American exorcist god.

Chapter 162 Nightmare Transformation

Chapter 162 Nightmare Transformation
Mark shivered suddenly and woke up slowly. He was still a little confused. It wasn't until he saw the terrifying deformed people around him that he suddenly woke up.

"Don't! Don't kill me!"

As soon as Mark finished speaking, he was thrown into a metal bucket filled with water. Flames burned at the bottom of the bucket, and the water in the bucket was slowly heated.

"What...what are you going to do?" Mark suddenly had a bad feeling and shouted at the top of his lungs.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him. Some deformed people were cleaning the big iron pot, and some deformed people were polishing butcher knives. The flickering light illuminated the leftover bones on the dining table. Mark recognized them at a glance. They were human skulls. .

Huge fear enveloped Mark, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

More and more deformed people entered the room. The corner of the room was their "food storage place". They threw their prey there casually, and the humans were stacked into hills like livestock.

Some people were dead with their heads chopped off, and some were still alive, squirming in fear, trying to escape from this hell.

Mark looked around, trying to find that familiar figure, but there was no one. He looked over and over again, but he didn't find Anna or that annoying pretty face.

All the freaks are back, and they gather at the door to chat, and although the meaning of the words is unclear, their excitement can be felt.

Mark's face was filled with regret. The people who escaped with him were all captured. He should listen to Anna's advice!
In the midst of endless fear and regret, an evil thought suddenly came to mind.

"Maybe Anna didn't escape, but was killed directly outside!"

Mark himself was shocked and didn't understand why he had such an idea?

But once an idea is born, it is like a grass seed that takes root and quickly grows into a wild weed.

"Yes! That must be the case! Why were we all captured and only Anna and that pretty boy are still alive?"

Mark felt the shadow of death and no longer suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart, trying to comfort himself through this thought.

The water was getting hotter and hotter, and Mark was squirming in pain. Unfortunately, his legs had been broken and his hands were tied, and struggling would only make him more painful.

At this time, an incredible figure appeared in his field of vision.

As the light flickered, a silhouette of a person appeared in the shadow of the corner of the door, looming. Mark thought he was about to die and had a hallucination.

He stared straight at it and finally confirmed that it was not an illusion. There was really someone standing there, and it was actually the pretty boy named Xu Yi.

Xu Yi felt Mark's gaze and was slightly startled.

Sure enough, he was just getting started with shadow sneaking, and his flaw was discovered because of the change of light and shadow of a lamp.

Fortunately, the person who discovered him was Mark and not a room full of deformed people, so there was no need to worry too much.

But Mark's next move left him completely confused. Could it be that the other person had been boiled in water for too long and his brain was damaged?

"There's someone! There's someone at the door! Catch him quickly!" Mark roared loudly.

For Mark, seeing Xu Yi safe and still looking at him "arrogantly" was even more uncomfortable than killing him!
The deformed man sharpening the knife casually glanced at the corner without noticing it. He stood up, raised the butcher knife in his hand, and cut off Mark's neck with a clean cut, and blood spilled into the water.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yi shook his head.

There was a chance that Mark would survive. As long as he persisted for a moment, "reinforcements" would arrive.


The deformed people gathered at the door suddenly stopped communicating and looked out with doubts on their faces. A "family member" staggered towards them, covered with black scales.

A deformed man stood out from the crowd. He was taller than the other deformed men, with a height of two and three meters, and his strong body was like a beast.

The most peculiar thing is his eyes. The left eye is white, but the right eye is black.

Because of incest, the deformities are not surprising, but most of them are physical mutations. This is the first time such black and white pupils have appeared.

The deformed man with heterochromatic eyes seemed to be the "chief" of this tribe. He walked towards the tribe covered with black scales and roared loudly. It sounded like a wild beast, but it was a language unique to them.

The black-scaled deformed man rushed towards the "patriarch" without saying a word, and the sharp machete in his hand pierced the patriarch's heart.

Xu Yi secretly saw this scene and secretly admired that he was indeed a born killer. Even though he was affected by the soul jade and completely lost his mind, his ferocious killing skills were still retained in his muscle memory. The "usurpation" happened, and the deformed people were stunned. After a moment, they roared, picked up the weapons at hand, and rushed towards the demonized deformed people.

The demonized deformed man seemed unafraid in the face of the siege, roaring and charging towards the crowd.After becoming demonized, his strength became stronger, and his strong black scales could resist the slashing of weapons.

There was a commotion everywhere. The "Clan Leader" pressed the wound on his chest and staggered towards the house, trying to find herbs to treat the injury.

Although the deformed man has a bad brain, he has lived in this forest for a long time and has learned to use herbs to heal his injuries.

Xu Yi looked at the "Clan Leader" quietly. An ordinary person should have died long ago after suffering such serious injuries, but as a deformed person with an unusual physique, he was still able to move.

But obviously the strong physique of deformed people is obtained in exchange for IQ.

The "patriarch" was seriously injured, but no one came to take a look. They all swarmed towards the demonized man.

But this situation is extremely beneficial to Xu Yi.

As soon as the patriarch crossed the threshold, a dagger suddenly appeared from the darkness, and his spleen was pierced.

Xu Yi pulled out the dagger to let the blood flow faster.

Although the deformed person has mutated, his body structure is almost the same as that of ordinary people. After his spleen is pierced, he will become weak and then die helplessly.

Xu Yi had no intention of killing the opponent immediately, otherwise he would have aimed at the opponent's head instead of his spleen.

He threw himself at the deformed man, seemingly as a last-ditch attack, but in reality he was using his body's cover to feed the Soul Jade and the Evil God's Nest into the opponent's mouth.

Simply killing these deformed people would be too cheap for them. These deformed people have become his experimental materials.

The deformed man with two-colored eyes was writhing in pain on the ground, and the soul jade began to take effect.

In the deformed man's soul world, the colorful light of the soul jade exploded and scattered like meteors.

Xu Yi was well prepared and activated the intervention ability of the Evil God's Nest in advance.

Among those scattered rays of light, one of them is white, which is the light that represents "physical sublimation".

An invisible force acts on the white light, trying to let the light enter the depths of the soul of the deformed person instead of dying on the surface.

But unfortunately, the white light dissipated the moment it came into contact with the soul of the deformed person.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple!" Xu Yi sighed.

The success rate is very mysterious. Even with the intervention of the Evil God's Nest, it can only be slightly improved on the original basis.

The light of the soul jade fell on the souls of the deformed people, and they all dissipated, without any light entering the depths of the soul.

Could it be that the soul jade has expired?Xu Yi was stunned. This was the first time he had seen this situation.

His pupils suddenly shrank into points.

The tall, deformed man suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were neither demonic black nor fleshly white, but despairing gray.

The aura of terror rose from the body of the deformed man, full of twisted meaning.

Xu Yi suddenly took a few steps back and hid in the dark shadows.

He suddenly understood that it was not that there was no light working, but that the light was too weak, so weak that it could not be observed even with the Evil God's Nest.

In people with heterochromatic pupils, the mutation caused by the soul jade is extremely rare.

Xu Yi subconsciously opened the system panel and looked through all the possible variations of the soul jade entries, but couldn't find anything that matched what he saw.

Just when he was about to shut down the system, a bright red "Nightmare" appeared at the end of the Soul Jade entry.

Xu Yi's eyes widened. The situation was even rarer than he thought. The system actually "printed" a mutation effect for this!
(End of this chapter)

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