American exorcist god.

Chapter 148: Can you bump into me just by walking around?

Chapter 148: Can you bump into me just by walking around?
In Queens, New York, Xu Yi stood under the dim street lights and looked up. A retro apartment stood in front of him.

As the second most populous borough in New York, Queens is mostly built with newer buildings. It’s hard to imagine that such old apartments still exist here.

But considering that this is the fringe area of ​​Queens, it is understandable.

Although the retro apartment is old, it still has a unique charm. In addition, the rent here is cheap and the business is quite good. People who run around at night return to the apartment and turn on the lights, and the whole apartment is enveloped in warm lights.

But two months ago, everything changed.

Today's apartment is pitch black, with only sporadic lights on in the corridor. In this slightly desolate suburb, it feels like a haunted house.

Xu Yi looked around and didn't see the client.

Because the client was outside New York City, and Xu Yi had an impromptu idea, it was surprising that the other party could rush over immediately.

He didn't wait for the other party to prepare and walked straight towards the old-fashioned apartment.

There is more than one road leading to the apartment. They meet at the main road like a stream flowing into a river.

A figure walked out of the path ahead. Xu Yi's body tensed subconsciously, his hand pressed on the alchemy revolver at his waist.

The expression on his face can be described in three words, that is "what a ghost"!
You must know that evil gods are very rare. Many exorcists will never come into contact with an evil god incident in their entire life.

But he had successively come into contact with the great evil god of the Gongyang Church and the resurrected evil god Latma, and he could barely understand these.

But why should he deal with an ordinary evil spirit incident and be able to contact the evil god?

Walking in front of him was a woman who must be slightly older than him. She was wearing a long linen-colored trench coat. Her face could not be clearly seen because she was not only wearing a scarf but also wearing sunglasses.

But from the outline of the facial features, it can still be vaguely seen that the other person should be very good-looking.

Xu Yi stared at the other person's back. It didn't matter what the other person looked like, what mattered was his aura.

The other party's body was filled with the aura of an evil god, which was extremely obvious.

The aura of the evil god is usually very subtle. Even as powerful as the great exorcist Father Nordin, he could not discover that Ratma was the evil god at the first time.

If Xu Yi didn't take the initiative to reveal his evil aura, it would be almost impossible for others to sense it.

But the evil spirit aura on the woman in front of him was not concealed at all.

In the eyes of the exorcist, the other party is like a burning torch in the darkness, extremely conspicuous.

There is an unspoken rule in the exorcism world. If an exorcist discovers an evil god, he must report it immediately, because the evil god is too harmful and no one wants to see the evil god grow up.

The other party dared to reveal his aura so arrogantly, Xu Yi thought of a possibility.

That is, the opponent is extremely powerful and does not care about the exorcist's siege at all. In the opponent's eyes, the exorcist is just a chicken and a dog.

Could it be that the Gongyang cult came to seek revenge on him?Xu Yi couldn't help but think.

If it is the great evil god behind the Gongyang Church, he does have this strength.

But it's not quite right. If the other party wants to seek revenge, even if they don't make a sneak attack, they should come over and look at him like an ant, and then declare death to him.

Instead of walking straight to the old apartment like now, without even looking at him.

Xu Yi's brows almost wrinkled into the character "Chuan". This thing was so weird that he wasn't even sure whether what he felt just now was the aura of the evil god.

Logically speaking, even if the Gongyang cult is not here to take revenge, the other party shouldn't turn a blind eye to the fact that he is here as an obvious exorcist, right?
After the figure walked away, Xu Yi took out his mobile phone from the toy box and dialed the phone number specially left for him by the government.On the phone, he did not say he had found an evil god, but that he had found a dangerous place in Queens.

The person in charge on the other end of the phone took it very seriously. After all, even the "Great Exorcist" felt it was dangerous. It was definitely not an ordinary place.

Xu Yi hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

Regardless of whether he is an evil god or not, the government will come to take care of it later. He is not a fool who just rushes in regardless.

The exorcist from the city hall will be here soon, and Xu Yi has enough resurrection coins.

The most important thing is that it is now 11:35 midnight, and it will soon be midnight the next day, when the daily upper limit of resurrection coins will be refreshed.

In other words, if done properly, he can be resurrected 10 times during this period of time.

This is why he must keep at least ten resurrection coins on him. This can be regarded as a small bug in the system.

Xu Yi no longer had any worries and planned to meet this arrogant evil god for a while.

The door to the apartment was open, and the security guard had long disappeared.

This is reasonable. How can a security guard work hard for his boss with his meager salary?

The woman had long since disappeared from the empty apartment hall. Maybe it was because she was too far away, and he couldn't feel the evil aura.

But Xu Yi relied on the powerful vision given by the Dark Eye to discover the brand new shoe prints on the ground, which completely matched the shape of the high heels worn by the woman just now.

Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh, exorcism is really a technical job. Not only do you need to know how to exorcise demons, you have to be in good health, but you also have to be a detective occasionally.

There was no elevator in the old-fashioned apartment, so Xu Yi walked up the stairs. The sound of his footsteps was particularly noticeable in the quiet apartment.

Xu Yi followed the shoe prints to the third floor. At this time, a figure suddenly rushed towards him in the dark corridor. Xu Yi subconsciously avoided it.

The figure fell heavily to the ground, his body covered in blood.

Xu Yi saw the other person clearly. He was a man. He didn't look very old, about eighteen or nineteen years old.

He raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.Because the young man in front of him was actually an exorcist, he could feel the special magnetic field carried by him.

"elder brother!"

Screams came from the corridor, and another figure rushed over. It was also an exorcist, and she was a girl, with a childish face.

The exorcist brother and sister discovered Xu Yi, a stranger. The girl yelled at Xu Yi, "Go! There is danger here!"

Xu Yi secretly became vigilant. Could it be that the evil god had attacked the two exorcists in front of him?
The paintings on the walls of the corridor have faded a bit, and there are only dim lights illuminating every seven or eight meters. These old light bulbs sizzle and flicker like will-o'-the-wisps.

Each lamp can only illuminate a small section of the corridor, and you can't see your fingers between the two lamps, so the light and darkness go to the distance.

Between light and darkness, a dark figure stood in the shadows, his face completely unclear. He was tall, with slender arms and sharp nails.

While Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, his brows gradually wrinkled.

He breathed a sigh of relief because the other person was not the woman just now, and there was no aura of the evil god on her body. The familiar cold feeling undoubtedly meant that the other person was just an evil spirit.

When he frowned, it was because he had a dark pupil. Logically speaking, he could see things clearly in the darkness, but he could only see the general outline of the other person, who seemed to be integrated into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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