American exorcist god.

Chapter 154 "Jack the Ripper" is arrested

Chapter 154 "Jack the Ripper" is arrested

Xu Yi squatted down in front of the hole where the evil energy was gushing out, and began to carve the undead mantra. The circular mantra circle wrapped the hole.

In the center of the incantation circle, he buried half of the portrait of Huo Kui.

Evil energy is a very complex thing that combines resentment, curses, soul power, etc. It is tantamount to wishful thinking to suppress evil energy with a portrait of the Fire Chief.

Xu Yi had no intention of suppressing this place, and the spell formation was just a cover-up.

At the edge of the magic circle, where there was a small patch of black moss growing there, Xu Yi took out a rat tooth from a Latma, attached the power of darkness to his palm, and exerted force.

The rat teeth penetrated the black moss and sank into the ground.

The moment he buried the rat tooth, Xu Yi relied on the power of the evil god to keenly feel that the surrounding evil forces were drawn around the rat tooth and absorbed by the rat tooth.

Xu Yi slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

Success!Latma's rat teeth can absorb the evil spirit here and are slowly completing the baptism.

He also inserted the remaining rat teeth into the ground, because he didn't know how many divine bones were needed to repair the sacred artifact Red Lotus.

"The rat teeth absorb the evil energy here, which can be regarded as a disguised form of suppression, right?"

Xu Yi looked at his arrangement and clapped his hands with satisfaction.

The magic circle of the Necromantic Spell can attract attention, and the black moss that penetrates it will soon grow out, and then the rat teeth will be harder to find.

After Latma's divine skeleton absorbs the evil energy in it, its quality will definitely be improved to a higher level. If it is used to repair the Long Sword Red Lotus, it may not be as simple as simply restoring the sacred instrument.

The sacred remains after baptism, calcining with heavenly fire, and the knife-washing pool for living beings... After these three steps of "repairing" the sacred red lotus, he was curious about what it would look like.

Xu Yi was about to leave, but then he suddenly felt that something was missing. He patted his head and released dozens of cat souls from the toy treasure box.

Cat Soul suddenly came to a strange place and was a little panicked. After seeing Xu Yi, he calmed down.They surrounded Xu Yi and meowed, hoping that Xu Yi would take them back to the toy box.

"You eat my food and live in my house every day, so you have to play some role, right?"

Xu Yi waved away the cat soul, and at the same time drew cakes for the cat soul, "You guys keep a good watch here. If someone comes, remind me and I will find something delicious for you."

These cat souls have a special connection with Buster and can communicate with Buster.

"Remember to stay away from this basement and just keep an eye on the surrounding area."

After the instructions were given, Xu Yi returned along the original road. He walked out of the apartment door and met the young exorcist who was on guard outside.

"Mr. Xu Yi, thank you very much for your efforts. We will guard this place and no one will come in to destroy the magic circle you have worked so hard to set up."

The exorcist with a childish look came over with a smile.

Xu Yi could only pat the other party's shoulder and encourage him, "Come on! Young people, the future is yours!"

The other party not only wanted to use free labor to protect Latma's rat teeth for him, but also wanted to thank him. I am afraid that the black-hearted capitalists will cry when they see this.

Entos was still directing the deployment and control work. When he found Xu Yi coming out, he immediately came up to him, pulled Xu Yi to an unmanned corner, and lowered his voice.

Xu Yi thought that the other party would ask about the apartment, but he didn't expect that the other party's first words made him cheer up instantly.

"The latest news just came from the city hall. The whereabouts of the Gongyang cult have been discovered!"

"Where?" Xu Yi asked repeatedly.

"You'll find out when you go to the police station. Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with you." Entos looked at Xu Yi with a slightly strange look in his eyes.


Accompanied by Entos, Xu Yi arrived at the police station. The police chief had been waiting at the door and led them into a heavily guarded interrogation room.

