American exorcist god.

Chapter 159 The elements of a horror film are all in place

Chapter 159 The elements of a horror film are all in place
Xu Yi was walking alone in the virgin forest, his figure stretched very long under the moonlight.

The primeval forest at night was gloomy, but this did not hinder Xu Yi's good mood at all, and he always had a smile on his lips.

Entos mobilized more search personnel, but even if there were more people, placed in this primitive forest, it would be a drop in the bucket.

The other investigators were in a three-person team, but Xu Yi chose to go alone. Entos was a little worried at first, but Xu Yi smiled and asked, "If you encounter a danger that even I can't deal with, no matter how many people there are, there will be no danger." What’s the use?”

Entos thinks about the same truth.

Xu Yi has entered the depths of the primeval forest, which is sparsely populated and even large beasts such as bears appear. He has left the searchers far behind.

He didn't enter here to find cultists. The reason why he got rid of the searchers was of course to do his own private business.

"Just here!"

Xu Yi looked around. This was a sunken valley. At the end of the valley there was a cave washed out by a mountain stream.

It is now in a dry period, the water level is very low, the cave is dry, and dense ferns grow at the entrance of the cave, blocking the entrance, making it a perfect hiding place.

To be cautious, Xu Yi released a few cat spirits to patrol around, and placed an Annabell doll at the entrance of the cave to serve as a guard.

Xu Yi entered the cave and it was dark inside.

There are many benefits to having dark vision, such as not having to start a fire, which greatly reduces the chance of detection.

He took out a metal frame from the toy box. On the metal frame hung the evil god larvae with only its body left.

The Evil God's larvae had been dead for a long time, but its body was still alive. There was even a sticky liquid on its tentacles, like an octopus monster just fished out of the sea.

On the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree, the peach-sized fruit of faith no longer grows, but the power of faith still flows in continuously. They gather on the tree and produce a new small fruit.

Xu Yi already knows the function of the Fruit of Faith, but he is hiding here tonight, not for the Fruit of Faith, but for the newly unlocked ability, "The Nest of the Evil God".

The refining of the Evil God's Nest usually requires one's own flesh and blood, but Xu Yi only had the power of the Evil God, and his body still belonged to a human being.

If you use human flesh and blood, you can naturally refine the Evil God's Nest, but the effect will be greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that the Evil God's Nest has a quantity limit, and you can only refine eight pieces at most. Once destroyed, if you want to refine it again, you need to consume the source of the Evil God's authority, so the raw materials for refining must be carefully selected.

Originally, Xu Yi would be stuck at this stage for a long time due to raw material issues.

You must know that the flesh and blood of the evil god is not easy to find, and even if you find it, you may not dare to use it. If the evil god is not completely dead, it is very dangerous to use the opponent's flesh and blood rashly.

"You're really lucky too!" Xu Yi sighed as he stared at the body of the Evil God's larvae on the shelf.

Unexpectedly, by accident, the rare materials for refining the Evil God's Nest were obtained in advance.

Xu Yi cut his palm open and dripped blood on the Evil God's larvae. The shadow tide spread from his feet, and he activated the Evil God's authority again.

This is why you choose to enter the virgin forest alone.

Refining the Evil God's Nest requires activating the Evil God's authority, which will inevitably cause the Evil God's aura to leak out.

There are many people in the city, and even in the desolate suburbs, it is not safe. It happened that today in order to track the cultists, I came to the surrounding virgin forest. Naturally, I hid here to refine, which was safer.

You must know that the time it takes to refine the Evil God's Nest is quite long.

The light of dawn rises in the sky, dispersing the fog in the mountains and forests, and the dew on the leaves also evaporates.

"It's finally finished!"

Xu Yi dragged his tired body to the entrance of the cave. His face was pale at the moment. This was caused by excessive blood loss. There were thick dark circles under his eyes. Refining the Nest of Evil Gods was a labor-intensive task.

He played with the eight Evil God's Nests in his hand. Each one was only the size of a walnut, and seemed to be made of dry vines.

"It turns out that those giant rats were cultivated through this thing."

Xu Yi thought of the giant black rats controlled by Latma in the sewers.

The Evil God's Nest has three abilities, "Possession", "Observation", and "Intervention".

After he learned about the ability of the Evil God's Nest, he instantly understood the huge potential this ability represented.

