American exorcist god.

Chapter 147 also said you don't know martial arts?

Chapter 147 also said you don't know martial arts?
The treasure box floated quietly in front of Xu Yi, with white and silver light flowing on the surface of the box.

After Xu Yi thought for a moment, he decided to buy the silver treasure chest.

Bronze treasure chests correspond to white entries, and silver treasure chests naturally correspond to green entries.

Although he didn't know what level the entry "Dark Stealth" was, he guessed from the name that it was probably a green level entry.

A silver treasure chest contains 30 resurrection coins. After purchasing it, he instantly returns to before liberation, with only 16 resurrection coins left.

The silver treasure chest bloomed with bright light, and Xu Yi looked expectantly.

[Congratulations on getting "Blank Entry: Sword Master (Green Normal)"! 】

[Congratulations on getting "Blank Entry: Dark Chef (Green Rare)"! 】

Xu Yi was inevitably a little disappointed that the "Dark Stealth" that he had longed for was not released.

But there is nothing you can do about it. Opening a box is inherently unreasonable. Even if there is a probability bonus, you may not be able to open the missing entries.

[Entry synthesis path: Gun Fighting + Dark Stealth + Eye of Darkness = Shadow Gun God! 】

Both Gun Fighting Technique and Eye of Darkness are green-level entries, so Shadow Gun God must be a higher-level "blue entry."

There are rumors outside that he is the "Great Exorcist". If he can synthesize the Shadow Gun God, his strength will not be much different from that of the Great Exorcist.

Xu Yi looked at the entry for "Master of Swordsmanship" and was a little confused.

Being a master of swordsmanship will definitely improve his combat power, but now that he has the skill of gun fighting, he doesn't know whether he should spend time to brush up on this entry.

After thinking to no avail, I could only temporarily throw the sword master into the entry library.

[Dark Chef: 0/100 (green rare)
Ability 1-Dark Eyes:

Your eyes can see the "creatures" hiding in the darkness.

Ability 2 - Bloody Kitchen Knife:

The bloody kitchen knife can not only cut through pig bones, but also cut off the kidneys of evil spirits.

Ability 3-Dark Cuisine:

Your cooking skills are superb, and the ingredients you cook are no longer ordinary fruits and vegetables. They may be rotten skulls or severed ghost hands... Humans may not like the food you carefully cook, but some dark existence, it is very likely that he will become your loyal supporter.

Ability 4 - Hell's Tongue:

Your tongue can taste the deliciousness of dark cuisine, and absorb nutrients from dark cuisine to strengthen itself.

(ps: After tasting the ultimate dark cuisine, the level of this entry may be promoted!)]

Evolvable entries, see evolveable entries again!
The "Dark Chef" in front of me is naturally not as good as "Annabelle's Toy Box" and "The Power of the Evil God: Thieves", but every evolveable entry is extremely precious.

Xu Yi browsed the entry information, thoughtfully.

Naturally, he would not equip this entry. First of all, in terms of growth, this entry is far inferior to the authority of the evil god.

Secondly, the way to gain experience in this entry is "cooking", and he has always been very insensitive to this aspect.

Cooking is a very tedious task. He doesn't have the patience or the time.

A figure flashed in his mind, and he knew where the entry was.

After finishing the "private" things, Xu Yi opened the curtains and opened the window to let fresh air flow into the room.

There was a half-read psychological book on the desk, and Xu Yi picked it up and continued to study.

After several things happened, he discovered the wonderful use of psychology, and planned to write out psychology entries while he still had some free time.

[Psychology, current progress: 92/100]

He had only been reading for a while when there was a knock on the door and Arent walked in holding a stack of information.

"Boss! What you asked me to do is clear!" Arent put the information on the desk, which was a stack of exorcism invitations.

"I'll take a look first and let you know if there's anything suitable." Xu Yi nodded.

There were five exorcism invitations in total, which didn’t seem like much, but this was already the result of Arent’s screening.

Now the studio simply can’t handle all the exorcism invitations.

Xu Yi, as a reserve member of the Evil God, has a lot to prepare for.Lisa is still in the hospital, and only Maria is free. She has been so busy lately that she can barely touch the ground.

"That's it!" Xu Yi picked one out of several exorcism invitations.

The treasure chest failed to reveal the "Dark Stealth" entry, but it didn't matter, he had a plan B.

Under his careful selection, those evil spirits who may have the "dark stealth" entry will become the objects of his "warmth".The Gongyang cult is like a bug in the dark, it has never dared to be exposed to the sun, but now it actually dares to openly attack important government sites?

