American exorcist god.

Chapter 152 Dark Stealth

Chapter 152 Dark Stealth
The soul-binding thread was slowly tightened, but the evil spirit was still resisting. Xu Yi pulled the trigger expressionlessly, and the evil spirit was pierced by bullets and screamed repeatedly.

The woman on the ground woke up faintly, and Xu Yi was slightly startled.

In order to avoid William's previous situation, he just used sleeping flowers from the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree. The fragrance of the sleeping flowers was enough for him to fall asleep all night, but he didn't expect to wake up so quickly.

The woman covered her forehead, feeling a splitting headache. Her mind went blank, and she didn't know what was going on.

She raised her head and saw the dark evil spirit roaring in the room, and backed away in panic.

Xu Yi observed the woman, trying to find out why she woke up early, and at the same time tightened the soul-binding thread in his hand.

The evil spirit's struggle was in vain after all. Amidst the shrill roar, the evil spirit's body exploded and turned into a large black mist, which was compressed into a soul jade by the soul-binding thread.

The soul jade is round and round without any flaws. This is the first perfect soul jade that Xu Yi suppressed after obtaining the soul jade entry.

This kind of soul jade is not only more effective, but also has no shortcomings of overflowing if not used for a long time.

[The entry swallowing is activated, swallowing...]

[Congratulations on getting "Blank Entry: Dark Stealth (Green Normal)"! 】

Xu Yi's eyes lit up instantly. He didn't expect that he was so lucky that the first evil spirit he chose swallowed up the entry of "Dark Stealth".

He looked away after a few glances and strode towards the woman. The woman found that she had very few clothes left on her body and shrank back in surprise.

At this time, a faint pink mist floated from the woman's eyes. Her eyes were dull for a moment, and then turned into full desire, and she rushed towards Xu Yi.

Xu Yi took control of the other party.

The woman was not satisfied with this. She wrapped her hands and feet around Xu Yi's body and stretched her head towards Xu Yi's chest, wanting to ask for more.

Xu Yi stared at the other person's beautiful face for two seconds, then reached out and approached the woman's smooth face... and slapped him hard. The applause was crisp and clear, and clear red palm prints instantly appeared on the woman's fair face. .

"Are you awake? Get dressed as soon as you are awake and leave here immediately! I only give you five seconds!" Xu Yi's tone was urgent.

If it were in other places, Xu Yi might have given the other party a profound "lesson", but the situation was not right now. He had already felt the dark power coming from the underground.

The woman froze in place, unable to recover for a while. The pink mist in her eyes had dissipated.

The mist was the bewitching power left by the Evil God's larvae in the woman's body. It could induce the purest thoughts deep in the woman's heart. Unfortunately, it was awakened by Xu Yi's slap.

It was also because of the pink mist that the other party was able to wake up from the fragrance of sleeping flowers so quickly. Xu Yi noticed this and did not try to force the flowers to bloom.

The woman picked up the coat on the ground and covered her body, feeling a little embarrassed and angry.

She actually pounced on a man and asked for it.

The worst part was that she had been rejected, and in such a rough way that she felt her face burning, and not just from being spanked.

But for some reason, despite being ashamed, she actually felt a strange feeling, like the excitement of Adam in the Garden of Eden who stole the fruit.

Xu Yi didn't know that the woman's thoughts were beginning to become distorted. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care. After all, he had been bewitched by the evil god, and it was normal to have some sequelae.

The evil god's authority in his body became more and more restless. If he hadn't firmly suppressed the authority, I'm afraid it would have started on its own at this moment.

It was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so Xu Yi turned around and left.

"Wait for me!" The woman became anxious when she saw Xu Yi leaving without saying a word.

She picked up the clothes on the ground as fast as she could in her life and put them on as she walked. She couldn't run fast in high heels, so she threw off her high heels and ran towards Xu Yi.

Xu Yi originally wanted to go back along the stairs, but his face changed slightly, the apartment was shaking slightly, and it was too late to go back.

He kicked open the window at the end of the corridor and glanced down. At such a height, ordinary people would feel weak at the sight.

Xu Yi's face was expressionless, controlling the fog of darkness to inject into his body.

Just when he was about to jump out, the woman hugged his waist.

"Please! Don't leave me, okay?" The woman looked sad.What the hell kind of backup quote is this?Didn't he just take off a little of his clothes, not even revealing much more than a bikini, but he looked like he couldn't live without him?

Xu Yi was speechless. He felt the evil energy growing more and more underground in the apartment, and suddenly realized that without him, this woman might really die.

"Hold tight!"

There was no time to think now, Xu Yi jumped down from the broken window suddenly, the woman's body suddenly flew into the air, she let out a scream, and hugged Xu Yi's waist tightly.

Xu Yi's body fell rapidly, and the strong wind raised his black windbreaker, making a hunting sound.

Seeing that he was about to be smashed to pieces on the ground, Xu Yi suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the outer eaves of the apartment. The dark fog and the power of his muscles exploded at the same time, forcibly counteracting the kinetic energy of the fall.

When his body stabilized again, he let go of his hand and let his body fall again.

There were only three or four meters left from the ground, and he landed firmly on the ground.

"let go!"

The woman was so frightened that she kept hugging Xu Yi's waist. After hearing Xu Yi's order, she came to her senses and quickly let go.

When she was still in shock, Xu Yi suddenly picked her up by the waist, burst into speed again, and rushed out of the apartment.

The woman was hugged by Xu Yi. After two seconds of panic, she took the initiative to reach out and wrap her arms around Xu Yi's neck.

"Mr. Xu Yi!"

Suddenly someone called him in front of him. It was a middle-aged man in a suit and tie. Xu Yi looked familiar to him, as if he was an exorcist from the government.

But he didn't have time to chat with the other party now.

"Run!" He reminded the other party, and then ran towards the outside without stopping.

The exorcist was stunned for a moment, then ran wildly with a disheveled beauty in his arms at night. What kind of weird style was this?

But his expression suddenly changed, he turned around suddenly and ran outside with Xu Yi.

"Run! Run! There's danger ahead!" the exorcist shouted as he ran.

The exorcists responded to the government's call and prepared to enter the apartment to investigate. When they saw Xu Yi running wildly, they subconsciously started running too.

A large group of exorcists followed behind Xu Yi, most of them looking confused.

The ground suddenly shook, and the source of the earthquake came from the apartment. The exorcist looked subconsciously, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Turbulent black mist spewed out from the apartment and swept in all directions. There were many plants planted around the apartment. The tender green leaves of the plants withered and withered instantly when they came into contact with the black mist.

When the exorcists saw this scene, their bodies became cold and they ran faster.

Xu Yi ran in front. The reasons for their escape were different.

The exorcist was afraid that his soul would be contaminated if he was affected, while Xu Yi was afraid that the evil god's power would be out of control and his identity as a reserve member of the evil god would be exposed.

Xu Yi rushed to the road and looked back at the old-fashioned apartment.

The black fog stopped ten meters away from the road and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye. The vibrations on the ground also stopped and everything returned to calm, as if what had just happened was just an illusion.


Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind. A black Mercedes-Benz slid silently to the side of the road. The door opened and an anxious-looking person jumped out of the car.

Xu Yi saw the other person's face clearly and was stunned for a moment, "Hadi, why are you here?"

When Hadi saw Xu Yi, he was even more surprised than Xu Yi saw him. When he saw clearly the disheveled man in Xu Yi's arms, his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning and he was stunned in place.

"Sister! guys!" Hadi pointed at Xu Yi and was speechless.

The woman turned her face away so that Hardy wouldn't see her, her face turned red.Give
(End of this chapter)

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