There was only one light on in the interrogation room, shining on the prisoner across the table.Normally, the prisoners in the interrogation room are only handcuffed, but the prisoner opposite is actually wearing a straitjacket, a specially made thickened and reinforced straitjacket.

When a person is lying inside, it is difficult to even turn his head.

The anti-bite frame of the restraint blocked the other person's face. Xu Yi couldn't see the other person clearly for a while, but he just felt that the other person was familiar.

"Is this the cultist you discovered?"

Xu Yi was a little confused. If he was a cultist, he should use magic weapons and other things to restrain the other party, rather than this kind of straitjacket used to deal with beasts of nature.

The Sheriff shook his head and said, "We can't be sure yet."

Xu Yi said nothing, waiting for the other party's further explanation.

The Sheriff's Assistant took out a metal box with complex incantations engraved on the surface. Xu Yi could vaguely guess what was inside.

The metal box was opened, and inside lay a blood-stained ancient dagger. Xu Yi recognized what was inside. It was one of the cursed objects lost in the Chamber of Minos, Jack the Ripper's dagger.

"The other party was holding this dagger and preparing to commit murder, but we captured him." The police chief explained softly.

Xu Yi glanced at the police chief in confusion. When did the police in New York become so powerful?
And with the methods of the Gongyang cult, how could the person chosen by the other party to carry the cursed object be easily caught by the police?
The police chief saw Xu Yi's doubts and felt a little embarrassed on his face. He didn't dare to boast anymore and chose to tell the truth, "Actually, we only called the police after receiving the call. When we arrived at the scene of the murder, the other party had already been subdued. "

"So, this person was killed when he committed the crime? Who is so powerful?"

As soon as Xu Yi asked, a familiar figure suddenly walked in. Xu Yi recognized him instantly because he was so familiar.

"Maria? Why are you here?"

He suddenly thought of something and turned around to look toward the interrogation room. He stared at the man's face, his pupils suddenly shrinking.

He finally knew why he felt that the other person was familiar. It was because there was an anti-bite guard in the way, and he had only met the other person from a distance a few times, so he couldn't recognize the other person right away.

The other party turned out to be Maria’s father, Dan!
Everyone present was silent. Maria had kept her head lowered since she came in, her eyes were empty, and she didn’t know whether it was sadness or anger.

"When the prisoner committed the crime, he first used anesthetic to make the target unconscious. When he was moving to the autopsy table, the target suddenly woke up and subdued the prisoner." The police chief briefly introduced the process.

The last bit of luck in Xu Yi's heart was shattered. Dan wanted to disembowel her and the person he wanted to kill was Maria.

Dan was a plastic surgeon and it was very easy to get anesthesia.

Maria will be affected by anesthetics, but Alan in her body will not. With Alan's strength, even if the real Jack the Ripper is resurrected, he cannot be his opponent, let alone a fake one.

But a father actually wants to kill his daughter?

Tiger poison does not eat its seeds, Xu Yi did not expect to witness such a tragedy, and it happened to someone close to him.

Xu Yi walked towards Maria, wanting to comfort her. It would not be easy for anyone who encounters this kind of thing.

But Maria suddenly raised her head, her eyes becoming fierce.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that it was Ailan who wanted to control the body, but the next second, the fierce eyes disappeared, and Ailan was suppressed by Maria.

But Ailan was only quiet for two seconds, and immediately wanted to regain control of his body.

After repeating this several times, Ailan calmed down.

Xu Yi was a little surprised. This situation had not happened for a long time. Ailan and Maria had already discussed in private the time period when they would use their bodies.

Ailan's fierce eyes also contained deep hatred. Xu Yi knew that those eyes were not directed at him, but at Dan in the interrogation room.

What is the reason that makes Alan hate Dan so much?
Xu Yi turned to look at the interrogation room. After a moment of silence, he spoke, "Let me talk to the other party!"

(End of this chapter)

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