American exorcist god.

Chapter 160 The Fatal Bend

Chapter 160 The Fatal Bend
When Xu Yi arrived at the place where the screams originated, there was already a circle of people around, with sadness and fear on their young and immature faces.

The company employees who came to inspect were not much better, their faces were pale, and the female employees covered their mouths and kept retching.

Xu Yi vaguely felt something. Passing through the crowd, a bloody scene came into view.

A man and a woman hugged each other and lay in the dirt, with the woman on top and the man on the bottom. Their waists were covered with a white cloth. You can imagine the reason. The two were hiding in the grass, trying to find the wonderful enjoyment of dopamine.

Unfortunately, a spear froze all this. It was a wooden spear that penetrated the two people from top to bottom and tied them into skewers.

Xu Yi frowned. To use an ordinary wooden spear to penetrate the bodies of two people would require unparalleled strength.

The murderer is most likely not an ordinary person.

"What do we do now? Call the police?"

"Look carefully, where is the phone booth here?"

A group of young people were completely panicked and started talking at a loss.

Anna got her cell phone, but unfortunately in this remote virgin forest, there was no signal at all.

"Ugh! I told you not to come before! You just didn't listen. I want to leave now! I want to go home!" A girl in the camping group suddenly broke down and cried, shouting to leave.

Several young people looked at each other, and as one of them walked towards the car, the others followed him swarm.

"Miss Anna! What should we do?"

The bodyguard walked up to Anna, put his hand on the pistol on his waist, and looked around warily.

Anna's previous bodyguard was dismissed due to poor protection and now cleans toilets at the company headquarters.They were new bodyguards, and they were increased to two people. They didn't expect to encounter such a thing so quickly.

"Mr. Xu Yi, what do you think?"

Anna didn't answer, but asked Xu Yi next to him. He knew that Xu Yi was the "expert" in handling this kind of thing.

Mark was furious when he saw this scene. What's the use of asking this pretty boy now?You must leave immediately!
"Leave first!" Xu Yi made a decision after hesitating for a moment.

The extraordinary murderer was in the mountains and forests near the disappearance of the cultists. It is difficult not to connect the two things.

But there were so many ordinary people in front of him, which made it difficult for him to use his hands and feet.He planned to send these people away and then come back to investigate.

Martin looked at Xu Yi with even more disdain. After all, shouldn't he run away?

The convoy restarted, but the mood was completely different. When they came, they were relaxed and happy, but now they were full of fear and ran away in panic.

The setting sun has set, and the sky has completely darkened. The beautiful scenery during the day is now eerie, making people subconsciously increase the accelerator and want to escape quickly.

An old Ford was driving at the front. The young man driving the car suddenly let out a cry of surprise. Before he could react, the car lost control and slammed into the trees beside the road.

The second car also failed to escape the fate of losing control. It was also thrown off the road and almost rolled down the hillside.

The two cars that followed slammed into each other due to sudden braking. Only the car behind was luckier and stopped in time.

"What happened?" Anna sat in her seat and muttered to herself.

Xu Yi pushed open the car door and took out the Alchemy Revolver Messiah from his waist. The muscles under his clothes had begun to bulge, and his eyes were fixed on the road ahead.

The headlights illuminated something on the road. It was a slender iron thorn with black blood stains on it. The slightly rusty iron thorn was tied to the big trees on both sides of the road, forming a "speed bump" ".

The car in front had a punctured tire and was driving too fast, eventually losing control.

But what made Xu Yi nervous was not because of this. He felt the cursed breath on the iron wire thorns, which was one of the cursed objects stolen from Minos' room.

Is this the destination of the cultist?
The deformed car door was opened with difficulty, and the frightened teenagers and girls yelled at the iron thorns on the ground, but they could no longer curse quickly.

A long shadow flew out of the forest in a parabola, accurately piercing the head of one of the young men. The young man's shock was fixed on his face, and he slowly fell to the ground with unwillingness.

More and more bows and arrows were shot from the forest. Xu Yi pulled Anna who had just got out of the car and pressed him against the door of the car, using the car as a cover to avoid the bows and arrows.

A bow and arrow passed over Xu Yi's head, making a roaring sound with amazing power, directly piercing the giant tree beside the road.

Two bodyguards gathered on both sides of Anna and fired back, but it was all in vain. The forest was pitch black and they could not find the target at all. The thick ancient trees became the best cover.

