American exorcist god.

Chapter 149 I Still Like Your Unruly Appearance

Chapter 149 I Still Like Your Unruly Appearance
"What are your names?" Xu Yi walked past the exorcist brothers and sisters and asked casually.

His eyes were always fixed on the evil spirit in the darkness.

"My name is Kelly, and this is my brother, Roy." Kelly looked at Xu Yi's face, a little stunned.

Roy felt like he was going crazy. The dangerous evil spirit was right in front of him. This man didn't want to run away, but he still had the time to chat.

Could it be that the other party couldn't see the evil spirits in the darkness?
His sister made him collapse even more. It was okay to be infatuated with handsome guys, but what was the occasion now and she was still infatuated with her?
Roy even wanted to destroy them and let the evil spirits kill them all.

But he took one look at his sister and felt a little reluctant to part with her.His parents left them when they were young, leaving him and his sister to depend on each other. Her sister was already his last family member.

Roy let out a long sigh, dragged his seriously injured body, and stood up from the ground.

"I'll hold the evil spirit back, you guys run away!" Roy rushed towards the evil spirit, thinking that the most he could do was help him here.

He suddenly stopped, a little confused.

Why is there no movement behind me?There was neither the sound of footsteps nor the cry of my sister's reluctance.

He turned his head and almost lost his breath.

The two of them didn't run at all, they just stood there blankly!

A cold breath came from behind, and Roy felt like he had fallen into a cold pool. His heart seemed to be frozen, and he could no longer pump warm blood to his body.

The evil spirit is coming!So close!
He was ready to welcome death, but after a while, the imagined scene of his chest being pierced by the claws of an evil spirit did not appear.

Roy was a little confused, wondering what happened?
The man walked towards him slowly, and only then did Roy have time to look at him.

There was always a faint smile on the other person's face. Even as a man, he had to admit that the other person was indeed very good-looking, especially his special temperament, which should be very popular with little girls.

For some reason, he felt that the other person looked familiar.

The man walked past him, and Roy's eyes kept chasing him, watching him walk towards the evil spirit in the darkness.

Roy's eyes suddenly widened and he almost couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The man is moving forward, but the evil spirit... is actually retreating!

The evil spirit is in fear of the man before his eyes!

Roy felt that his worldview was a bit broken. For thousands of years, humans have been afraid of evil spirits, but now it's the other way around?
"Are you an exorcist?" Roy looked at the man's custom-made slim trench coat and suddenly understood something. He subconsciously used the honorific title.

The material of the other party's clothes was a shroud. This kind of fabric isolated the magnetic field of the other party as an exorcist, so he could not feel it and always thought that the other party was an ordinary person.

But even if the other party is an exorcist, he can't make the evil spirits feel fear, right?
They were also exorcists, and they were not crushed like wild dogs running for their lives by evil spirits.

Xu Yi nodded in response.

He walked straight towards the evil spirit in the darkness, his frown never letting go.

Although the evil spirit was not weak, it was not so powerful that he was afraid of it.

The reason why he frowned was because of this place.After moving around in this old-fashioned apartment for a long time, I felt faintly dizzy, as if I had been sitting in a swaying bus for days and nights, feeling sick and retching.

The gray air flow flashed from his pupils, and Xu Yi mobilized the fog of darkness to dispel the bad feeling.

The evil spirit roared like a beast, trying to make Xu Yi stop.

Most evil spirits just follow their instincts. They sense the threat in Xu Yi, so they retreat subconsciously.

But evil spirits are chaotic and crazy beings, and their sanity can only last for a moment.

When it discovered that Xu Yi ignored its "dissuasion", it became angry and accelerated towards Xu Yi.

There was light and darkness in the corridor, but the figure of the other party never appeared in the light. The evil spirit seemed to "flash" in the darkness, approaching Xu Yi in the blink of an eye.

"Careful!" Roy yelled subconsciously.

But the next second, a purple-red air curtain opened from Xu Yi's body, the evil spirit hit the air curtain, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Roy looked at Xu Yi blankly, his mouth opened so wide that his jaw almost dislocated.

