American exorcist god.

Chapter 155 Demonic Sense

Chapter 155 Demonic Sense
Xu Yi sat on the interrogation chair, quietly watching the figure in the light. Dan was also looking at Xu Yi with interesting eyes.

The anti-bite frame of the restraint has been removed. Xu Yi does not need this kind of protection. Removing the anti-bite frame allows for better communication.

Xu Yi saw bloodthirsty desire, regret after being arrested, and various complicated emotions in the other person's eyes, but there was no regret.

"You seem very proud?" Xu Yi broke the silence.

"Don't you think killing is an art?" Dan couldn't deny it. "The blade of the knife cuts open the chest, and the organs inside are still beating. Life is moving towards eternal silence amidst the blood and wailing!"

Xu Yi actually nodded and agreed with the other person's words, "You are right, killing is indeed an art."

He suddenly changed his voice, "But it definitely doesn't include you. This is the first time you committed a murder after getting the dagger, right? You were caught the first time. Compared with Jack the Ripper, you are really far behind... ...In my opinion, there is no difference between you and those stupid thieves who just stole into the police station and then threw themselves into the trap."

The belt on the straitjacket tightened instantly, and Dan made a forward movement. He stared at Xu Yi with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat.

For perverted murderers, questioning their ability to kill is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

Xu Yi's words were more than just rubbing salt into each other's wounds, they were simply pouring salt into their wounds.

Xu Yi didn't care at all about Dan's threatening gaze, but when he saw the other person's pupils clearly, his brows instantly furrowed.

Bloody spots appeared in Dan's pupils, like a fine rash, which was extremely oozing.

Magic thoughts!It's a demonic thought!

Xu Yi once asked Ed how to tell whether a murderer is affected by evil thoughts. Ed told him that when a murderer is angry, dots of blood will appear in his pupils.

He suddenly understood that the Gongyang cult did not randomly select hosts for cursed objects. They were specifically looking for murderers who were affected by evil thoughts?

Is there anything special about these killers?

Xu Yi doesn't know yet, but he has a hunch that demonic thoughts are definitely an important part of the Gongyang cult's plan.

Although Dan was influenced by evil thoughts and the cursed object of Jack the Ripper's dagger, he killed his daughter.

But Xu Yi didn't have the slightest sympathy for Dan.

Demonic thoughts can only affect those whose hearts are filled with the desire to kill. The first time Xu Yi saw Dan, he felt something was wrong with him.

Maria's distorted cognition was formed under Dan's long-term oppression.

"Let's talk about something lighter! I have two pictures here. Can you tell me which one is more beautiful?"

Xu Yi took out two photos and spread them out on the table. He asked the police chief to find the photos.

Dan didn't resist Xu Yi's little game. He was now a little afraid of Xu Yi poking his sore spot. Besides, lying in the tight clothes was very boring. It would be nice to have something to do to pass the time.

After examining it carefully for a moment, he gave his answer, "The photo on my left is better, full of the beauty of order."

Outside the interrogation room, everyone looked at each other, and they were also aware of Dan's problem.

The two pictures prepared by Xu Yi were both of young women. The woman on Dan's right was so charming that the police chief was a little ready to move.

As for the photo on Dan's left, the police chief only glanced at it and didn't want to see more.

Unfortunately, the woman's face in the photo was burned by fire, leaving ugly scars, but the other party actually said that the woman in the photo was full of the beauty of "order"?

Xu Yi was not surprised by Dan's choice. He had already vaguely guessed it, but now he was sure that the other party had serious cognitive biases.

What is beautiful in the eyes of ordinary people is ugly in the eyes of the other person.

That's why he has this attitude towards Maria. In the eyes of the other party, Maria is indeed an "ugly person", which is also the root cause of Maria's low self-esteem.

Ordinary people would feel disgusted when they see the bloody scene, but in Dan's opinion, it is a great work no less than the Mona Lisa, which can give him extreme pleasure.

"Do you think you can take such a wonderful work?" Xu Yi removed the normal photo, leaving only the one Dan liked and pushed it in front of Dan.

