength."

William's eyes lit up instantly.

Xu Yi watched William leave, full of fighting spirit. The surprise he brought to him might not only be in business.

"This special body needs to be studied carefully if there is a chance!"

Xu Yi locked the door again and looked at the system's resurrection coins.

There were 14 resurrection coins left before, and 4 were used to deal with the evil god Ratma, but after entering the "Habitat of the Evil God of Thieves Ratma", he signed in and received 36 resurrection coins.

The number of resurrection coins he currently has is: 46.

With so many resurrection coins, should we open a wave of boxes?

(End of this chapter)

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