If this ability falls into the hands of Ratma, it is simply a waste of resources!
If he were Latma, he could definitely use this ability to cultivate a terrifying army of rats instead of those giant rats with no appearance.

The Evil God's Nest has been refined, and Xu Yi was about to leave. He originally planned to return the same way, when he suddenly heard the sound of a car.

Is there anyone in this place?Is he a cultist?Xu Yi was curious and planned to take a look.Even if he wasn't a cultist, he might as well see if he could get a ride, he was already tired and didn't want to walk back.

Xu Yi climbed half the mountain and finally discovered the source of the car sound.

There is actually a small road built here. Although the road has been filled with potholes due to disrepair for many years, it is at least a cement road, otherwise it would have been occupied by weeds on both sides of the road.

There were actually quite a few people entering the forest from the trail. The first ones were two brand new Land Rovers. The next three were much more ordinary. They were small brands that I had never heard of and looked very shabby.

Xu Yi came to the side of the path, stretched out his hand and gave a thumbs up.

This was a taxi-hailing gesture he learned from Japanese comics, but he didn't know if it would work.

The Land Rover in front roared past without stopping at all. Just when Xu Yi lamented that the cartoons were all lies, the Land Rover turned back and stopped in front of him. The door opened and a man jumped out.

"Anna!" Xu Yi saw the other party clearly and was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet an acquaintance in a place like this.

Xu Yi got his wish and got into the Land Rover. Through Anna's words, he learned a lot about the situation.

Anna came here to inspect and see if it was worth developing into a scenic spot. As for the three cars behind, Anna met them by chance on the road. They were young people who came here to camp.

"Mr. Xu Yi, why are you here? How about I drive you back first!"

Anna was a little too enthusiastic, and Xu Yi almost couldn't resist it.

He remembered that when he was in the apartment, he slapped the other person hard and his attitude was not very friendly. Where did the other person's favor come from?

"No need! It's too troublesome for you to come here after a long time and run back before the inspection. After you guys finish the inspection, I can just hitch a ride back!" Xu Yi declined the other party's suggestion.

Anna and the others were inspecting the surroundings. The young people were swaying their hormones wantonly and even wanted to invite Xu Yi to join them. Under the reluctant eyes of the little girls, Xu Yi chose to refuse.

The huge tree opened its canopy, and Xu Yi spread a camping mat under the shade. The little girls forced it on him.

He lay on the camping mat and looked out at the picturesque mountains. He had to admit that the scenery here was indeed beautiful.

The breeze blew, making people feel particularly relaxed. He was so tired that he fell into a deep sleep after a while. The Annebell doll sat under the roots of the tree, its blue pupils turning slowly.

Time passed quietly.

"Anna, I feel like you have changed. You were not like this before!"

"What do I look like? Martin, I hope you can be more respectful. We have always been just ordinary colleagues and nothing has ever happened!"

"But Anna, you clearly smiled at me when we were in the cafe last week!"

"You are wrong! That's because there is a cute cat on the bookshelf in the cafe, and I smiled at the cat."

The muffled quarrel came, and Xu Yi slowly opened his eyes. The huge sunset on the horizon was about to set. He didn't expect to sleep until this time. He was really too tired.

He sat up without making any movement.

I didn't expect to hear such gossip as soon as I woke up. This is some kind of classic conversation between a licking dog and a goddess.

"Is it because of the man named Xu Yi today? Your attitude towards him is obviously abnormal!"

"So what? I like him, but what does this have to do with you!"

Xu Yi never expected that eating melons would actually reach his own home.

He scratched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed. Sure enough, it was also a worry for men to be too good.

He stood up suddenly and turned to look at the shadow of the forest, where a black figure flashed past.

The movement of getting up caught the attention of both Anna and Anna. Only then did Anna realize that there was someone behind the tree, and it was Xu Yi.

After her face blushed for a moment, she quickly adjusted and said, "Mr. Xu Yi, I just wanted to find you, but I didn't expect that the inspection came so late. I have some cakes prepared in advance in the car. Would you like some, Mr. Xu Yi?" ?”

Mark looked at Anna's shy look and felt his heart bleed.

Xu Yi did not answer immediately. He frowned and recalled the figure he saw just now. Among them, there seemed to be no such tall person.

While he was thinking, a frightened scream suddenly came from the forest, instantly breaking the tranquility of the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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