American exorcist god.

Chapter 158 Tracking the Cultists

Chapter 158 Tracking the Cultists

The moonlight was dancing, and the walls of the hospital cast dark shadows on the corridor. A figure walked in the shadows, walking slowly.

Doctors and patients were coming and going in the corridor. Occasionally, some people glanced at the shadows and immediately looked back. They didn't notice anyone in the shadows at all.

The VIP ward is at the other end of the corridor, with a metal gate separating it from the general area. Special security guards are responsible for registration, and irrelevant personnel are not allowed to enter.

The security guard yawned sleepily, and the gate suddenly creaked. He cheered up instantly and looked intently, but found no one. He sat back on his stool, which must have been blown by the wind.

At the end is Lisa's ward. The door of the ward is open and the nurse has just finished examining Lisa.

Lisa sat by the hospital bed and read a book, thinking about graduating early next year and going to college as soon as possible so that she could stay with Xu Yi.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at the door, "Who is where?"

A figure walked out of the darkness beside the door, holding something in the shape of a meteor hammer in his hand.

Lisa saw the person clearly and relaxed instantly.

"Look what I brought you tonight?" Xu Yi opened the tin foil packaging of "Meteor Hammer", and the aroma of barbecue skewers wafted out.

Xu Yi watched Lisa wolfing down the food quietly, with a faint smile on her face.

Just now he was racing against time to practice sneaking in the dark.

[Dark Stealth +2, current progress: 10/100]

The difficulty for this green-level entry is getting started.

Usually, if you want to get started with this entry, you need to seal the person in a coffin and then bury him in a grave.When a person is in a claustrophobic coffin, as the oxygen gradually runs out, he will feel endless darkness and despair.

Only in this way is it possible to comprehend the secrets of darkness.

Xu Yi didn't go through this step, so he skipped it.

All of this is actually due to the power of the evil god. William privately calls him the "God of Shadows." When Xu Yi activates the power of the evil god, his body will blend into the shadows. This kind of encounter is better than being sealed in a coffin. The effect is much stronger, and the dark atmosphere can be felt more directly.

Xu Yi has long discovered that entries are not independent, and one entry may affect another entry.

As his entries gradually increase, it will be much easier to fill up those low-level entries.

For example, the "scholar" entry was full of psychology entries, so his learning goal was changed to biology, especially knowledge about cloning.

Naturally, he learned this knowledge in preparation for studying the mysterious blood stains on the glass.

There is too little blood on the glass shards. If cloning technology can be used to replicate it, then there will be an endless supply of "holy blood."

"The doctor said you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow!"

While Xu Yi was chatting with Lisa, he checked Annabelle's toy space from time to time.

Every time he sees a trace of faith floating into the space, he feels a little more happy.

I think those investors should feel this way when they see the stocks in their hands rising all the way... Of course, if they want to go to the rooftop to brag, it will be a different mood.

He has already sent the leaves of salvation to William, a total of 213 leaves.

William is so powerful, of course he cannot let go.

"It will be ripe soon!" Xu Yi looked at the fruit of faith, which was almost the size of a peach, with eager eyes.

When Lisa heard the good news that she could be discharged from the hospital, she smiled so much that her eyes narrowed. She was about to eat the barbecue in her hand when a mouth suddenly came over and snatched away the half-eaten meat.

"What are you doing?" Lisa pouted and stared at Xu Yi angrily.

The hatred for meat is irreconcilable!She must defend her barbecue!

"I haven't eaten it yet? Do you want to take it back?" Xu Yi held half a piece of meat in his mouth, put his head in front of Lisa, and asked provocatively.

Lisa instantly understood Xu Yi's bad intentions and her face turned red.

The two started fighting for a piece of meat, but Lisa won in the end, and her face turned red.

