American exorcist god.

Chapter 150 Gorgeous and weird

Chapter 150 Gorgeous and weird

Xu Yi followed the shoe prints on the stairs all the way up, taking long strides, and stepped on the wooden steps, making a banging sound like a drum.

In order to rush for time, Xu Yi no longer concealed his thoughts.

Taking advantage of the time to go upstairs, Xu Yi used the Eye of Symbiosis to check the situation in the treasure box space.

He finally saw clearly what the evil spirit looked like. His body was completely charred and black, and he had probably been burned by a fire during his lifetime.

The ink-colored gelatinous substance gushes out from the gaps in the evil spirit's body, but does not drip to the ground. The gelatinous substance seems to be alive, constantly sliding on the evil spirit's body.

The evil spirit in front of him was his initial target.

The exorcism commission describes the evil spirit as follows: "It only travels in the darkness and never appears in the light."

This is very consistent with Xu Yi's impression of the entry "Dark Stealth".

The "plasticized" Annabelle and Buster, who transformed into a fire chief, are approaching the evil spirits step by step.The evil spirit was cornered in the toy box.

There are four corners on the floor of the toy box, and there is a reason why the evil spirits are forced into these corners.

The "metalization" of the treasure box space is only more than half completed. Only three sides are made of solid "metal" material. This corner happens to be the intersection of the three metal walls.

Fight here without worrying about the toy treasure box being destroyed.

Annabelle holds a "full moon scimitar" in her hand.

That was Latma's rat tooth. The front end of this rat tooth was extremely sharp, and it was simply a magic weapon that could cut iron as well as mud.

The evil spirit's body was covered with large and small wounds, all cut by rat teeth.

The evil spirit also wanted to resist, but Buster's incarnation of the Fire King splashed out a large black-gold flame, and the demon-suppressing field took effect. The evil spirit was suppressed to the point that it could not straighten its waist.

Xu Yi was a little surprised. This was Annabelle and Buster's first collaboration, and the effect was even better than he imagined.

The evil spirit seemed to be very weak, and could only be beaten passively throughout the whole process, posing no threat to Xu Yi at all.

But that's just an illusion.

If the other party was really that weak, the exorcist brother and sister wouldn't be in such a mess.

The current situation can be formed entirely because of the "God's Kingdom Rules" formed by the superposition of the Toy Heart and the Demon-Suppressing Domain, which has a strong enough suppression effect on evil spirits.

But all this is limited to this corner. If the evil spirits find out the clues, break through forcefully, and attack the walls that have not been strengthened, it will be another situation.
The situation in the treasure box space is stable and improving, and Xu Yi can relax and concentrate on solving the "arrogant evil god" first.

The high-heeled shoe prints extend all the way to the top floor of the apartment. There is only one room on the top floor, which is the most luxurious room in the apartment.

The deluxe room is reserved for the owner to live in and is not rented out to outsiders. However, since it was renovated, the other party has not stayed in it once.

Xu Yi stood quietly in front of the door. Although he couldn't feel the evil spirit's aura, he knew that the other party was inside.

He pushed the door hard, but without pushing, the door was locked from the inside.

Xu Yi put his hand on the keyhole, breathed slowly, and mobilized the dark fog in his body.

The fog of darkness erupted, destroying the structure of the lock just like it did when it crushed the Leaf of Salvation last time.

Xu Yi pushed open the door, pulled out the alchemy revolver from his waist, and strode inside. At the same time, he glanced at his watch. The time was now 11:52 in the middle of the night.

There was a rustling sound in the room in the corridor. Xu Yi came to the end of the corridor. The door of the room was unlocked.

He saw the scene in the room clearly at a glance and was stunned for a moment.

The woman just now stood in the center of the room, taking off her scarf and sunglasses, revealing her beautiful face.

Xu Yi was a little surprised. The other party was much more beautiful than he imagined.But the reason why he was surprised was not just because of the other person's face.

