American exorcist god.

Chapter 157: The soul of Xixi is with William

Chapter 157: The soul of Xixi is with William
Xu Yi and Ailan stood in front of Buster Pharmaceutical Company, looking at the surging crowd, not knowing what to do next.

At this moment, a deep male voice came from behind.

"Those two in front, get out of the way!"

Xu Yi turned his head, and behind them stood a strong man nearly two meters tall, with a cold face and long, unruly hair.

The other party was carrying something behind his back, covered with a black cloth bag, and it looked like a big axe.

Could it be that Buster Company was setting off fireworks and holding banners, and finally angered the big brother in front of him, and was planning to come over and teach Buster Company a lesson?
Xu Yi subconsciously moved out of the way, and the strong man walked past them, glanced at them, and whispered, "Why are you blocking us here if you don't line up?"

Xu Yi stared blankly at the strong man standing behind the team. What the man was carrying was not a big ax at all, but a bass. "Bassist Conn" was written in red pen on the bag.

"Uncle Conn! What are you doing here?" Xu Yi suddenly became interested and asked curiously.

Although Xu Yi has become famous among high-level people in New York, he also believes that he is an awe-inspiring god who cannot be offended. In fact, many gods have gradually lost their humanity because they have been away from the crowd for too long. Xu Yi is not willing to become such a god.

Besides, it was indeed them who blocked other people's way, so it was understandable that the other party didn't give them a good look.

Kang En saw that Xu Yi had a good attitude and his expression softened. He was surprised and said, "You don't know? Of course you are here for the Huokui potion!"

"What is Huokui Potion?"

Of course Xu Yi knew what the Huokui potion was. He and William had agreed on the name. The composition of the potion was very simple, just a little bit of the original solution of the Redemption Leaf, plus a lot of nutrient solution.

He asked knowingly, just because he wanted to know the more real situation.

"Do you know about Hot Soul Disease? Huokui Potion is a special medicine for treating Hot Soul Disease." Kang En replied loudly.

"Aren't you afraid it's fake?" Xu Yi lowered his voice, looking cautious and afraid of being deceived.

"Someone has seen it with his own eyes, can it be fake? And look there!" Conn stretched out his hand and pointed to the side of the door of Buster Pharmaceutical Company, where there was a large golden sign.

"New York City Hall fully supports the release of Huokui Potion!" Xu Yi chanted in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, William found the government to endorse him so quickly. There were many factors involved in this success, including the power of the family behind William, the City Hall's eagerness to solve the fever syndrome... and of course the City Hall's trust in Xu Yi.

If the city hall knew that he was anxious to make the Fire Chief potion in order to gain faith and unlock more evil gods' powers, I don't know how he would feel.

Xu Yi took advantage of the situation and glanced around the door of the pharmaceutical company, and found that there was a sign at the door. He saw clearly the sales price of Huokui Potion on it, and his eyes widened, "3 US dollars?!"

This price is not worth mentioning to the upper class people in New York, but for ordinary people, it is a bit harsh.

His purpose is to gather the power of faith, not to make money. Wouldn't this be putting the cart before the horse?

Xu Yi's brows wrinkled involuntarily.

"Why is the price so expensive? Don't lie, Buster Company is very difficult! If you think the price is expensive, sometimes you have to look for your own reasons! Do you have a strong belief in healing your family? Have you prayed to the portrait of Huo Kui?" Conn was unhappy for a moment.

Xu Yi was dumbfounded. What had William done to make him defend Buster Company so much?

He originally thought that the other party was a special case, but when he looked around at the people around him, his eyes actually showed approval.

"Thirty-two thousand US dollars is not the final price. As long as you enter Buster Pharmaceutical Company and pray sincerely in front of the portrait of Huo Kui, the price can be reduced by half! Come back the next day and reduce it by half again! Until the third day!"

Xu Yi suddenly realized that if he insisted on coming to pray for three consecutive days to "check in", the price would be reduced to four thousand US dollars, which was indeed within the affordable range.

People around him joined in the discussion. "If your family is in difficulty, you can also ask your relatives and friends to come over and help? As long as you bring one person over, you don't need to pray all night. You only need to pray for 10 minutes, and you can save $500!"

"That's right, as long as you have enough friends and relatives, you can buy the Fire Chief Potion for as little as a symbolic $1!"

The more Xu Yi listened, the more familiar he felt. Isn't this routine just like, if it's a brother, come and chop me down... No, it's a brother who helps chop me, isn't it?
Because he was too shocked, Xu Yi's mind was confused now.

When did William realize the spirit of Pin Xixi?

After Xu Yi was shocked for a moment, he suddenly thought of something. There were only a few leaves of salvation he gave to William, and they were used for experiments.

Where did the other party get so many Huokui potions for sale?

"Butters Pharmaceuticals is simply the most conscientious company in New York. They actually pre-sold the products five days in advance!" Uncle Conn suddenly sighed.

Pre-sale only!I never expected that it would be an evil pre-sale system!
Xu Yi felt numb, good guy!William has mastered the skills of real estate developers!

Before a bottle of Huokui potion was sold, the power of faith was harvested first. No wonder he suddenly gained so much power of faith.

What shocked Xu Yi the most was that these people actually looked grateful in the face of the pre-sale system.

"What's the benefit of pre-selling? Won't it delay medical treatment?"

Amidst the praises, Xu Yi suddenly felt like a gang spirit.

"You don't know something about this. If you insist on coming here to pray for three consecutive days, there is another advantage, that is, you can get the first right to purchase the Huokui potion."

Conn explained, "The Huokui potion uses some very precious raw materials. If the raw materials are gone, the potion will be gone. The quantity is very rare."

Xu Yi thought for a moment and understood that if there was no pre-sale system, once the Huokui potion was released, it would be bought by people from the upper class in an instant.

A considerable number of people in the upper class have a very mean temperament. It is tantamount to wishful thinking to expect them to feel gratitude and admiration.

So William's initial target was these ordinary people.

Now that there is a pre-sale system, ordinary people can buy cheap medicines first. How could they not be grateful?
As for praying in front of the portrait of Huo Kui for three consecutive nights, the people thought it was absolutely fine. If there was no such restriction, how could they compete with those rich people?

So their gratitude is sincere.

"I'm really grateful to Buster Company and the Holy Beast Huokui!" Conn clasped his hands together in a prayer gesture.

"I can understand that you are grateful to Buster Company, but why should you be grateful to Huo Kui?" Xu Yi asked the doubts in his heart.

"Do you know why William, Buster's chairman, did this? During the rat plague, he almost died, and it was Huo Kui who saved him! William was inspired by Huo Kui, so he decided to express his gratitude in this way Huo Kuai, while giving back to society.”

Kang En looked at Xu Yi, "Do you think we can't thank Huo Kui? If it weren't for Huo Kui, we definitely wouldn't have this kind of treatment now!"

This story is not false when told, but after William processed it, it felt very different.

Pin Xixi cuts a knife, adds real estate pre-sale routines, and also understands the essence of Boss Lei’s storytelling. If William succeeds, who can succeed?
At the same time, he also understood the purpose of William's "local propaganda" during the day, which was to create a sense of contrast.

One second the people of New York were indignant at setting off fireworks to celebrate, but the next second after learning what Buster Company had done, how could they not be moved?

Xu Yi seemed to be able to see the scene where the power of faith was pouring into the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree. It might not take long for the fruits of faith to "ripen" and unlock the ability of the "Lair of the Evil God".

(End of this chapter)

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