Xu Yi felt that the barbecue tasted really good, and was about to compete with Lisa for the next piece. At this moment, the "Half Brick" mobile phone he carried with him rang. "Half-brick" is compared to the previous "full-brick" mobile phone. The mobile phone he is carrying is a "portable" mobile phone that has just been developed and has not yet been mass-produced. Allente got it for him through connections. .

Xu Yi looked at his cell phone number and looked serious. It was the number used by the city hall to contact him.

"Cultists, we're taking action!" Entos' deep voice came from the other end of the phone.


Late at night, in the suburbs of New York.

On the sparsely populated road, the headlights of two cars illuminated the fir trees beside the road. The bus drove in front and the taxi followed behind. The two cars had been walking together all the way.

"Isn't it too abrupt?" Xu Yi suddenly asked.

He was not in a taxi, but on a bus. Some people think that tracking means following behind, but professional trackers all know that sometimes walking in front of the target is a better choice.

There were quite a few passengers on the bus. From the driver to the passengers, except for Xu Yi, they were all government personnel.

"Probably not! This bus has always taken this route. Although there are fewer buses at night, it is not impossible." Entos explained.

"I mean, are there too many people in the car? And most importantly, why is the whole car full of strong men, not even the old, weak, women and children?" Xu Yi asked softly.

Entos was stunned for a moment. In order not to alert the enemy and to have enough manpower, they had no choice but to make this choice. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a flaw.

"Besides, don't you think the driver drove a little too smoothly?" Xu Yi continued to ask.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, Entos's body trembled.

As someone who was born in New York City, he is very aware of the virtues of New York taxi drivers. They rely on their driving skills to drive their cars so fast that they want to fly.

There were no people on this road, so why did the other party drive so slowly?
"Perhaps I'm sleepy while driving late at night and don't dare to drive too fast?" Entos was still a little unwilling to give up.


Xu Yi didn't refute, he turned his head and looked out of the rear window of the bus.

The taxi was right behind them. Traveling at such high speed and in the dark night, it was impossible for ordinary people to see clearly what was going on inside the car.

But Xu Yi has dark pupils. He has been observing for a while. The cultist is sitting in the back seat. His legs have not moved for a long time. Even if the other person is asleep, he cannot keep his legs bent for a long time. action.

In this way, blood circulation will be blocked, and the legs will feel uncomfortable and stretch subconsciously.

Xu Yi has no hope for this tracking trip.

"Stop the car! Stop the taxi behind and arrest him directly!" After discussing with everyone for a while, Entos made up his mind.

The taxi was stopped, and when everyone saw the cultist sitting in the car, their hearts suddenly froze.

They were not cultists at all, just ordinary people dressed exactly the same.

"I don't know what happened. I was walking on the street and suddenly passed out. When I woke up, I found myself here... Mr. Police, have I been trafficked?" an ordinary person confessed.

"Why did the person suddenly change? I didn't even stop the car during the trip! As for why I drove so slowly, that person gave me double the fare and asked me to drive slower, saying he had a heart disease!" The driver did the same! Confused, not knowing what happened.

After interrogation, Entos came to Xu Yi in frustration, "We lost him! We don't even know where we lost him! The other party may have discovered us long ago!"

"What are you going to do?" Xu Yi looked out and saw the endless virgin forest under the moonlight.

"We reviewed it and thought that the other party could transfer the contract. It should be in the section of the mountain tunnel. We are going to search around that section of the road."

Entos sighed. He also knew that doing so would have little effect, but he could only do his best and obey fate.

Of course Xu Yi was unwilling to do such useless work. He was about to say goodbye and leave, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly froze and changed his tone.

"Let me help too! It happens that I have nothing to do recently."

Entos was stunned for a moment when he heard Xu Yi's answer. He was about to ask someone to send Xu Yi back, but since the other party was willing to help, of course he would not refuse.

The reason why Xu Yi changed his mind was that in the toy treasure box, the fruit of faith on the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree finally "ripened", and at the same time, the ability of the "Lair of the Evil God" was also unlocked.

(End of this chapter)

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