This can only show that the strength of Gongyang Cult has recovered a lot.

After the evil god of the Gongyang Church is born, the opponent will never let him go, so he must strike hard before the Gongyang cult recovers.

Not to mention uprooting the Ram Church, he would at least let them remain silent for decades. By then, he might no longer be afraid of evil gods.

Now, those investigating the Ram Church are not only the New York government, but also the church.

Under the investigation of these two huge forces, no matter how deeply the Gongyang Church hides, there will definitely be clues.

All Xu Yi has to do is to increase his strength and then deliver a fatal blow to the heart of Gongyang Church.

"It's better to choose a different day than to hit it. Let's set off tonight!"

Xu Yi took a look at the location of the exorcism commission, which was also in New York City, not far from the studio.


The light of the setting sun shines on the window, but it is blocked by the heavy curtains, leaving the room dark.

Xu Yi brought a desk lamp, placed it on the small table, and pointed the light source at the figure opposite the table. The other person was the third person he "interviewed" in this room today.

"Old Xu, confess!" Xu Yi's voice was low.

As soon as he finished speaking, the lamp was taken away from his hand and the light in the room was turned on.

"I'm your father!" Xu Changrong took the lamp and glared at Xu Yi.

"Even if you are my father, you should be frank and lenient!" Xu Yi argued, "Tell me! Lao Xu, what is going on? Don't say that your sharp flying knife skills are... It’s cut from vegetables!”

A swarm of black rats attacked New York City, and many black rats wandered near the Holy Flame Exorcist Studio.

At that time, Xu Yi and the other two were not there, and the support of the soldiers would not arrive for a while. Only Ellent was left in the studio holding the pistol and nervously looking at the black rat outside the door.

At this time, when the exorcism studio was in a state of "life and death", a figure suddenly appeared out of the crowd, like a magic weapon descending from the sky. He swung the flying knife in his hand and nailed the black rats to the ground one by one.

"Arent relayed the scene to me and this is how he described it."

Xu Yi cleared her throat, like a live announcer, "Ms. Casey looked at the flying knives shot by Mr. Xu Changrong, her eyes widened like bells. Mr. Andrew's mouth was so big that he could swallow an ostrich egg." "

Xu Changrong was a little angry, and he stretched out his hand to give Xu Yi a trick. This move was so accurate that it could be included in martial arts textbooks as a model.

Xu Yi relied on the super dynamic vision of the Dark Eye to dodge and took three steps back.

"Old Xu! And you said you don't know martial arts?"

Xu Changrong looked at Xu Yi, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and in the end he could only sigh helplessly and tell the truth.

Xu Yi listened quietly, and many doubts in his mind were solved.

Why is Xu Changrong able to gain a foothold in the chaotic Chinatown despite being unfamiliar with the place?Why do Chinatown societies almost never cause trouble to Xu Changrong?
The story is very simple. Xu Changrong was born in a family of Chinese martial arts. He has outstanding talent and can be called a genius of Chinese martial arts.

But one time when I was sparring with someone, because I was angered and because I was young and energetic, I accidentally stopped and beat the person to death.

Originally, this was nothing. Before the two sects competed, they would sign a life-and-death certificate. Even if someone died, the other party would not break the rules. If they were pursued openly, the most would be to come to the door next time to seek revenge.

But someone couldn't help it and called the police. Xu Changrong had no choice but to escape to the United States with his newborn Xu Yi.

Xu Yi sighed and quickly accepted "the fact that his father is a master of Chinese martial arts."

"Sign your name on it!" He handed a contract to Xu Changrong.

"What is this? A confession?" Xu Changrong teased, but his hands were not slow and he signed his name quickly.

After Xu Changrong signed, he raised his head and looked at Xu Yi, sighing, "Son, I don't understand your matter, and I can't help you much..."

Before he could finish his sensational words, a finger suddenly touched his forehead.

"No! You can help me!" Xu Yi interrupted Xu Changrong. He was so young and didn't even have a gray hair, and he just wanted to lie down and be a salted fish. How could it be so easy?
If you lie down flat, how can I fight with you?

[The entry bond was signed successfully! 】

["Blank Entry: Dark Chef" was given away successfully! 】

Xu Yi looked at the system prompts and breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

He couldn't protect Xu Changrong all the time, and the world was so dangerous, so the best option was to give him the power to protect himself.

Xu Changrong closed his eyes and realized that Xu Yi did not disturb the other party and quietly picked up the suitcase prepared early in the morning and went out, preparing to go to Queens, New York.

(End of this chapter)

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