American exorcist god.

Chapter 161 The skills needed by those behind the scenes

Chapter 161 The skills needed by those behind the scenes
Xu Yi casually threw the deformed man aside, like shaking off a ball of unnecessary rags.

If he has to deal with this kind of murderer carefully, then what's the point of becoming stronger?
Anna looked at Xu Yi blankly. The murderer, who was horrified by others when they saw it, actually looked like a paper toy that could be crushed under his feet in Xu Yi's hands!

"Miss Anna, can you do me a favor!"

Xu Yi untied the thorn iron lock wrapped around the tree, picked up the discarded briefcase, stuffed the iron thorn lock into it, and closed the box.

"I can promise you, but you have to promise me a condition first." Anna replied softly.

"If you don't want to listen first, what kind of help am I asking you to do?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

Ana shook her head, "It doesn't matter, as long as you agree to my conditions, I will help you!"

"Tell me about it?" Xu Yi looked at the other party with interest.

"Can you please stop calling me Miss Anna? You can just call me by my name, Anna."

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment and looked into Anna's eyes quietly, "This is not fair to you. If you help me, you may die."

"It doesn't matter! You saved my life too. If you really feel sorry for yourself, just treat me to a meal...if I'm still alive!" Anna walked to Xu Yi with a calm expression.

Xu Yi looked at the other person quietly for two seconds, "In that case, I beg you to take the contents out of the box and hand them over to the New York Police Department, no matter who you are."

Anna took the briefcase containing the cursed object and nodded solemnly.

"This portrait is for your self-defense." Xu Yi handed over a portrait of Huo Kui.

He took off the Annabell doll from his waist and tied it around the other person's waist. "This is my lucky doll. His name is Annabelle and your name is Anna. I hope it can protect you!"

The Land Rover started slowly, and Xu Yi watched Anna leave with the cursed object, his eyes gradually becoming deeper.

The bait has been cast, but it depends on whether the fish will take the bait?

Xu Yi hid in the bushes and activated his shadow sneaking ability.

His heartbeat gradually dropped and became inaudible, his breathing almost disappeared, and his body seemed to merge with the darkness.

The limbs of the deformed murderer were crippled, and he could only roll in pain on the ground. The soul jade had already begun to take effect in the opponent's body.

Boiling heat suddenly surged into Xu Yi's eyes, and another picture appeared in front of him. This feeling was similar to the eye of symbiosis.

But this time it is not sharing the vision with Annabelle, but the nest of evil gods in the body of a deformed person.

The Evil God's Nest entered the body of the deformed man, and the "withered vines" that made up the Evil God's Nest suddenly stretched out, like a sponge that had absorbed enough water, and turned into living tentacles again.

Those tentacles will not harm the deformed person, they split into countless tiny tentacles, like a net covering the internal organs of the deformed person, and penetrate into every corner of the cells.

The first stage of the Evil God's Nest, "Possession" is completed.

The scene in front of Xu Yi changed again. It was a three-dimensional structure diagram of a deformed person's body. It was as if God left a drawing when he created the deformed person, and now that drawing was directly presented in front of his eyes.

The flow of blood, the direction of bones, the wriggling organs in flesh and blood...

"Any medical instrument is useless in front of the 'observation' function of the Evil God's Lair!" Xu Yi exclaimed.

Through the Evil God's Nest, he can observe every part of the deformed person's body in detail, and most importantly... he can also observe the soul.

The soul of a freak is a black and red smoke.

Black usually represents depravity, red represents the desire to kill, and white, which represents reason and conscience, only occupies a small part of the soul of a deformed person.

Xu Yi saw the working process of soul jade for the first time.The colorful soul jade rays of light surge towards the soul of the deformed man, and the rays of light suddenly fly away. Each ray of light represents a possibility of mutation, among which the black ray of light is the most numerous.

Only then did Xu Yi remember to activate the "intervention" function of the Evil God's Nest to affect the direction of mutation.

But because it was the first time to use the Evil God's Nest, I was not very proficient. I was immersed in the power of the observation function just now, and it was already too late to react.

The colorful rays of light emitted by Soul Jade were like fireworks, dissipating in an instant, leaving only a little black light that blended into the depths of the soul.

The light is like a small drop of dye. It falls into the soul of the deformed person and changes color instantly. Finally, the little bit of white that represents reason completely disappears.

The freaks have become pure murderous beasts.

A slightly thin, deformed man appeared from the forest, carrying a person on his back and another in his hand. This was a female murderer who had returned from "hunting".

She found the "poor creature" rolling on the ground, dropped the prey in her hands, and hurried away.

The joints of the "poor creature's" limbs had been destroyed, but fine black scales spread up the body and accumulated at the joints. The broken bones were filled in, and he regained the ability to move.

The "poor creature" picked up the bow and arrow scattered beside him, stood up suddenly, his pupils were completely covered in blood, and the bow and arrow in his hand turned into a spear, and he stabbed the female deformity fiercely.

The female deformed person's head was pierced, and the poor man was her "husband", so she was defenseless. With confusion and resentment, she slowly fell down.

Half of the poor creature's body was already covered in black scales. Xu Yi was secretly shocked. This was the first time he had seen such a fast demonization.

The deformed man named "Poor Man" looked around, finally turned his head and walked towards the forest.

He wants to "go home"!
The poor guy didn't want to hide home and cry because he was so ravaged. His actions were the result of Xu Yi's hints.

The "intervention" ability of the Evil God's Nest can not only interfere with the direction of mutation, but also interfere with the actions of the possessed person.

This "intervention" occurs through suggestion, and the possessed person does not even feel this intervention.

It's like a magician performing a guessing game, asking you to choose a number and write it on a piece of paper. Countless numbers are flashing through your mind at this moment, but suddenly a certain number becomes particularly prominent.

You made a thought and chose this number.

And this number is actually the result of the hint.

If suggestion were present all the time, it would be equivalent to eternal hypnosis.

"Intervention suggestion" has a remarkable effect on ordinary people, let alone the poor guy in front of you.

Demonization makes the deformed man completely lose his mind. On the surface, he looks like a vicious and violent murderer, but in fact he is a puppet in Xu Yi's hands.

With the help of "Soul Jade" and "Lair of Evil Gods", Xu Yi finally achieved control over supernatural monsters!
Although this kind of control has great flaws, the Soul Jade can only work on humans, and the Evil God's Nest is also rare in number, with only eight.

But at least it gave him hope, and there might be opportunities for improvement in the future.

The demonized deformed people we control now may not be worth mentioning, but what if Jason, the boy from Crystal Lake, could be able to control even more powerful monsters in the future?
The poor guy was walking in the forest very fast. Xu Yi followed him from a distance. After a while, he saw a house.

That should be the place where the forest rangers lived before. The house is very dilapidated, and the outside is full of traces of iron repairs.

A large number of cars were parked around the house and dismantled into various parts. The raw materials for the ogre's weapons came from this.

The shadowy deformed people gathered towards the house. Everyone's face was filled with the joy of the harvest, either carrying fresh "prey" on their shoulders or in their hands. Xu Yi also saw Mark inside.

(End of this chapter)

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