The other party was taking off his clothes one by one, and his fair skin dazzled Xu Yi's eyes.

With Xu Yi's many years of experience in flower appreciation, he could tell at a glance that this flower was definitely a top-quality flower from the high mountains. The branches were graceful and graceful, the leaves were plump and elastic, the petals were smooth and tender, and they felt similar to mutton-fat jade.

But he only looked at it twice and then looked away.

It's not that he doesn't like watching it. If the scene is changed, he will definitely appreciate it slowly, but he has more important things now.

"Good evening, Mr. Arrogant Evil God!" Xu Yi pointed his gun at the slender "figure" on the bed.

No, that's not what you call a human being at all.

It was a monster like an octopus, but its body was also more slender than an octopus. If you only looked at the outline, it did look a bit like a human body.

The monster's bloody tentacles were constantly squirming, and a faint pink mist filled the surface of its body.

What was in front of him was an extremely weird scene, a beautiful woman taking off her clothes and a bloody tentacle monster. The beautiful woman looked at the tentacle monster with love in her eyes.

Xu Yi pulled the trigger decisively, and the specially made exorcism bullet penetrated the tentacle monster. Dark green blood splashed out, and the monster's tentacles danced painfully.

The tentacle monster in front of me is the true form of the "powerful" evil god.

Xu Yi's thinking at the beginning was wrong. The evil god's exposure was not because the other party was powerful enough to ignore the exorcist's attack.

There may be another situation, that is, the evil god has just been born and will only act according to instinct, without the concept of "danger" in his mind.

The tentacle monster lying on the bed in front of him was a young evil god.

Xu Yi pulled the trigger repeatedly, and the exorcism bullets were fired into the Evil God larvae one after another. The Evil God larvae could only move its tentacles subconsciously, without any resistance.

No matter how powerful the evil god becomes in the future, when he was first born, he was extremely weak, like a newly born beast cub.

If faced with ordinary people, the Evil God larvae still had the possibility of resistance, but unfortunately he was facing the quasi-great exorcist Xu Yi.

The woman suddenly stopped taking off her clothes and rushed towards Xu Yi, trying to snatch the gun in Xu Yi's hand.

But ordinary humans, in front of Xu Yi who has been strengthened by the fog of darkness, are no better than a little cat. He can firmly control the opponent with just one hand.

Originally, a bullet was the fastest way to solve the problem, but the woman in front of her was extremely unlucky, and she just happened to be bewitched by the newly born evil god larvae, so she could not die.

Xu Yi fired the revolver empty of bullets and hit the woman on the back of the head with the handle of the gun. The woman fell softly and passed out.

He quickly changed his ammunition, preparing to make the Evil God larva completely lose resistance before suppressing it into a soul jade.

Although it is only a larva of the evil god and does not carry much power of the evil god, the mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are, and they can still make the toy treasure box go further.

At this moment, Annabell suddenly called anxiously, Xu Yi's face changed slightly, and he used his symbiosis eyes to check the situation in the treasure box space.

The scarred evil spirit let out a terrifying roar, and sharp black limbs broke through its back and grew out.

The densely packed jointed limbs spread out behind the evil spirit, like black bone wings.

The evil spirit's momentum became several times stronger. What's worse is that the opponent was seriously injured in order to break through the blockade and rush towards the purple wooden wall in front... The evil spirit relied on instinct to sense the weakness of the treasure box space!
The purple-red air curtain opened, and Xu Yi had no choice but to give the order to release the evil spirit from Annabelle's treasure box.

Xu Yi frowned. The reason why he did not deal with the evil spirit immediately was that he rushed to the top floor to deal with the evil larvae.

It's because things have priorities. The growth rate of the evil god larvae is very fast. It might be a few minutes slower, which would be a completely different situation.

If the bewitched girl in front of him completes her "sacrifice", the Evil God larvae will at least have the ability to move freely, so he doesn't dare to delay at all.

(End of this chapter)

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