American exorcist god.

Chapter 151 Black Gold Flame

Chapter 151 Black Gold Flame
Xu Yi rushed towards the door, and the light was turned on right next to the door.

The room had been dark just now, and the Evil God larva would definitely not turn on the light. The bewitched woman was like a puppet on strings, and Xu Yi had the dark pupil, so there was no need to turn on the light.

But now he must turn on the lights. Darkness is the home of that evil spirit. Turning on the lights can greatly weaken the opponent's power.

The bright white light illuminated the room like daylight. Xu Yi looked around and found no trace of the evil spirit.

The evil spirit must still be in the room.

The moment he opened the treasure box space, he rushed over and turned on the light. The cold feeling unique to evil spirits still lingered around his body.

Xu Yi glanced at the shadows caused by things blocking the surroundings. Evil spirits were most likely hiding in these shadows.

He didn't search for them one by one, because the efficiency was too low, and the evil spirits could move around in the dark at will. He didn't want to play a hide-and-find game.

He pulled out the psychic portrait of the evil spirit.

The ability to judge is very useful, especially when facing an evil spirit that is good at hiding and seeking.

The dagger penetrated the psychic portrait, the judgment was launched, and a beast-like roar came from under his feet. Xu Yi was slightly shocked, the evil spirit was actually hiding in his shadow!
I don’t know whether the other party is thinking that “the most dangerous place is the safest place”, or whether he was badly stabbed by Annabelle and is determined to take revenge.

The opponent's body was covered with dense knife marks, and the wounds made by Latma's rat teeth were not easy to heal.

The dark figure "grows" from the center of the shadow, first the head, then the body, and then the limbs. Behind the evil spirit are spider-like jointed limbs, stretching out in the room like the branches of a dark ancient tree.

Xu Yi took out a dagger of the same standard.

After the Dagger of Rest was destroyed, Xu Yi made a batch of daggers out of alloy, and the surfaces of the daggers were engraved with necromantic incantations.

The fog of darkness gushes out from Xu Yi's palm and spreads onto the dagger. The dagger seems to be possessed by magic, capable of causing double damage to dark creatures.

The enchanted dagger pierced the evil spirit's heart, and the evil spirit let out a miserable roar.

Xu Yi's right hand holding the gun was not idle, he pulled the trigger repeatedly, and the exorcism bullets flew towards the bed, piercing the evil larvae that were about to escape.

The evil spirit's chest was stabbed into a sieve by the enchanted dagger. Seeing that the evil spirit could not escape for the time being, Xu Yi put away the dagger and prepared to kill the evil god larvae first.

The evil god larvae felt the danger coming, and its tentacles suddenly extended, but the target was not Xu Yi, but the evil spirit around Xu Yi.

The evil spirit's tentacles spread to the joints on the evil spirit's back, and the evil spirit roared repeatedly. Although Xu Yi didn't know what the evil spirit larvae was doing, he also knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

Xu Yi rushed toward the tentacles, preparing to cut them off.

When the dagger fell, the tentacles wrapped around the evil spirit suddenly let go, covering Xu Yi like a giant net.

Xu Yi's pupils shrank. The Evil God's larvae's target from the beginning was not the evil spirit, but Xu Yi. It made this move just to attract Xu Yi and let Xu Yi get closer to him!
The tentacles wrapped tightly around Xu Yi, but the evil spirit larvae were surprised to find that the tentacles could not touch Xu Yi's flesh and blood, and a layer of light gray mist isolated the tentacles.

Pink mist filled the air from the tentacles, and Xu Yi held his breath, but the mist did not need to enter the body from the respiratory tract to have its effect.

Low murmurs appeared in Xu Yi's ears, and those murmurs were like worms burrowing into Xu Yi's head.

One of the powerful abilities controlled by the evil god is mental pollution.

This is not the first time that Xu Yi has suffered from mental pollution, but this time it is the strongest.

There are specialties in the art. Even if it is the same mental pollution, different evil gods will use it, and the effects will be different. Xu Yi obviously encountered an evil god who specializes in mental pollution this time.

