American exorcist god.

Chapter 153 Honglian’s repair method

Chapter 153 Honglian’s repair method

"Thank you very much for Mr. Xu Yi's help. My name is Anna, and I am Hardy's sister."

Xu Yi looked at the woman in front of him who had arranged her clothes and introduced herself with a dignified expression. She couldn't react for a moment. She was not like this when she was wrapped around him just now.

The contrast is too great!
Xu Yi really didn't expect that the person he saved was actually William's sister and Hardy's sister.

Anna and Hardy went to a party together. Anna suddenly felt unwell and left early.Hardy didn't care at first, but when he was about to go back after the party, he actually found the car picking up Anna on the side of the road.

The driver of the car was unconscious and Anna was missing. Hardy was so anxious that he didn't leave even after calling the police. Instead, he drove the car and searched nearby.

Xu Yi sighed secretly, wondering if this family was born to be in conflict with the evil god.

First, William was bewitched by the evil god and almost died in the sewer. Now it's Anna. I wonder if it will be Hardy's turn next time.

Xu Yi patted Hadi on the shoulder, gave him a wish-for-blessing look, apologized and left, he still had many things to deal with.

"Sister! Let's go to the hospital for a check-up?" Hardy turned to look at Anna next to him.

Anna shook her head, her eyes never leaving Xu Yi, "I'm fine, let's stay a while and see what happened."

Hadi looked miserable, it was over, this was the reason why he never told Xu Yi that he had a sister.

He was on every possible precaution, but unexpectedly, it was his sister who took the initiative to deliver it to his door.

He knew his sister's temperament, she had always been a little indifferent, she liked to be alone and disliked the excitement.

Now he is looking around with his feet propped up. Is this just watching the fun?He was too embarrassed to reveal it.

Xu Yi had put Anna's matter behind him, and he saw a familiar figure in the crowd.


Entos turned around with a warm smile on his face, "Good evening, Mr. Xu Yi!"

"Shouldn't you be in the army? Why are you here?" Xu Yi asked curiously. The person in front of him was Entos, who had fought side by side in the sewer before.

"It's all thanks to you. I've transferred to another department now. If you need help with anything in the future, just call me." Entos explained.

Xu Yi suddenly realized that this was the contact person assigned to him by the city hall. It would indeed be much more convenient if he had an acquaintance to contact him.

"Mr. Xu Yi, what's going on in this apartment?" Entos' expression suddenly turned serious as he talked about business.

"I just have a rough guess. Has the owner of the apartment arrived? I want to ask him something."

Xu Yi saw the owner of the apartment in the crowd, a middle-aged man who had put on weight. The two exchanged casual greetings before getting down to business.

"Did anything special happen before something went wrong in the apartment?" Xu Yi asked.

The owner of the apartment frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly became energetic. "I remembered that before the abnormality occurred, water suddenly leaked into the basement of the apartment, so I called in workers to repair it... The workers said that the water pipes below were broken and they needed to be dug with a drill. Yes, the workers at the back are sick, and the basement has not been repaired."

The owner of the apartment looked at Xu Yi, "I wonder what it has to do with this matter?"

It’s so relevant!Xu Yi probably knew what was going on.

"This place must be quarantined immediately!"

After Xu Yi finished speaking, he left, leaving Entos to negotiate compensation terms with the apartment owner. The government was going to buy the land and then implement a strict blockade.

Xu Yi returned to his car and locked the door from the inside. The windows with privacy films were raised to the top and the car lights were not turned on.

In the darkness, Xu Yi took out Latma's rat teeth. The sharp rat teeth were trembling slightly at the moment, which was in response to the evil spirit in the apartment.

He carefully took out a scroll from the toy box. The yellowed scroll was already tattered and most of the content on it was missing.

After he chose the red lotus, the holy weapon for exorcism, the people from the city hall immediately sent him the restoration information of the red lotus. He originally thought it was a rigorous document report, but he didn't expect it to be this antique scroll in front of him. .

The moment he saw the antique scroll, Xu Yi was a little dumbfounded, and even had a feeling that he had been cheated. Unfortunately, it was a done deal.The text on the scroll was in Japanese. Xu Yi found a professor who specialized in Japanese translation to translate the content on the scroll.

Only the back part of the scroll was missing, while the front part was still intact. After the text was translated, it was indeed a repair method for the sacred red lotus.

To be prepared, not only the sacred red lotus, but also any powerful sword can be repaired using this method.

"Is such a large array of holy remains after baptism, sky fire, and living beings washing pool really just to repair the sword?" Xu Yi looked at the description of the scroll and was very confused.

The process of repairing the sacred red lotus is very cumbersome, and just the first step is enough to be daunting.

Not only a divine corpse, but also a "divine corpse after baptism."

If it is a true god, you only need to put the divine body in the church and ask the priest to recite it sincerely under the icon of Jesus every day; or let Maria use the ability of soul transformation to "sing" to the divine body every day, and then the divine body can be made. Complete the baptism.

But the rat teeth in his hand belong to the evil god. Using these methods is not baptism, but "whitewashing". By then, even the divinity of the rat teeth may be destroyed.

Now he found a new baptism method for rat teeth.

"I hope it works!" Xu Yi got out of the car and walked towards the apartment.

Within a short time, a warning tape had been set up around the apartment. Later, the city hall would build a high wall to block the place. Soldiers would patrol 24 hours a day to prevent anyone from entering by mistake.

Xu Yi returned to the apartment, alone.

Entos originally wanted the help of an exorcist, but he refused.

"I want to get close to the source of the evil spirit and set up a suppression array. It's too dangerous there. I wonder if other exorcists can resist it?"

After hearing this, Entos decisively gave up the idea of ​​helping. The government's exorcists were all "civil servants" and they joined the government mainly for the generous benefits.

It's okay to ask them to help, but they are definitely not willing to throw their lives and blood.

Xu Yi strode into the apartment.

In fact, the evil spirit has entered a low period after the outbreak, and the apartment is now quite safe. Of course Xu Yi will not tell anyone about this, otherwise how can he strive to act alone?

Xu Yi found the door into the basement. There was a heavy lock on the iron door. In fact, the owner of the apartment had already sensed something was wrong in the basement, otherwise he would not have locked the door.

He simply broke the door lock and found the stairs into the basement.

It was dark under the stairs, as if leading to some unknown hell, and the lights were old and flickering.

This was a perfect horror movie scene, but Xu Yi walked downwards without changing his expression. His fear came from the unknown. After possessing the Dark Eyes, he was completely indifferent to such dark scenes.

As he walked down the gloomy stairs, feeling the cold wind blowing, he actually felt a little comfortable. He didn't know if it was because he controlled the power of the evil god.

There were no accidents along the way, and Xu Yi arrived at the basement smoothly.

The basement no longer has water seepage, and is replaced by a layer of black moss, which is densely spread in the basement. The moss exudes a strong smell of blood.

Xu Yi was not lying. If an ordinary exorcist walked in, just by smelling this smell, his spirit would be polluted.

He simply ignored the moss and walked to the middle of the basement, which was drilled through by a drill, revealing dark holes, and evil spirits kept coming out from below.

Evil spirits and evil god larvae appear again in the apartment. The reason is actually not complicated.

I don’t know why, but the basement of this apartment is connected to a different space, which leads to such a strange situation.

Although this situation is very rare, it has not never happened.

There was once a farmer whose pasture was connected to the Land of Underworld, resulting in the death of flocks of cattle and sheep, and the people living around did not escape the disaster.

 In the last chapter, I was locked up in a dark room, it was miserable~
(End of this chapter)

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