Although there was a car as a cover, two unlucky guys were still unable to escape. Their bodies were pierced by sharp arrows and they fell in a pool of blood.The sound of breaking through the air suddenly disappeared, and the deadly arrows no longer flew out of the forest. Perhaps the arrows were shot out. The people who were already frightened screamed and swarmed into the forest below the road, fleeing for their lives.

"Don't run away! Don't separate! It's safest if we stay together!"

Anna shouted loudly, her words were not wrong, Anna was surrounded by two bodyguards, and most importantly, Xu Yi.

It's a pity that those people were already scared out of their wits and didn't look back.

Even if they knew that what Anna said was right, they would not stop because they all felt that they were the lucky ones who could escape.

"Anna! Run!"

In such an emergency, Martin still thought of Anna, but he just called out. When he found that Anna had no intention of leaving, he immediately turned around and ran away.

"Running so fast? Are you rushing to reincarnate?"

Xu Yi was a little speechless. These people were scattered in the mountains and forests, didn't they give the murderer a chance to defeat them?

The forest suddenly became quiet, and the eerie silence made the two bodyguards sweat. At this moment, four or five spears suddenly flew out from the forest below and headed straight for Xu Yi and the others.

The bodyguards' pupils shrank suddenly. They hid on the side of the car and were always guarding the forest above the road. Unexpectedly, those people had quietly sneaked around below them.

The spears were close at hand, about to pierce through everyone. At this moment, the purple-red air curtain opened, and Annabelle's toy box appeared, covering all the spears. The spears suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

What Xu Yi is least afraid of is this kind of ordinary long-range weapon. Even if a small team of soldiers shoots at him continuously, they can't hurt him at all.

The two bodyguards were still frightened, and then they made an astonishing move. They actually abandoned Anna, who they wanted to protect, and jumped into the car together.

The car didn't turn off, so they stepped on the accelerator. Like an angry bull, the Land Rover hit the car in front and fled towards the mountain forest.

After the tires of ordinary cars are punctured, they can no longer drive, but the tires of their cars are specially made. Even if the tires are punctured, they can still travel a long distance.

"It seems that the security guards you are looking for are not very reliable!" Xu Yi looked at Anna and teased, but his attention was always on the front.

Perhaps realizing that the spear could not hurt him, the murderer hiding in the forest finally came out.

Xu Yi frowned and looked at the person who came. He was not sure whether he could be called a human. His skin was rotten, his hands and feet were very long, like a gibbon, and his pupils were covered with blood-colored spots.

"This is a mountain man!" Anna suddenly said in surprise.

Before Xu Yi asked, Anna took the initiative to explain, "Before I came here, I heard a legend that there was a tribe living in this primitive forest. Because they were married to incest, each of them was a deformed person and mentally abnormal. .”

The deformed man rushed towards Xu Yi with a machete at an alarming speed. The veins on his arms popped out. You can imagine how powerful this knife was.

"Be careful!" Anna shouted angrily.

But as soon as her voice hit the ground, two gunshots rang out, and the deformed man suddenly fell to the ground, struggling to get up but couldn't.

The two leg joints of the deformed man were shattered. Xu Yi looked at the deformed man in front of him calmly. Under the super dynamic vision, the opponent's speed was nothing more than a turtle crawling for him.

He scanned the forest below and found no other deformed people.

It is possible that the other party saw that there were only four of them, leaving one deformed person was enough to deal with them, while the other deformed people went to hunt down the escaping people.

Xu Yi originally wanted to kill the other party directly, but when things came to pass, he changed his mind.

He walked slowly towards the deformed man and fired two more shots at the same time, destroying the other man's hands and kicking the machete from his hand.

"I have a fun game here, do you want to play it?" Xu Yi squatted down in front of the deformed man, completely ignoring the killing intent in his scarlet pupils, and said softly.

The deformed man suddenly burst into flames, his hands and feet were crippled, and he was able to fly into the air with just the strength of his waist and abdomen.

He opened his mouth and bit at Xu Yi, his yellowed teeth extremely sharp.

Xu Yi had no expression on his face and grabbed the deformed man's neck. The force of his palms almost crushed the deformed man's neck bones.

The deformed man met Xu Yi's cold eyes and shuddered. He suddenly couldn't tell whether he was a murderer or the person in front of him was a murderer.

Xu Yi had a smile on his face that made the deformed man frightened. He pinched the deformed man's mouth open and stuffed two things into his mouth. They were the soul jade and the newly refined Evil God's Nest.

(End of this chapter)

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