Xu Yi's brain was running wildly, and all kinds of psychological knowledge were mobilized. Every action and every word was specially designed to try to give the other party psychological hints.In order to make the psychological suggestion effect better, Xu Yi also secretly used the floral fragrance of sleeping flowers. If it is just a little floral fragrance, it will not make the other party drowsy, but will have a calming and soothing effect.

Dan's body relaxed, and the blood spots in his eyes dissipated. When he was not sick, the other party did not refuse to communicate with others.

"Of course! In my opinion, this work can only be regarded as average. If you can add a little blood element, the photo will be more beautiful." Dan said softly.

"Maybe we can make the color darker." Xu Yi nodded in agreement.

People outside looked at the interrogation room quietly through the single-sided glass, looking at each other.

Xu Yi and Dan were chatting animatedly, as if what they were seeing was not an interrogation room at the police station, but an art exchange salon.

"Artists are definitely impressed by their first work. It is even because of the guidance of the first work that they enter the palace of art. I wonder what your first work is?"

Xu Yi suddenly asked, his tone was very natural, as if he was just chatting with a friend.

"Of course! That was when I delivered my wife's baby. She was pregnant with twins. But when I took out the first child from my wife's belly, I was stunned. It was actually a deformed child! As a plastic surgeon, I I was afraid of being laughed at by others, so I strangled the child to death..."

Dan was completely immersed in his own world, and said as if no one else was watching, "But you have to know, how can a father not love his child? After strangling that child, I suddenly realized that that child was so perfect!"

Dan let out a long sigh, his eyes nostalgic, "So I buried the child in the backyard of my home, so that I can be with the child forever and mourn her all the time."

The people watching outside the door were silent, and a chill surged up from the tailbone.

Dan's tone was so soft, as if he was really a loving father mourning his daughter, but the content of his words was so creepy.

Xu Yi lowered his head and said nothing, and the interrogation room suddenly fell into silence. The sudden silence made Dan stunned for a moment. He suddenly came back to his senses and stared at Xu Yi closely, with a fierce look in his eyes, "You hypnotized me? "

"It's not hypnosis, it can only be said to be psychological suggestion!" Xu Yi shrugged.

He has a synthesis path for hypnosis, which requires the fusion of psychology and scholar entries. Unexpectedly, he can achieve similar effects now with the help of the floral fragrance of sleeping flowers.

[Psychology entry +8, current progress: 100/100]

The system prompt suddenly appeared, and a large amount of information poured into Xu Yi's mind. He closed his eyes slightly to comprehend.

In the past, his knowledge of psychology was just that he knew what it was and didn't know why. But it was different now. He understood the principle.

Sure enough, practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Unexpectedly, Xu Yi used psychological knowledge to induce Dan, and actually gained so much experience, and finally filled up the psychology entries!
At the same time, this also solved the doubts in his heart, why is Dan's aesthetics distorted?Why does Alan hate each other?

Ailan is actually Maria's twin sister. Her physical body has long since died, but for some unknown reason, her soul possesses Maria and grows up with her.

After all these years, Alan's soul has never harmed Maria because Maria is her sister.

"Where did Jack the Ripper's dagger come from?" Xu Yi asked.

Dan didn't answer anymore and remained silent, letting Xu Yi ask whatever he wanted.

The interrogation reached a deadlock at this point. At this time, there was a knock on the door of the interrogation room. The police chief gave Xu Yi a look. Xu Yi understood, got up and left.

"I found out that the newsboy took money from a mysterious man and asked him to deliver a box to Dan." The police chief lowered his voice and said.

"So, that mysterious person is a cultist of the Gongyang Church?" Xu Yi couldn't help but guess.

"It is very possible! We have discovered the other party's traces, but we did not arrest him immediately, thinking of using him to attract more cultists!"

This is a long-term plan to catch big fish!Xu Yi nodded clearly, "If there is any progress, please let me know."

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or intentional, but the Ram Cult targeted Maria’s father.

It's hard to say that the opponent won't directly target the people around Xu Yi. He prefers to take the initiative rather than passively defending.

But we still have to wait for an opportunity.

 I feel paralyzed, and in the next chapter I enter the dark room again. Am I being targeted?
(End of this chapter)

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