The evil god larvae wrapped around Xu Yi and danced its tentacles excitedly. Its green bean-like eyes revealed the joy of revenge, as if it had seen Xu Yi's tragic end.

But what he didn't notice was that there was no look of panic on Xu Yi's face.

If it had been before, it would have been difficult to deal with this situation, but it is different now. Xu Yi's identity has changed.The tentacles of the Evil God larvae suddenly trembled, this time not out of excitement, but out of fear.

The water-like shadow spread up from Xu Yi's feet, submerging Xu Yi and the Evil God larvae.

Mental pollution is indeed a very terrifying weapon for humans, but if the target is another evil god, it can only be a plastic toy gun.

Xu Yi took the initiative to activate the Evil God's authority, which meant that he was determined to kill the Evil God's larvae.

Government officials will be here soon, and the fact that he has mastered the power of the evil god must not be exposed.

Xu Yi's palm turned into a knife, and the palm covered with dark mist was no less sharp than the blade.

The palm knife penetrated the body of the Evil God larvae, and black-gold flames suddenly burst out from the palm, instantly igniting the Evil God larvae.

These black-gold flames are the demon-suppressing power of Buster, the cat spirit. After Buster became his evil god incarnation, this was the first time he used Buster's power.

Xu Yi felt very bad. He felt like his whole body was sealed in mercury. All the mercury was flowing in his veins. His whole body felt unspeakably heavy.

He has mastered the power of the evil god, but his body is not that of the evil god and cannot fully withstand Buster's demon-suppressing power.

This is the result of the body being enhanced by the fog of darkness. If it were an ordinary person's body, it would have collapsed long ago.
"If you can obtain the entry for super-accelerated regeneration, you may be able to withstand this power." Xu Yi thought to himself.

It is also the power to suppress demons. Why not let Buster use it directly, but let Xu Yi use it with a huge load?
The reason is simple. The demon-suppressing power used by Buster only has a suppressive effect.

But Xu Yi is different. The power he uses to suppress demons, the black-gold flame in front of him, is activated by the evil god's authority... This is no longer an ordinary flame, but... a divine fire!
The evil god's flame burned the evil god's larvae, and also ignited the immobile black evil spirit next to it.

The moment he sensed the annihilation of the Evil God's larval soul, Xu Yi immediately shut down the Evil God's authority.

Without the support of the evil god's authority, the black-golden flame was extinguished instantly, because the fuel of the flame was the evil god's authority, not anything else.

Xu Yi collapsed to the ground instantly, breathing heavily as if he wanted to suck all the air in the room into his lungs.

The feeling of forcibly activating the evil god's flame is really terrible. It's like a drowning person trapped on the boundary between life and death. It feels like he's going to drown in the next second, but he just can't die. No one wants to feel like life is worse than death. Try it a second time.

The demon-suppressing flame may be the biggest gain of the evil god's incarnation, but unfortunately, if it is used forcefully, the disadvantages are too great.

Before obtaining the entry for super-accelerated regeneration, Xu Yi no longer planned to use this ability.

The Evil God larva let go of its tentacles and fell to the ground helplessly.There are no traces of flames burning on His body, because the demon-suppressing flames are not aimed at the body, but at the soul.


Xu Yi originally wanted to suppress the other party's soul into a soul jade, but now he can't do it, after all, the other party's soul has been burned away.

He looked at the living body of the Evil God's larvae, and suddenly his heart moved, and he put it into the toy box.

Evil god larvae are usually born in various alien spaces. Only when they grow to a certain level can they come to the human world.

But the Evil God larva in front of me was actually born directly into the human world!
Xu Yi didn't know yet what the use of the dead evil god's larval body was, but he had a vague hunch that such a rare thing would definitely be of great use.

His eyes fell on the dark evil spirit.

The evil spirit was only slightly affected by the evil god's flame, but even the evil god's larvae couldn't withstand the power of the flames, let alone one that was seriously injured.

The red soul-binding thread flew out of his hand, tightly wrapping around the evil spirit.

Xu Yi was looking forward to it, wondering if the evil spirit in front of him could open the entry for "Dark Stealth"?

(End of this chapter)

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