The evil spirit that crushed them everywhere, the evil spirit that almost killed them, was just... gone?
They are both exorcists, so why are they so different?

How long did it take the other party to deal with the evil spirit, one second, or two seconds?Xu Yi didn't know what the other person was thinking, otherwise he would definitely shake his head. Of course, he was not so powerful that he could kill evil spirits in an instant. If he were replaced by a vicious spirit, it would be possible.

The evil spirit was simply swallowed into Annabelle's toy box.

This is the first time Xu Yi uses the treasure box to deal with evil spirits after the treasure box evolved. The effect is currently unknown.

He uses his symbiotic eyes to view the situation in the treasure box space while commanding Annabelle and Buster.

Just in case, he took out his drawing book from his backpack, activated psychic painting, and prepared to draw a portrait of the evil spirit.

"You are Xu Yi!"

Xu Yi had just finished writing when a scream suddenly came from next to him. Xu Yi's hand shook and the pen core was broken.

Xu Yi changed his pen and turned his head wordlessly. The young female exorcist rushed to Xu Yi's side instantly with the agility of a rabbit.

"Mr. Xu Yi, I am your fan!" Kelly's eyes were bright, staring at Xu Yi with admiration.

Facing the cute little fan girl, Xu Yi couldn't get angry and could only smile and nod in response.

Kelly seemed to know that Xu Yi was busy, so she didn't bother him much. She returned to Roy and supported Roy who was about to fall.

Xu Yi was very satisfied to meet such a sensible female fan, but the next second he knew he was wrong.

"Brother, didn't you say that Mr. Xu Yi's reputation was all blown out of proportion? He was able to defeat the evil god just because of good luck!" Kelly "whispered" in Roy's ear.

This apartment is so quiet, no matter how quiet you sound, you can still hear it very clearly.

"I...I never said that! Don't talk nonsense!" Roy's face turned green and he quickly denied it.

In fact, he said it, but is now the time to admit it?The great exorcism was right in front of him. With the opponent's ability to kill evil spirits instantly, wouldn't it be a gift if he got close to him?

"You obviously said that! You also said that if you meet the other person, you must show him some shame and beat him until he can't leave the house for two or three months." Kelly said "uprightly".

"You, you..." Roy couldn't say a word for a long time. The next second, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Brother, stop pretending! I still like your unruly look!" Kelly obviously didn't want to let Roy go.

Xu Yi gave Roy a look of silence. With a sister like this, she could only wish for happiness.

In fact, Roy was right. Luck did play a big part in his ability to defeat the evil god Ratma.

If Father Nordin hadn't seriously injured Latma first, if the other party hadn't sacrificed his life to preserve the divinity of St. O'Hagan...he wouldn't have been Latma's opponent.

Xu Yi has always stayed awake and will not feel that he is invincible after killing Latma and gaining the power of the evil god.

"Your brother seems to have really passed out. Do you want to take him to the hospital first?" Xu Yi just wanted to get rid of this weird little fangirl.

"Mr. Xu Yi, can I get your signature?"

Xu Yi did not refuse, and happened to have both pen and paper in his hands. After writing his name in a flash, he tore off a page and handed it to the other party.

"Goodbye Mr. Xu Yi!"

Kelly didn't say anything more this time. After happily taking the autograph, she picked up Roy, said hello obediently and left.

"This little girl is quite funny!" Xu Yi muttered softly.

But he quickly gathered his thoughts and started drawing quickly in his drawing book.

When the psychic portrait was completed, the battle in the toy box also began.

Xu Yi should have focused on the treasure box space and directed the battle, but he suddenly raised his head, and even the symbiosis eye could no longer be maintained.

He felt the aura of the evil god again.

A large shadow spread from the soles of Xu Yi's feet, covering his feet like a sea wave. His evil god's authority was triggered by something and activated naturally and uncontrollably.

Xu Yi forcibly controlled the evil god's authority, and the shadows under his feet quickly faded away.

The evil god's power was out of control, which should have been a very bad thing, but Xu Yi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he suddenly knew what was going on in this apartment.

(End of this chapter)

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